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    Absolute dimensions and apsidal motion of the eclipsing binaries V889 Aquilae and V402 Lacertae
    (Les Ulis : EDP Sciences, 2022) Baroch, D.; Giménez, A.; Morales, J. C.; Ribas, I.; Herrero, E.; Perdelwitz, V.; Jordi, C.; Granzer, T.; Allende Prieto, C.
    Context. Double-lined eclipsing binaries allow the direct determination of masses and radii, which are key for testing stellar models. With the launch of the TESS mission, many well-known eclipsing binaries have been observed at higher photometric precision, permitting the improvement of the absolute dimension determinations. Aims. Using TESS data and newly obtained spectroscopic observations, we aim to determine the masses and radii of the eccentric eclipsing binary systems V889 Aql and V402 Lac, together with their apsidal motion parameters. Methods. We simultaneously modelled radial velocity curves and times of eclipse for each target to precisely determine the orbital parameters of the systems, which we used to analyse the light curves and then obtain their absolute dimensions. We compared the obtained values with those predicted by theoretical models. Results. We determined masses and radii of the components of both systems with relative uncertainties lower than 2%. V889 Aql is composed of two stars with masses 2:17±0:02 M⊙ and 2:13±0:01 M⊙ and radii 1:87±0:04 R⊙ and 1:85±0:04 R⊙.We find conclusive evidence of the presence of a third body orbiting V889 Aql with a period of 67 yr. Based on the detected third light and the absence of signal in the spectra, we suggest that this third body could in turn be a binary composed of two ±1.4 M⊙ stars. V402 Lac is composed of two stars with masses 2:80 ± 0:05 M⊙ and 2:78 ± 0:05 M⊙ and radii 2:38 ± 0:03 R⊙ and 2:36 ± 0:03 R⊙. The times of minimum light are compatible with the presence of a third body for this system too, although its period is not yet fully sampled. In both cases we have found a good agreement between the observed apsidal motion rates and the model predictions.
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    The GAPS Programme at TNG XXXVII. A precise density measurement of the young ultra-short period planet TOI-1807 b
    (Les Ulis : EDP Sciences, 2022) Nardiello, D.; Malavolta, L.; Desidera, S.; Baratella, M.; D’Orazi, V.; Messina, S.; Biazzo, K.; Benatti, S.; Damasso, M.; Rajpaul, V.M.; Bonomo, A.S.; Capuzzo Dolcetta, R.; Mallonn, M.; Cale, B.; Plavchan, P.; El Mufti, M.; Bignamini, A.; Borsa, F.; Carleo, I.; Claudi, R.; Covino, E.; Lanza, A.F.; Maldonado, J.; Mancini, L.; Micela, G.; Molinari, E.; Pinamonti, M.; Piotto, G.; Poretti, E.; Scandariato, G.; Sozzetti, A.; Andreuzzi, G.; Boschin, W.; Cosentino, R.; Fiorenzano, A.F.M.; Harutyunyan, A.; Knapic, C.; Pedani, M.; Affer, L.; Maggio, A.; Rainer, M.
    Context. Great strides have been made in recent years in the understanding of the mechanisms involved in the formation and evolution of planetary systems. Despite this, many observational findings have not yet been corroborated by astrophysical explanations. A fine contribution to the study of planetary formation processes comes from the study of young, low-mass planets, with short orbital periods (.100 days). In the last three years, the NASA/TESS satellite has identified many planets of this kind and their characterization is clearly necessary in order to understand how they formed and evolved. Aims. Within the framework of the Global Architecture of Planetary System (GAPS) project, we performed a validation and characterization (radius and mass) of the ultra-short period planet TOI-1807 b, which orbits its young host star BD+39 2643 (∼300 Myr) in only 13 h. This is the youngest ultra-short period planet discovered so far. Methods. Thanks to a joint modeling of the stellar activity and planetary signals in the TESS light curve and in new HARPS-N radial-velocity measurements, combined with accurate estimation of stellar parameters, we validated the planetary nature of TOI-1807 b and measured its orbital and physical parameters. Results. By using astrometric, photometric, and spectroscopic observations, we found that BD+39 2643 is a young, active K dwarf star and a member of a 300 ± 80 Myr old moving group. Furthermore, it rotates in Prot = 8.8 ± 0.1 days. This star hosts an ultra-short period planet, exhibiting an orbital period of only Pb = 0.54937 ± 0.00001 days. Thanks to the exquisite photometric and spectroscopic series, along with the accurate information on its stellar activity, we measured both the radius and the mass of TOI-1807 b with high precision, obtaining RP,b = 1.37 ± 0.09 R⊕ and MP,b = 2.57 ± 0.50 M⊕. These planet parameters correspond to a rocky planet with an Earth-like density (ρb = 1.0 ± 0.3 ρ⊕) and no extended H/He envelope. From the analysis of the age-RP distribution for planets with well measured ages, we inferred that TOI-1807 b may have already lost a large part of its atmosphere over the course of its 300 Myr lifetime.
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    On the parameter refinement of inflated exoplanets with large radius uncertainty based on TESS observations
    (Berlin : Wiley-VCH Verl., 2022) Alexoudi, Xanthippi
    We revisited 10 known exoplanetary systems using publicly available data provided by the transiting exoplanet survey satellite (TESS). The sample presented in this work consists of short period transiting exoplanets, with inflated radii and large reported uncertainty on their planetary radii. The precise determination of these values is crucial in order to develop accurate evolutionary models and understand the inflation mechanisms of these systems. Aiming to evaluate the planetary radius measurement, we made use of the planet-to-star radii ratio, a quantity that can be measured during a transit event. We fit the obtained transit light curves of each target with a detrending model and a transit model. Furthermore, we used emcee, which is based on a Markov chain Monte Carlo approach, to assess the best fit posterior distributions of each system parameter of interest. We refined the planetary radius of WASP-140 b by approximately 12%, and we derived a better precision on its reported asymmetric radius uncertainty by approximately 86 and 67%. We also refined the orbital parameters of WASP-120 b by (Formula presented.). Moreover, using the high-cadence TESS datasets, we were able to solve a discrepancy in the literature, regarding the planetary radius of the exoplanet WASP-93 b. For all the other exoplanets in our sample, even though there is a tentative trend that planetary radii of (near-) grazing systems have been slightly overestimated in the literature, the planetary radius estimation and the orbital parameters were confirmed with independent observations from space, showing that TESS and ground-based observations are overall in good agreement.