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Melt Electrowriting of Graded Porous Scaffolds to Mimic the Matrix Structure of the Human Trabecular Meshwork

2022, Włodarczyk-Biegun, Małgorzata K., Villiou, Maria, Koch, Marcus, Muth, Christina, Wang, Peixi, Ott, Jenna, del Campo, Aranzazu

The permeability of the human trabecular meshwork (HTM) regulates eye pressure via a porosity gradient across its thickness modulated by stacked layers of matrix fibrils and cells. Changes in HTM porosity are associated with increases in intraocular pressure and the progress of diseases such as glaucoma. Engineered HTMs could help to understand the structure-function relation in natural tissues and lead to new regenerative solutions. Here, melt electrowriting (MEW) is explored as a biofabrication technique to produce fibrillar, porous scaffolds that mimic the multilayer, gradient structure of native HTM. Poly(caprolactone) constructs with a height of 125-500 μm and fiber diameters of 10-12 μm are printed. Scaffolds with a tensile modulus between 5.6 and 13 MPa and a static compression modulus in the range of 6-360 kPa are obtained by varying the scaffold design, that is, the density and orientation of the fibers and number of stacked layers. Primary HTM cells attach to the scaffolds, proliferate, and form a confluent layer within 8-14 days, depending on the scaffold design. High cell viability and cell morphology close to that in the native tissue are observed. The present work demonstrates the utility of MEW for reconstructing complex morphological features of natural tissues.

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Revealing the co-action of viscous and multistability hysteresis in an adhesive, nominally flat punch: A combined numerical and experimental study

2022, Christian Müller, Manar Samri, René Hensel, Eduard Arzt, Martin H. Müser

Viscoelasticity is well known to cause a significant hysteresis of crack closure and opening when an elastomer is brought in and out of contact with a flat, rigid counterface. In contrast, the idea that adhesive hysteresis can also result under quasi-static driving due to small-scale, elastic multistability is relatively new. Here, we study a system in which both mechanisms act concurrently. Specifically, we compare the simulated and experimentally measured time evolution of the interfacial force and the real contact area between a soft elastomer and a rigid, flat punch, to which small-scale, single-sinusoidal roughness is added. To this end, we further the Green's function molecular dynamics method and extend recently developed imaging techniques to elucidate the rate- and preload-dependence of the pull-off process. Our results reveal that hysteresis is much enhanced when the saddle points of the topography come into contact, which, however, is impeded by viscoelastic forces and may require sufficiently large preloads. A similar coaction of viscous- and multistability effects is expected to occur in macroscopic polymer contacts and be relevant, e.g., for pressure-sensitive adhesives and modern adhesive gripping devices.

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Perception of Friction in Tactile Exploration of Micro-structured Rubber Samples

2022, Fehlberg, Maja, Kim, Kwang-Seop, Drewing, Knut, Hensel, René, Bennewitz, Roland, Seifi, Hasti, Kappers, Astrid M. L., Schneider, Oliver, Drewing, Knut, Pacchierotti, Claudio, Abbasimoshaei, Alireza, Huisman, Gijs, Kern, Thorsten A.

Fingertip friction and the related shear of skin are key mechanical mechanisms in tactile perception, but the perception of friction itself is rarely explored except for the flat surfaces of tactile displays. We investigated the perception of friction for tactile exploration of a unique set of samples whose fabric-like surfaces are equipped with regular arrays of flexible micropillars. The measured fingertip friction increases with decreasing bending stiffness, where the latter is controlled by radius (20–75 µm) and aspect ratio of the micropillars. In forced-choice tasks, participants noticed relative differences in friction as small as 0.2, and even smaller when a sample with less than 100 µm distance between pillars is omitted from the analysis. In an affective ranking of samples upon active touch, the perception of pleasantness is anticorrelated with the measured friction. Our results offer insights towards a rational design of materials with well-controlled surface microstructure which elicit a dedicated tactile appeal.

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Inhibition of Collagenase Q1 of Bacillus cereus as a Novel Antivirulence Strategy for the Treatment of Skin-Wound Infections

2022, Alhayek, Alaa, Khan, Essak S., Schönauer, Esther, Däinghaus, Tobias, Shafiei, Roya, Voos, Katrin, Han, Mitchell K. L., Ducho, Christian, Posselt, Gernot, Wessler, Silja, Brandstetter, Hans, Haupenthal, Jörg, Del Campo, Aránzazu, Hirsch, Anna K. H.

Despite the progress in surgical techniques and antibiotic prophylaxis, opportunistic wound infections with Bacillus cereus remain a public health problem. Secreted toxins are one of the main factors contributing to B. cereus pathogenicity. A promising strategy to treat such infections is to target these toxins and not the bacteria. Although the exoenzymes produced by B. cereus are thoroughly investigated, little is known about the role of B. cereus collagenases in wound infections. In this report, the collagenolytic activity of secreted collagenases (Col) is characterized in the B. cereus culture supernatant (csn) and its isolated recombinantly produced ColQ1 is characterized. The data reveals that ColQ1 causes damage on dermal collagen (COL). This results in gaps in the tissue, which might facilitate the spread of bacteria. The importance of B. cereus collagenases is also demonstrated in disease promotion using two inhibitors. Compound 2 shows high efficacy in peptidolytic, gelatinolytic, and COL degradation assays. It also preserves the fibrillar COLs in skin tissue challenged with ColQ1, as well as the viability of skin cells treated with B. cereus csn. A Galleria mellonella model highlights the significance of collagenase inhibition in vivo.

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Time‐Dependent Cation Selectivity of Titanium Carbide MXene in Aqueous Solution

2022, Wang, Lei, Torkamanzadeh, Mohammad, Majed, Ahmad, Zhang, Yuan, Wang, Qingsong, Breitung, Ben, Feng, Guang, Naguib, Michael, Presser, Volker

Electrochemical ion separation is a promising technology to recover valuable ionic species from water. Pseudocapacitive materials, especially 2D materials, are up-and-coming electrodes for electrochemical ion separation. For implementation, it is essential to understand the interplay of the intrinsic preference of a specific ion (by charge/size), kinetic ion preference (by mobility), and crystal structure changes. Ti3C2Tz MXene is chosen here to investigate its selective behavior toward alkali and alkaline earth cations. Utilizing an online inductively coupled plasma system, it is found that Ti3C2Tz shows a time-dependent selectivity feature. In the early stage of charging (up to about 50 min), K+ is preferred, while ultimately Ca2+ and Mg2+ uptake dominate; this unique phenomenon is related to dehydration energy barriers and the ion exchange effect between divalent and monovalent cations. Given the wide variety of MXenes, this work opens the door to a new avenue where selective ion-separation with MXene can be further engineered and optimized.

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Melt Electrowriting of Scaffolds with a Porosity Gradient to Mimic the Matrix Structure of the Human Trabecular Meshwork

2022, Włodarczyk-Biegun, Małgorzata K., Villiou, Maria, Koch, Marcus, Muth, Christina, Wang, Peixi, Ott, Jenna, del Campo, Aranzazu

The permeability of the Human Trabecular Meshwork (HTM) regulates eye pressure via a porosity gradient across its thickness modulated by stacked layers of matrix fibrils and cells. Changes in HTM porosity are associated with increases in intraocular pressure and the progress of diseases like glaucoma. Engineered HTMs could help to understand the structure-function relation in natural tissues, and lead to new regenerative solutions. Here, melt electrowriting (MEW) is explored as a biofabrication technique to produce fibrillar, porous scaffolds that mimic the multilayer, gradient structure of native HTM. Poly(caprolactone) constructs with a height of 125-500 μm and fiber diameters of 10-12 μm are printed. Scaffolds with a tensile modulus between 5.6 and 13 MPa, and a static compression modulus in the range of 6-360 kPa are obtained by varying the scaffolds design, i.e., density and orientation of the fibers and number of stacked layers. Primary HTM cells attach to the scaffolds, proliferate, and form a confluent layer within 8-14 days, depending on the scaffold design. High cell viability and cell morphology close to that in the native tissue are observed. The present work demonstrates the utility of MEW to reconstruct complex morphological features of natural tissues.

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High‐Entropy Sulfides as Electrode Materials for Li‐Ion Batteries

2022, Lin, Ling, Wang, Kai, Sarkar, Abhishek, Njel, Christian, Karkera, Guruprakash, Wang, Qingsong, Azmi, Raheleh, Fichtner, Maximilian, Hahn, Horst, Schweidler, Simon, Breitung, Ben

High-entropy sulfides (HESs) containing 5 equiatomic transition metals (M), with different M:S ratios, are prepared by a facile one-step mechanochemical approach. Two new types of single-phase HESs with pyrite (Pa-3) and orthorhombic (Pnma) structures are obtained and demonstrate a homogeneously mixed solid solution. The straightforward synthesis method can easily tune the desired metal to sulfur ratio for HESs with different stoichiometries, by utilizing the respective metal sulfides, even pure metals, and sulfur as precursor chemicals. The structural details and solid solution nature of HESs are studied by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, electron energy loss spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy, and Mössbauer spectroscopy. Since transition metal sulfides are a very versatile material class, here the application of HESs is presented as electrode materials for reversible electrochemical energy storage, in which the HESs show high specific capacities and excellent rate capabilities in secondary Li-ion batteries.

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Elastomeric Optical Waveguides by Extrusion Printing

2022, Feng, Jun, Zheng, Yijun, Jiang, Qiyang, Włodarczyk‐Biegun, Małgorzata K., Pearson, Samuel, del Campo, Aránzazu

Advances in optogenetics and the increasing use of implantable devices for therapies and health monitoring are driving demand for compliant, biocompatible optical waveguides and scalable methods for their manufacture. Molding, thermal drawing, and dip-coating are the most prevalent approaches in recent literature. Here the authors demonstrate that extrusion printing at room temperature can be used for continuous fabrication of compliant optical waveguides with polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) core and crosslinked Pluronic F127-diacrylate (Pluronic-DA) cladding. The optical fibers are printed from fluid precursor inks and stabilized by physical interactions and photoinitiated crosslinking in the Pluronic-DA. The printed fibers show optical loss values of 0.13–0.34 dB cm–1 in air and tissue within the wavelength range of 405–520 nm. The fibers have a Young's Modulus (Pluronic cladding) of 150 kPa and can be stretched to more than 5 times their length. The optical loss of the fibers shows little variation with extension. This work demonstrates how printing can simplify the fabrication of compliant and stretchable devices from materials approved for clinical use. These can be of interest for optogenetic or photopharmacology applications in extensible tissues, like muscles or heart.

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Fingertip friction and tactile rating of wrapping papers

2022, Jost, Kim Michèle, Drewing, Knut, Bennewitz, Roland, Seifi, Hasti, Kappers, Astrid M. L., Schneider, Oliver, Drewing, Knut, Pacchierotti, Claudio, Abbasimoshaei, Alireza, Huisman, Gijs, Kern, Thorsten A.

The tactile exploration and perception of wrapping papers is investigated in terms of fingertip friction and rating of sensory, affective, and evaluative adjectives. Friction coefficients, which vary significantly between samples, are correlated with factors such as valence which are identified in a principal component analysis of subjective ratings. We found that affective appraisals of valence and arousal as well as evaluations of novelty, but not of value, decreased with increasing friction.

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Mixed Cu-Fe Sulfides Derived from Polydopamine-Coated Prussian Blue Analogue as a Lithium-Ion Battery Electrode

2022, Bornamehr, Behnoosh, Presser, Volker, Husmann, Samantha

Batteries employing transition-metal sulfides enable high-charge storage capacities, but polysulfide shuttling and volume expansion cause structural disintegration and early capacity fading. The design of heterostructures combining metal sulfides and carbon with an optimized morphology can effectively address these issues. Our work introduces dopamine-coated copper Prussian blue (CuPB) analogue as a template to prepare nanostructured mixed copper-iron sulfide electrodes. The material was prepared by coprecipitation of CuPB with in situ dopamine polymerization, followed by thermal sulfidation. Dopamine controls the particle size and favors K-rich CuPB due to its polymerization mechanism. While the presence of the coating prevents particle agglomeration during thermal sulfidation, its thickness demonstrates a key effect on the electrochemical performance of the derived sulfides. After a two-step activation process during cycling, the C-coated KCuFeS2electrodes showed capacities up to 800 mAh/g at 10 mA/g with nearly 100% capacity recovery after rate handling and a capacity of 380 mAh/g at 250 mA/g after 500 cycles.