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    Incorporating baryon-driven contraction of dark matter halos in rotation curve fits
    (Les Ulis : EDP Sciences, 2022) Li, Pengfei; McGaugh, Stacy S.; Lelli, Federico; Schombert, James M.; Pawlowski, Marcel S.
    The condensation of baryons within a dark matter (DM) halo during galaxy formation should result in some contraction of the halo as the combined system settles into equilibrium. We quantify this effect on the cuspy primordial halos predicted by DM-only simulations for the baryon distributions observed in the galaxies of the SPARC database. We find that the DM halos of high surface brightness galaxies (with Σeff 3; 100L pc-2 at 3.6 μm) experience strong contraction. Halos become more cuspy as a result of compression: the inner DM density slope increases with the baryonic surface mass density. We iteratively fit rotation curves to find the balance between initial halo parameters (constrained by abundance matching), compression, and stellar mass-to-light ratio. The resulting fits often require lower stellar masses than expected for stellar populations, particularly in galaxies with bulges: stellar mass must be reduced to make room for the DM it compresses. This trade off between dark and luminous mass is reminiscent of the cusp-core problem in dwarf galaxies, but occurs in more massive systems: the present-epoch DM halos cannot follow from cuspy primordial halos unless (1) the stellar mass-to-light ratios are systematically smaller than expected from standard stellar population synthesis models, and/or (2) there is a net outward mass redistribution from the initial cusp, even in massive galaxies widely considered to be immune from such effects.
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    Simulating Globular Clusters in Dark Matter Subhalos
    (London : Institute of Physics Publ., 2022) Carlberg, Raymond G.; Keating, Laura C.
    A cosmological zoom-in simulation that develops into a Milky Way-like halo begins at redshift 7. The initial dark matter distribution is seeded with dense star clusters of median mass 5 × 105 M o˙, placed in the largest subhalos present, which have a median peak circular velocity of 25 km s-1. Three simulations are initialized using the same dark matter distribution with the star clusters starting on approximately circular orbits having initial median radii 6.8, 0.14 kpc, and, at the exact center of the subhalos. The simulations are evolved to the current epoch at which time the median galactic orbital radii of the three sets of clusters are 30, 5, and 16 kpc, with the clusters losing about 2%, 50%, and 15% of their mass, respectively. Clusters beginning at small orbital radii have so much tidal forcing that they are often not in equilibrium. Clusters that start at larger subhalo radii have a velocity dispersion that declines smoothly to ≃20% of the central value at ≃20 half-mass radii. The clusters that begin in the subhalo centers can show a rise in velocity dispersion beyond 3-5 half-mass radii. That is, the clusters that form without local dark matter always have stellar-mass-dominated kinematics at all radii, whereas about 25% of the clusters that begin in subhalo centers have remnant local dark matter.