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CuxCo1-xFe2O4 (x = 0.33, 0.67, 1) Spinel Ferrite Nanoparticles Based Thermoplastic Polyurethane Nanocomposites with Reduced Graphene Oxide for Highly Efficient Electromagnetic Interference Shielding

2022-2-26, Anju, Yadav, Raghvendra Singh, Pötschke, Petra, Pionteck, Jürgen, Krause, Beate, Kuřitka, Ivo, Vilčáková, Jarmila, Škoda, David, Urbánek, Pavel, Machovský, Michal, Masař, Milan, Urbánek, Michal

CuxCo1-x Fe2O4 (x = 0.33,0.67,1)-reduced graphene oxide (rGO)-thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) nanocomposites exhibiting highly efficient electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding were prepared by a melt-mixing approach using a microcompounder. Spinel ferrite Cu0.33Co0.67Fe2O4 (Cu-CoF1), Cu0.67Co0.33Fe2O4 (CuCoF2) and CuFe2O4 (CuF3) nanoparticles were synthesized using the sonochemical method. The CuCoF1 and CuCoF2 exhibited typical ferromagnetic features, whereas CuF3 displayed superparamagnetic characteristics. The maximum value of EMI total shielding effectiveness (SEt) was noticed to be 42.9 dB, 46.2 dB, and 58.8 dB for CuCoF1-rGO-TPU, CuCoF2-rGO-TPU, and CuF3-rGO-TPU nanocomposites, respectively, at a thickness of 1 mm. The highly efficient EMI shielding performance was attributed to the good impedance matching, conductive, dielectric, and magnetic loss. The demonstrated nanocomposites are promising candidates for a lightweight, flexible, and highly efficient EMI shielding material.

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Revealing the Chemical Composition of Birch Pollen Grains by Raman Spectroscopic Imaging

2022, Stiebing, Clara, Post, Nele, Schindler, Claudia, Göhrig, Bianca, Lux, Harald, Popp, Jürgen, Heutelbeck, Astrid, Schie, Iwan W.

The investigation of the biochemical composition of pollen grains is of the utmost interest for several environmental aspects, such as their allergenic potential and their changes in growth conditions due to climatic factors. In order to fully understand the composition of pollen grains, not only is an in-depth analysis of their molecular components necessary but also spatial information of, e.g., the thickness of the outer shell, should be recorded. However, there is a lack of studies using molecular imaging methods for a spatially resolved biochemical composition on a single-grain level. In this study, Raman spectroscopy was implemented as an analytical tool to investigate birch pollen by imaging single pollen grains and analyzing their spectral profiles. The imaging modality allowed us to reveal the layered structure of pollen grains based on the biochemical information of the recorded Raman spectra. Seven different birch pollen species collected at two different locations in Germany were investigated and compared. Using chemometric algorithms such as hierarchical cluster analysis and multiple-curve resolution, several components of the grain wall, such as sporopollenin, as well as the inner core presenting high starch concentrations, were identified and quantified. Differences in the concentrations of, e.g., sporopollenin, lipids and proteins in the pollen species at the two different collection sites were found, and are discussed in connection with germination and other growth processes.

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Synergistic In Vitro Anticancer Toxicity of Pulsed Electric Fields and Glutathione

2022, Wolff, Christina M., Bekeschus, Sander

Despite continuous advancement in skin cancer therapy, the disease is still fatal in many patients, demonstrating the need to improve existing therapies, such as electrochemotherapy (ECT). ECT can be applied in the palliative or curative setting and is based on the application of pulsed electric fields (PEF), which by themselves exerts none to low cancer toxicity but become potently toxic when combined with low-dosed chemotherapeutics such as bleomycin and cisplatin. Albeit their favorable side-effect profiles, not all patients respond to standard ECT, and some responders experience tumor recurrence. To identify potential adjuvant or alternative agents to standard electrochemotherapy, we explored the possibility of combining PEF with a physiological compound, glutathione (GSH), to amplify anticancer toxicity. GSH is an endogenous antioxidant and is available as a dietary supplement. Surprisingly, neither GSH nor PEF mono treatment but GSH + PEF combination treatment exerted strong cytotoxic effects and declined metabolic activity in four skin cancer cell lines in vitro. The potential applicability to other tumor cells was verified by corroborating results in two leukemia cell lines. Strikingly, GSH + PEF treatment did not immediately increase intracellular GSH levels, while levels 24 h following treatment were enhanced. Similar tendencies were made for intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels, while extracellular ROS increased following combination treatment. ROS levels and the degree of cytotoxicity could be partially reversed by pre-incubating cells with the NADPH-oxidase (NOX) inhibitor diphenyleneiodonium (DPI) and the H2O2-degrading enzyme catalase. Collectively, our findings suggest a promising new “endogenous” drug to be combined with PEF for future anticancer research approaches.

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Insight into the Impact of Oxidative Stress on the Barrier Properties of Lipid Bilayer Models

2022, Nasri, Zahra, Ahmadi, Mohsen, Striesow, Johanna, Ravandeh, Mehdi, von Woedtke, Thomas, Wende, Kristian

As a new field of oxidative stress-based therapy, cold physical plasma is a promising tool for several biomedical applications due to its potential to create a broad diversity of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS). Although proposed, the impact of plasma-derived RONS on the cell membrane lipids and properties is not fully understood. For this purpose, the changes in the lipid bilayer functionality under oxidative stress generated by an argon plasma jet (kINPen) were investigated by electrochemical techniques. In addition, liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry was employed to analyze the plasma-induced modifications on the model lipids. Various asymmetric bilayers mimicking the structure and properties of the erythrocyte cell membrane were transferred onto a gold electrode surface by Langmuir-Blodgett/Langmuir-Schaefer deposition techniques. A strong impact of cholesterol on membrane permeabilization by plasma-derived species was revealed. Moreover, the maintenance of the barrier properties is influenced by the chemical composition of the head group. Mainly the head group size and its hydrogen bonding capacities are relevant, and phosphatidylcholines are significantly more susceptible than phosphatidylserines and other lipid classes, underlining the high relevance of this lipid class in membrane dynamics and cell physiology.

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Spiropyran/Merocyanine Amphiphile in Various Solvents: A Joint Experimental–Theoretical Approach to Photophysical Properties and Self-Assembly

2022, Savchenko, Vladyslav, Lomadze, Nino, Santer, Svetlana, Guskova, Olga

This joint experimental-theoretical work focuses on molecular and photophysical properties of the spiropyran-containing amphiphilic molecule in organic and aqueous solutions. Being dissolved in tested organic solvents, the system demonstrates positive photochromism, i.e., upon UV stimulus the colorless spiropyran form is transformed into colorful merocyanine isomer. However, the aqueous solution of the amphiphile possesses a negative photochromism: the orange-red merocyanine form becomes thermodynamically more stable in water, and both UV and vis stimuli lead to the partial or complete photobleaching of the solution. The explanation of this phenomenon is given on the basis of density functional theory calculations and classical modeling including thermodynamic integration. The simulations reveal that stabilization of merocyanine in water proceeds with the energy of ca. 70 kJ mol−1, and that the Helmholtz free energy of hydration of merocyanine form is 100 kJ mol−1 lower as compared to the behavior of SP isomer in water. The explanation of such a difference lies in the molecular properties of the merocyanine: after ring-opening reaction this molecule transforms into a zwitterionic form, as evidenced by the electrostatic potential plotted around the opened form. The presence of three charged groups on the periphery of a flat conjugated backbone stimulates the self-assembly of merocyanine molecules in water, ending up with the formation of elongated associates with stack-like building blocks, as shown in molecular dynamics simulations of the aqueous solution with the concentration above critical micelle concentration. Our quantitative evaluation of the hydrophilicity switching in spiropyran/merocyanine containing surfactants may prompt the search for new systems, including colloidal and polymeric ones, aiming at remote tuning of their morphology, which could give new promising shapes and patterns for the needs of modern nanotechnology.

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Periodic Exposure of Plasma-Activated Medium Alters Fibroblast Cellular Homoeostasis

2022, Bhartiya, Pradeep, Kaushik, Neha, Nguyen, Linh N., Bekeschus, Sander, Masur, Kai, Weltmann, Klaus-Dieter, Kaushik, Nagendra Kumar, Choi, Eun Ha

Excess amounts of redox stress and failure to regulate homeostatic levels of reactive species are associated with several skin pathophysiologic conditions. Nonmalignant cells are assumed to cope better with higher reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) levels. However, the effect of periodic stress on this balance has not been investigated in fibroblasts in the field of plasma medicine. In this study, we aimed to investigate intrinsic changes with respect to cellular proliferation, cell cycle, and ability to neutralize the redox stress inside fibroblast cells following periodic redox stress in vitro. Soft jet plasma with air as feeding gas was used to generate plasma-activated medium (PAM) for inducing redox stress conditions. We assessed cellular viability, energetics, and cell cycle machinery under oxidative stress conditions at weeks 3, 6, 9, and 12. Fibroblasts retained their usual physiological properties until 6 weeks. Fibroblasts failed to overcome the redox stress induced by periodic PAM exposure after 6 weeks, indicating its threshold potential. Periodic stress above the threshold level led to alterations in fibroblast cellular processes. These include consistent increases in apoptosis, while RONS accumulation and cell cycle arrest were observed at the final stages. Currently, the use of NTP in clinical settings is limited due to a lack of knowledge about fibroblasts’ behavior in wound healing, scar formation, and other fibrotic disorders. Understanding fibroblasts’ physiology could help to utilize nonthermal plasma in redox-related skin diseases. Furthermore, these results provide new information about the threshold capacity of fibroblasts and an insight into the adaptation mechanism against periodic oxidative stress conditions in fibroblasts.

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Sequence Analysis of Novel Staphylococcus aureus Lineages from Wild and Captive Macaques

2022, Monecke, Stefan, Roberts, Marilyn C., Braun, Sascha D., Diezel, Celia, Müller, Elke, Reinicke, Martin, Linde, Jörg, Joshi, Prabhu Raj, Paudel, Saroj, Acharya, Mahesh, Chalise, Mukesh K., Feßler, Andrea T., Hotzel, Helmut, Khanal, Laxman, Koju, Narayan P., Schwarz, Stefan, Kyes, Randall C., Ehricht, Ralf

Staphylococcus aureus is a widespread and common opportunistic bacterium that can colonise or infect humans as well as a wide range of animals. There are a few studies of both methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) and methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) isolated from monkeys, apes, and lemurs, indicating a presence of a number of poorly or unknown lineages of the pathogen. In order to obtain insight into staphylococcal diversity, we sequenced strains from wild and captive individuals of three macaque species (Macaca mulatta, M. assamensis, and M. sylvanus) using Nanopore and Illumina technologies. These strains were previously identified by microarray as poorly or unknown strains. Isolates of novel lineages ST4168, ST7687, ST7688, ST7689, ST7690, ST7691, ST7692, ST7693, ST7694, ST7695, ST7745, ST7746, ST7747, ST7748, ST7749, ST7750, ST7751, ST7752, ST7753, and ST7754 were sequenced and characterised for the first time. In addition, isolates belonging to ST2990, a lineage also observed in humans, and ST3268, a MRSA strain already known from macaques, were also included into the study. Mobile genetic elements, genomic islands, and carriage of prophages were analysed. There was no evidence for novel host-specific virulence factors. However, a conspicuously high rate of carriage of a pathogenicity island harbouring edinB and etD2/etE as well as a higher number of repeat units within the gene sasG (encoding an adhesion factor) than in human isolates were observed. None of the strains harboured the genes encoding Panton–Valentine leukocidin. In conclusion, wildlife including macaques may harbour an unappreciated diversity of S. aureus lineages that may be of clinical relevance for humans, livestock, or for wildlife conservation, given the declining state of many wildlife populations.

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Functional Delineation of a Protein–Membrane Interaction Hotspot Site on the HIV-1 Neutralizing Antibody 10E8

2022, Insausti, Sara, Garcia-Porras, Miguel, Torralba, Johana, Morillo, Izaskun, Ramos-Caballero, Ander, de la Arada, Igor, Apellaniz, Beatriz, Caaveiro, Jose M. M., Carravilla, Pablo, Eggeling, Christian, Rujas, Edurne, Nieva, Jose L.

Antibody engagement with the membrane-proximal external region (MPER) of the envelope glycoprotein (Env) of HIV-1 constitutes a distinctive molecular recognition phenomenon, the full appreciation of which is crucial for understanding the mechanisms that underlie the broad neutralization of the virus. Recognition of the HIV-1 Env antigen seems to depend on two specific features developed by antibodies with MPER specificity: (i) a large cavity at the antigen-binding site that holds the epitope amphipathic helix; and (ii) a membrane-accommodating Fab surface that engages with viral phospholipids. Thus, besides the main Fab–peptide interaction, molecular recognition of MPER depends on semi-specific (electrostatic and hydrophobic) interactions with membranes and, reportedly, on specific binding to the phospholipid head groups. Here, based on available cryo-EM structures of Fab–Env complexes of the anti-MPER antibody 10E8, we sought to delineate the functional antibody–membrane interface using as the defining criterion the neutralization potency and binding affinity improvements induced by Arg substitutions. This rational, Arg-based mutagenesis strategy revealed the position-dependent contribution of electrostatic interactions upon inclusion of Arg-s at the CDR1, CDR2 or FR3 of the Fab light chain. Moreover, the contribution of the most effective Arg-s increased the potency enhancement induced by inclusion of a hydrophobic-at-interface Phe at position 100c of the heavy chain CDR3. In combination, the potency and affinity improvements by Arg residues delineated a protein–membrane interaction site, whose surface and position support a possible mechanism of action for 10E8-induced neutralization. Functional delineation of membrane-interacting patches could open new lines of research to optimize antibodies of therapeutic interest that target integral membrane epitopes.

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Biocompatible Gas Plasma Treatment Affects Secretion Profiles but Not Osteogenic Differentiation in Patient-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells

2022, Fischer, Maximilian, Schoon, Janosch, Freund, Eric, Miebach, Lea, Weltmann, Klaus-Dieter, Bekeschus, Sander, Wassilew, Georgi I.

Cold physical plasma (CPP), a partially ionized gas that simultaneously generates reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, is suggested to provide advantages in regenerative medicine. Intraoperative CPP therapy targeting pathologies related to diminished bone quality could be promising in orthopedic surgery. Assessment of a clinically approved plasma jet regarding cellular effects on primary bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells (hBM-MSCs) from relevant arthroplasty patient cohorts is needed to establish CPP-based therapeutic approaches for bone regeneration. Thus, the aim of this study was to derive biocompatible doses of CPP and subsequent evaluation of human primary hBM-MSCs’ osteogenic and immunomodulatory potential. Metabolic activity and cell proliferation were affected in a treatment-time-dependent manner. Morphometric high content imaging analyses revealed a decline in mitochondria and nuclei content and increased cytoskeletal compactness following CPP exposure. Employing a nontoxic exposure regime, investigation on osteogenic differentiation did not enhance osteogenic capacity of hBM-MSCs. Multiplex analysis of major hBM-MSC cytokines, chemokines and growth factors revealed an anti-inflammatory, promatrix-assembling and osteoclast-regulating secretion profile following CPP treatment and osteogenic stimulus. This study can be noted as the first in vitro study addressing the influence of CPP on hBM-MSCs from individual donors of an arthroplasty clientele.