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Activity and electron donor preference of two denitrifying bacterial strains identified by Raman gas spectroscopy

2022, Blohm, Annika, Kumar, Swatantar, Knebl, Andreas, Herrmann, Martina, Küsel, Kirsten, Popp, Jürgen, Frosch, Torsten

Human activities have greatly increased the input of reactive nitrogen species into the environment and disturbed the balance of the global N cycle. This imbalance may be offset by bacterial denitrification, an important process in maintaining the ecological balance of nitrogen. However, our understanding of the activity of mixotrophic denitrifying bacteria is not complete, as most research has focused on heterotrophic denitrification. The aim of this study was to investigate substrate preferences for two mixotrophic denitrifying bacterial strains, Acidovorax delafieldii and Hydrogenophaga taeniospiralis, under heterotrophic, autotrophic or mixotrophic conditions. This complex analysis was achieved by simultaneous identification and quantification of H2, O2, CO2, 14N2, 15N2 and 15N2O in course of the denitrification process with help of cavity-enhanced Raman spectroscopic (CERS) multi-gas analysis. To disentangle electron donor preferences for both bacterial strains, microcosm-based incubation experiments under varying substrate conditions were conducted. We found that Acidovorax delafieldii preferentially performed heterotrophic denitrification in the mixotrophic sub-experiments, while Hydrogenophaga taeniospiralis preferred autotrophic denitrification in the mixotrophic incubation. These observations were supported by stoichiometric calculations. The results demonstrate the prowess of advanced Raman multi-gas analysis to study substrate use and electron donor preferences in denitrification, based on the comprehensive quantification of complex microbial gas exchange processes. © 2021, The Author(s).

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Copper Iodide on Spacer Fabrics as Textile Thermoelectric Device for Energy Generation

2022, Schmidl, Gabriele, Jia, Guobin, Gawlik, Annett, Lorenz, Philipp, Zieger, Gabriel, Dellith, Jan, Diegel, Marco, Plentz, Jonathan

The integration of electronic functionalities into textiles for use as wearable sensors, energy harvesters, or coolers has become increasingly important in recent years. A special focus is on efficient thermoelectric materials. Copper iodide as a p-type thermoelectrically active, nontoxic material is attractive for energy harvesting and energy generation because of its transparency and possible high-power factor. The deposition of CuI on polyester spacer fabrics by wet chemical processes represents a great potential for use in textile industry for example as flexible thermoelectric energy generators in the leisure or industrial sector as well as in medical technologies. The deposited material on polyester yarn is investigated by electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction and by thermoelectric measurements. The Seebeck coefficient was observed between 112 and 153 µV/K in a temperature range between 30 °C and 90 °C. It is demonstrated that the maximum output power reached 99 nW at temperature difference of 65.5 K with respect to room temperature for a single textile element. However, several elements can be connected in series and the output power can be linear upscaled. Thus, CuI coated on 3D spacer fabrics can be attractive to fabricate thermoelectric devices especially in the lower temperature range for textile medical or leisure applications.

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Comparison of Different Label-Free Raman Spectroscopy Approaches for the Discrimination of Clinical MRSA and MSSA Isolates

2022, Pistiki, Aikaterini, Monecke, Stefan, Shen, Haodong, Ryabchykov, Oleg, Bocklitz, Thomas W., Rösch, Petra, Ehricht, Ralf, Popp, Jürgen

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is classified as one of the priority pathogens that threaten human health. Resistance detection with conventional microbiological methods takes several days, forcing physicians to administer empirical antimicrobial treatment that is not always appropriate. A need exists for a rapid, accurate, and cost-effective method that allows targeted antimicrobial therapy in limited time. In this pilot study, we investigate the efficacy of three different label-free Raman spectroscopic approaches to differentiate methicillin-resistant and -susceptible clinical isolates of S. aureus (MSSA). Single-cell analysis using 532 nm excitation was shown to be the most suitable approach since it captures information on the overall biochemical composition of the bacteria, predicting 87.5% of the strains correctly. UV resonance Raman microspectroscopy provided a balanced accuracy of 62.5% and was not sensitive enough in discriminating MRSA from MSSA. Excitation of 785 nm directly on the petri dish provided a balanced accuracy of 87.5%. However, the difference between the strains was derived from the dominant staphyloxanthin bands in the MRSA, a cell component not associated with the presence of methicillin resistance. This is the first step toward the development of label-free Raman spectroscopy for the discrimination of MRSA and MSSA using single-cell analysis with 532 nm excitation. IMPORTANCE Label-free Raman spectra capture the high chemical complexity of bacterial cells. Many different Raman approaches have been developed using different excitation wavelength and cell analysis methods. This study highlights the major importance of selecting the most suitable Raman approach, capable of providing spectral features that can be associated with the cell mechanism under investigation. It is shown that the approach of choice for differentiating MRSA from MSSA should be single-cell analysis with 532 nm excitation since it captures the difference in the overall biochemical composition. These results should be taken into consideration in future studies aiming for the development of label-free Raman spectroscopy as a clinical analytical tool for antimicrobial resistance determination.

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Hollow square core fiber sensor for physical parameters measurement

2022, Pereira, Diana, Bierlich, Jörg, Kobelke, Jens, Ferreira, Marta S.

The measurement of physical parameters is important in many current applications, since they often rely on these measurands to operate with the due quality and the necessary safety. In this work, a simple and robust optical fiber sensor based on an antiresonant hollow square core fiber (HSCF) is proposed to measure simultaneously temperature, strain, and curvature. The proposed sensor was designed in a transmission configuration where a segment of HSCF, with a 10 mm length, was spliced between two single mode fibers. In this sensor, a cladding modal interference (CMI) and a Mach-Zehnder interference (MZI) are enhanced along with the antiresonance (AR) guidance. All the present mechanisms exhibit different responses towards the physical parameters. For the temperature, sensitivities of 32.8 pm/°C, 18.9 pm/°C, and 15.7 pm/°C were respectively attained for the MZI, AR, and CMI. As for the strain, sensitivities of 0.45 pm/μϵ, -0.93 pm/μϵ, and -2.72 pm/μϵ were acquired for the MZI, AR and CMI respectively. Meanwhile, for the curvature measurements, two regions of analysis were considered. In the first region (0 m-1 - 0.7 m-1) sensitivities of 0.033 nm/m-1, -0.27 nm/m-1, and -2.21 nm/m-1 were achieved, whilst for the second region (0.7 m-1 - 1.5 m-1) sensitivities of 0.067 nm/m-1, -0.63 nm/m-1, and -0.49 nm/m-1 were acquired for the MZI, AR and CMI, respectively.

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The Global Polarity of Alcoholic Solvents and Water – Importance of the Collectively Acting Factors Density, Refractive Index and Hydrogen Bonding Forces

2022, Spange, Stefan, Weiß, Nadine, Mayerhöfer, Thomas G.

The DHBD quantity represents the hydroxyl group density of alcoholic solvents or water. DHBD is purely physically defined by the product of molar concentration of the solvent (N) and the factor Σn=n×f which reflects the number n and position (f-factor) of the alcoholic OH groups per molecule. Whether the hydroxyl group is either primary, secondary or tertiary is taken into account by f. Σn is clearly linearly correlated with the physical density or the refractive index of the alcohol derivative. Relationships of solvent-dependent UV/Vis absorption energies as ET(30) values, 129Xe NMR shifts and kinetic data of 2-chloro-2-methylpropane solvolysis with DHBD are demonstrated. It can be shown that the ET(30) solvent parameter reflects the global polarity of the hydrogen bond network rather than specific H-bond acidity. Significant correlations of the log k1 rate constants of the solvolysis reaction of 2-chloro-2-methylpropane with DHBD show the physical reasoning of the approach.

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Photophysical Study on the Rigid Pt(II) Complex [Pt(naphen)(Cl)] (Hnaphen = Naphtho[1,2-b][1,10]Phenanthroline and Derivatives

2022, Krause, Maren, Maisuls, Iván, Buss, Stefan, Strassert, Cristian A., Winter, Andreas, Schubert, Ulrich S., Nair, Shruthi S., Dietzek-Ivanšić, Benjamin, Klein, Axel

The electrochemistry and photophysics of the Pt(II) complexes [Pt(naphen)(X)] (Hnaphen = naphtho[1,2-b][1,10]phenanthroline, X = Cl or C≡CPh) containing the rigid tridentate C^N^N-coordinating pericyclic naphen ligand was studied alongside the complexes of the tetrahydro-derivative [Pt(thnaphen)(X)] (Hthnaphen = 5,6,8,9-tetrahydro-naphtho[1,2-b][1,10]phenanthroline) and the N^C^N-coordinated complex [Pt(bdq)(Cl)] (Hbdq = benzo[1,2-h:5,4-h’]diquinoline. The cyclic voltammetry showed reversible reductions for the C^N^N complexes, with markedly fewer negative potentials (around −1.6 V vs. ferrocene) for the complexes containing the naphen ligand compared with the thnaphen derivatives (around −1.9 V). With irreversible oxidations at around +0.3 V for all of the complexes, the naphen made a difference in the electrochemical gap of about 0.3 eV (1.9 vs. 2.2 eV) compared with thnaphen. The bdq complex was completely different, with an irreversible reduction at around −2 V caused by the N^C^N coordination pattern, which lacked a good electron acceptor such as the phenanthroline unit in the C^N^N ligand naphen. Long-wavelength UV-Vis absorption bands were found around 520 to 530 nm for the C^N^N complexes with the C≡CPh coligand and were red-shifted when compared with the Cl derivatives. The N^C^N-coordinated bdq complex was markedly blue-shifted (493 nm). The steady-state photoluminescence spectra showed poorly structured emission bands peaking at around 630 nm for the two naphen complexes and 570 nm for the thnaphen derivatives. The bdq complex showed a pronounced vibrational structure and an emission maximum at 586 nm. Assuming mixed 3LC/3MLCT excited states, the vibronic progression for the N^C^N bdq complex indicated a higher LC character than assumed for the C^N^N-coordinated naphen and thnaphen complexes. The blue-shift was a result of the different N^C^N vs. C^N^N coordination. The photoluminescence lifetimes and quantum yields ΦL massively increased from solutions at 298 K (0.06 to 0.24) to glassy frozen matrices at 77 K (0.80 to 0.95). The nanosecond time-resolved study on [Pt(naphen)(Cl)] showed a phosphorescence emission signal originating from the mixed 3LC/3MLCT with an emission lifetime of around 3 µs.

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Characterization of PVL-Positive MRSA Isolates in Northern Bavaria, Germany over an Eight-Year Period

2022, Szumlanski, Tobias, Neumann, Bernd, Bertram, Ralph, Simbeck, Alexandra, Ziegler, Renate, Monecke, Stefan, Ehricht, Ralf, Schneider-Brachert, Wulf, Steinmann, Joerg

Purpose: Community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains (CA-MRSA) are spread worldwide and often cause recurring and persistent infections in humans. CA-MRSA strains frequently carry Panton–Valentine leukocidin (PVL) as a distinctive virulence factor. This study investigates the molecular epidemiology, antibiotic resistance and clinical characteristics of PVL-positive MRSA strains in Northern Bavaria, Germany, isolated over an eight-year period. Methods: Strains were identified by MALDI-TOF MS and antibiotic susceptibility was tested by automated microdilution (VITEK 2) or disk diffusion. PVL-encoding genes and mecA were detected by PCR. MRSA clonal complexes (CC) and lineages were assigned by genotyping via DNA microarray and spa-typing. Results: In total, 131 PVL-positive MRSA were collected from five hospital sites between 2009 and 2016. Predominant lineages were CC8-MRSA-[IV+ACME], USA300 (27/131; 20.6%); CC30-MRSA-IV, Southwest Pacific Clone (26/131; 19.8%) and CC80-MRSA-IV (25/131; 19.1%). Other CCs were detected less frequently. Resistance against erythromycin and clindamycin was prevalent, whereas all strains were sensitive towards vancomycin and linezolid. In total, 100 cases (76.3%) were causally linked to an infection. The majority (102/131; 77.9%) of isolates were detected in skin swabs or swabs from surgical sites. Conclusions: During the sample period we found an increase in the PVL-positive MRSA lineages CC30 and CC1. Compared to less-abundant lineages CC1 or CC22, the predominant lineages CC8, CC30 and CC80 harbored a broader resistance spectrum. Furthermore, these lineages are probably associated with a travel and migration background. In the spatio-temporal setting we investigated, these were arguably drivers of diversification and change in the landscape of PVL-positive MRSA.

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Photophysics of Anionic Bis(4H-imidazolato)CuI Complexes

2022, Seidler, Bianca, Tran, Jens H., Hniopek, Julian, Traber, Philipp, Görls, Helmar, Gräfe, Stefanie, Schmitt, Michael, Popp, Jürgen, Schulz, Martin, Dietzek‐Ivanšić, Benjamin

In this paper, the photophysical behavior of four panchromatically absorbing, homoleptic bis(4H-imidazolato)CuI complexes, with a systematic variation in the electron-withdrawing properties of the imidazolate ligand, were studied by wavelength-dependent time-resolved femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy. Excitation at 400, 480, and 630 nm populates metal-to-ligand charge transfer, intraligand charge transfer, and mixed-character singlet states. The pump wavelength-dependent transient absorption data were analyzed by a recently established 2D correlation approach. Data analysis revealed that all excitation conditions yield similar excited-state dynamics. Key to the excited-state relaxation is fast, sub-picosecond pseudo-Jahn-Teller distortion, which is accompanied by the relocalization of electron density onto a single ligand from the initially delocalized state at Franck-Condon geometry. Subsequent intersystem crossing to the triplet manifold is followed by a sub-100 ps decay to the ground state. The fast, nonradiative decay is rationalized by the low triplet-state energy as found by DFT calculations, which suggest perspective treatment at the strong coupling limit of the energy gap law.

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A Review on Data Fusion of Multidimensional Medical and Biomedical Data

2022, Azam, Kazi Sultana Farhana, Ryabchykov, Oleg, Bocklitz, Thomas

Data fusion aims to provide a more accurate description of a sample than any one source of data alone. At the same time, data fusion minimizes the uncertainty of the results by combining data from multiple sources. Both aim to improve the characterization of samples and might improve clinical diagnosis and prognosis. In this paper, we present an overview of the advances achieved over the last decades in data fusion approaches in the context of the medical and biomedical fields. We collected approaches for interpreting multiple sources of data in different combinations: image to image, image to biomarker, spectra to image, spectra to spectra, spectra to biomarker, and others. We found that the most prevalent combination is the image-to-image fusion and that most data fusion approaches were applied together with deep learning or machine learning methods.

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Remineralization of Artificially Demineralized Human Enamel and Dentin Samples by Zinc-Carbonate Hydroxyapatite Nanocrystals

2022, Kranz, Stefan, Heyder, Markus, Mueller, Stephan, Guellmar, André, Krafft, Christoph, Nietzsche, Sandor, Tschirpke, Caroline, Herold, Volker, Sigusch, Bernd, Reise, Markus

(1) Background: Decalcified enamel and dentin surfaces can be regenerated with non-fluoride-containing biomimetic systems. This study aimed to investigate the effect of a zinc carbonate-hydroxyapatite-containing dentifrice on artificially demineralized enamel and dentin surfaces. (2) Methods: Human enamel and dentin discs were prepared and subjected to surface demineralization with 30% orthophosphoric acid for 60 s. Subsequently, in the test group (n = 20), the discs were treated three times a day for 3 min with a zinc carbonate-hydroxyapatite-containing toothpaste (biorepair®). Afterwards, all samples were gently rinsed with PBS (5 s) and stored in artificial saliva until next use. Samples from the control group (n = 20) received no dentifrice-treatment and were stored in artificial saliva, exclusively. After 15 days of daily treatment, specimens were subjected to Raman spectroscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray micro-analysis (EDX), white-light interferometry, and profilometry. (3) Results: Raman spectroscopy and white-light interferometry revealed no significant differences compared to the untreated controls. EDX analysis showed calcium phosphate and silicon dioxide precipitations on treated dentin samples. In addition, treated dentin surfaces showed significant reduced roughness values. (4) Conclusions: Treatment with biorepair® did not affect enamel surfaces as proposed. Minor mineral precipitation and a reduction in surface roughness were detected among dentin surfaces only.