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Understanding Nonlinear Pulse Propagation in Liquid Strand-Based Photonic Bandgap Fibers

2021, Qi, Xue, Schaarschmidt, Kay, Li, Guangrui, Junaid, Saher, Scheibinger, Ramona, Lühder, Tilman, Schmidt, Markus A.

Ultrafast supercontinuum generation crucially depends on the dispersive properties of the underlying waveguide. This strong dependency allows for tailoring nonlinear frequency conversion and is particularly relevant in the context of waveguides that include geometry-induced resonances. Here, we experimentally uncovered the impact of the relative spectral distance between the pump and the bandgap edge on the supercontinuum generation and in particular on the dispersive wave formation on the example of a liquid strand-based photonic bandgap fiber. In contrast to its air-hole-based counterpart, a bandgap fiber shows a dispersion landscape that varies greatly with wavelength. Particularly due to the strong dispersion variation close to the bandgap edges, nanometer adjustments of the pump wavelength result in a dramatic change of the dispersive wave generation (wavelength and threshold). Phase-matching considerations confirm these observations, additionally revealing the relevance of third order dispersion for interband energy transfer. The present study provides additional insights into the nonlinear frequency conversion of resonance-enhanced waveguide systems which will be relevant for both understanding nonlinear processes as well as for tailoring the spectral output of nonlinear fiber sources.

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Influence of Surface Ligands on Charge-Carrier Trapping and Relaxation in Water-Soluble CdSe@CdS Nanorods

2020, Micheel, Mathias, Liu, Bei, Wächtler, Maria

In this study, the impact of the type of ligand at the surface of colloidal CdSe@CdS dotin-rod nanostructures on the basic exciton relaxation and charge localization processes is closely examined. These systems have been introduced into the field of artificial photosynthesis as potent photosensitizers in assemblies for light driven hydrogen generation. Following photoinduced exciton generation, electrons can be transferred to catalytic reaction centers while holes localize into the CdSe seed, which can prevent charge recombination and lead to the formation of longlived charge separation in assemblies containing catalytic reaction centers. These processes are in competition with trapping processes of charges at surface defect sites. The density and type of surface defects strongly depend on the type of ligand used. Here we report on a systematic steadystate and time-resolved spectroscopic investigation of the impact of the type of anchoring group (phosphine oxide, thiols, dithiols, amines) and the bulkiness of the ligand (alkyl chains vs. poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)) to unravel trapping pathways and localization efficiencies. We show that the introduction of the widely used thiol ligands leads to an increase of hole traps at the surface compared to trioctylphosphine oxide (TOPO) capped rods, which prevent hole localization in the CdSe core. On the other hand, steric restrictions, e.g., in dithiolates or with bulky side chains (PEG), decrease the surface coverage, and increase the density of electron trap states, impacting the recombination dynamics at the ns timescale. The amines in poly(ethylene imine) (PEI) on the other hand can saturate and remove surface traps to a wide extent. Implications for catalysis are discussed. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.

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Photophysical Study on the Rigid Pt(II) Complex [Pt(naphen)(Cl)] (Hnaphen = Naphtho[1,2-b][1,10]Phenanthroline and Derivatives

2022, Krause, Maren, Maisuls, Iván, Buss, Stefan, Strassert, Cristian A., Winter, Andreas, Schubert, Ulrich S., Nair, Shruthi S., Dietzek-Ivanšić, Benjamin, Klein, Axel

The electrochemistry and photophysics of the Pt(II) complexes [Pt(naphen)(X)] (Hnaphen = naphtho[1,2-b][1,10]phenanthroline, X = Cl or C≡CPh) containing the rigid tridentate C^N^N-coordinating pericyclic naphen ligand was studied alongside the complexes of the tetrahydro-derivative [Pt(thnaphen)(X)] (Hthnaphen = 5,6,8,9-tetrahydro-naphtho[1,2-b][1,10]phenanthroline) and the N^C^N-coordinated complex [Pt(bdq)(Cl)] (Hbdq = benzo[1,2-h:5,4-h’]diquinoline. The cyclic voltammetry showed reversible reductions for the C^N^N complexes, with markedly fewer negative potentials (around −1.6 V vs. ferrocene) for the complexes containing the naphen ligand compared with the thnaphen derivatives (around −1.9 V). With irreversible oxidations at around +0.3 V for all of the complexes, the naphen made a difference in the electrochemical gap of about 0.3 eV (1.9 vs. 2.2 eV) compared with thnaphen. The bdq complex was completely different, with an irreversible reduction at around −2 V caused by the N^C^N coordination pattern, which lacked a good electron acceptor such as the phenanthroline unit in the C^N^N ligand naphen. Long-wavelength UV-Vis absorption bands were found around 520 to 530 nm for the C^N^N complexes with the C≡CPh coligand and were red-shifted when compared with the Cl derivatives. The N^C^N-coordinated bdq complex was markedly blue-shifted (493 nm). The steady-state photoluminescence spectra showed poorly structured emission bands peaking at around 630 nm for the two naphen complexes and 570 nm for the thnaphen derivatives. The bdq complex showed a pronounced vibrational structure and an emission maximum at 586 nm. Assuming mixed 3LC/3MLCT excited states, the vibronic progression for the N^C^N bdq complex indicated a higher LC character than assumed for the C^N^N-coordinated naphen and thnaphen complexes. The blue-shift was a result of the different N^C^N vs. C^N^N coordination. The photoluminescence lifetimes and quantum yields ΦL massively increased from solutions at 298 K (0.06 to 0.24) to glassy frozen matrices at 77 K (0.80 to 0.95). The nanosecond time-resolved study on [Pt(naphen)(Cl)] showed a phosphorescence emission signal originating from the mixed 3LC/3MLCT with an emission lifetime of around 3 µs.

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Biocompatible magnetic fluids of co-doped iron oxide nanoparticles with tunable magnetic properties

2020, Dutz, Silvio, Buske, Norbert, Landers, Joachim, Gräfe, Christine, Wende, Heiko, Clement, Joachim H.

Magnetite (Fe3O4) particles with a diameter around 10 nm have a very low coercivity (Hc) and relative remnant magnetization (Mr/Ms), which is unfavorable for magnetic fluid hyperthermia. In contrast, cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4) particles of the same size have a very high Hc and Mr/Ms, which is magnetically too hard to obtain suitable specific heating power (SHP) in hyperthermia. For the optimization of the magnetic properties, the Fe2+ ions of magnetite were substituted by Co2+ step by step, which results in a Co doped iron oxide inverse spinel with an adjustable Fe2+ substitution degree in the full range of pure iron oxide up to pure cobalt ferrite. The obtained magnetic nanoparticles were characterized regarding their structural and magnetic properties as well as their cell toxicity. The pure iron oxide particles showed an average size of 8 nm, which increased up to 12 nm for the cobalt ferrite. For ferrofluids containing the prepared particles, only a limited dependence of Hc and Mr/Ms on the Co content in the particles was found, which confirms a stable dispersion of the particles within the ferrofluid. For dry particles, a strong correlation between the Co content and the resulting Hc and Mr/Ms was detected. For small substitution degrees, only a slight increase in Hc was found for the increasing Co content, whereas for a substitution of more than 10% of the Fe atoms by Co, a strong linear increase in Hc and Mr/Ms was obtained. Mössbauer spectroscopy revealed predominantly Fe3+ in all samples, while also verifying an ordered magnetic structure with a low to moderate surface spin canting. Relative spectral areas of Mössbauer subspectra indicated a mainly random distribution of Co2+ ions rather than the more pronounced octahedral site-preference of bulk CoFe2O4. Cell vitality studies confirmed no increased toxicity of the Co-doped iron oxide nanoparticles compared to the pure iron oxide ones. Magnetic heating performance was confirmed to be a function of coercivity as well. The here presented non-toxic magnetic nanoparticle system enables the tuning of the magnetic properties of the particles without a remarkable change in particles size. The found heating performance is suitable for magnetic hyperthermia application. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.

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Shape-Dependent Catalytic Activity of Gold and Bimetallic Nanoparticles in the Reduction of Methylene Blue by Sodium Borohydride

2021, Stolle, Heike Lisa Kerstin Stephanie, Kluitmann, Jonas Jakobus, Csáki, Andrea, Köhler, Johann Michael, Fritzsche, Wolfgang

In this study the catalytic activity of different gold and bimetallic nanoparticle solutions towards the reduction of methylene blue by sodium borohydride as a model reaction is investigated. By utilizing differently shaped gold nanoparticles, i.e., spheres, cubes, prisms and rods as well as bimetallic gold–palladium and gold–platinum core-shell nanorods, we evaluate the effect of the catalyst surface area as available gold surface area, the shape of the nanoparticles and the impact of added secondary metals in case of bimetallic nanorods. We track the reaction by UV/Vis measurements in the range of 190–850 nm every 60 s. It is assumed that the gold nanoparticles do not only act as a unit transferring electrons from sodium borohydride towards methylene blue but can promote the electron transfer upon plasmonic excitation. By testing different particle shapes, we could indeed demonstrate an effect of the particle shape by excluding the impact of surface area and/or surface ligands. All nanoparticle solutions showed a higher methylene blue turnover than their reference, whereby gold nanoprisms exhibited 100% turnover as no further methylene blue absorption peak was detected. The reaction rate constant k was also determined and revealed overall quicker reactions when gold or bimetallic nanoparticles were added as a catalyst, and again these were highest for nanoprisms. Furthermore, when comparing gold and bimetallic nanorods, it could be shown that through the addition of the catalytically active second metal platinum or palladium, the dye turnover was accelerated and degradation rate constants were higher compared to those of pure gold nanorods. The results explore the catalytic activity of nanoparticles, and assist in exploring further catalytic applications.

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FLIm and raman spectroscopy for investigating biochemical changes of bovine pericardium upon genipin cross-linking

2020, Shaik, Tanveer Ahmed, Alfonso-Garcia, Alba, Richter, Martin, Korinth, Florian, Krafft, Christoph, Marcu, Laura, Popp, Jürgen

Biomaterials used in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine applications benefit from longitudinal monitoring in a non-destructive manner. Label-free imaging based on fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIm) and Raman spectroscopy were used to monitor the degree of genipin (GE) cross-linking of antigen-removed bovine pericardium (ARBP) at three incubation time points (0.5, 1.0, and 2.5 h). Fluorescence lifetime decreased and the emission spectrum redshifted compared to that of uncross-linked ARBP. The Raman signature of GE-ARBP was resonance-enhanced due to the GE cross-linker that generated new Raman bands at 1165, 1326, 1350, 1380, 1402, 1470, 1506, 1535, 1574, 1630, 1728, and 1741 cm-1. These were validated through density functional theory calculations as cross-linker-specific bands. A multivariate multiple regression model was developed to enhance the biochemical specificity of FLIm parameters fluorescence intensity ratio (R2 = 0.92) and lifetime (R2 = 0.94)) with Raman spectral results. FLIm and Raman spectroscopy detected biochemical changes occurring in the collagenous tissue during the cross-linking process that were characterized by the formation of a blue pigment which affected the tissue fluorescence and scattering properties. In conclusion, FLIm parameters and Raman spectroscopy were used to monitor the degree of cross-linking non-destructively. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.

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WE-ASCA: The Weighted-Effect ASCA for Analyzing Unbalanced Multifactorial Designs-A Raman Spectra-Based Example

2021, Ali, Nairveen, Jansen, Jeroen, van den Doel, André, Tinnevelt, Gerjen Herman, Bocklitz, Thomas

Analyses of multifactorial experimental designs are used as an explorative technique describing hypothesized multifactorial effects based on their variation. The procedure of analyzing multifactorial designs is well established for univariate data, and it is known as analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests, whereas only a few methods have been developed for multivariate data. In this work, we present the weighted-effect ASCA, named WE-ASCA, as an enhanced version of ANOVA-simultaneous component analysis (ASCA) to deal with multivariate data in unbalanced multifactorial designs. The core of our work is to use general linear models (GLMs) in decomposing the response matrix into a design matrix and a parameter matrix, while the main improvement in WE-ASCA is to implement the weighted-effect (WE) coding in the design matrix. This WE-coding introduces a unique solution to solve GLMs and satisfies a constrain in which the sum of all level effects of a categorical variable equal to zero. To assess the WE-ASCA performance, two applications were demonstrated using a biomedical Raman spectral data set consisting of mice colorectal tissue. The results revealed that WE-ASCA is ideally suitable for analyzing unbalanced designs. Furthermore, if WE-ASCA is applied as a preprocessing tool, the classification performance and its reproducibility can significantly improve.

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Investigating light-induced processes in covalent dye-catalyst assemblies for hydrogen production

2020, Bold, Sebastian, Straistari, Tatiana, Muñoz-García, Ana B., Pavone, Michele, Artero, Vincent, Chavarot-Kerlidou, Murielle, Dietzek, Benjamin

The light-induced processes occurring in two dye-catalyst assemblies for light-driven hydrogen production were investigated by ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy. These dyads consist of a push-pull organic dye based on a cyclopenta[1,2-b:5,4-b’]dithiophene (CPDT) bridge, covalently linked to two different H2-evolving cobalt catalysts. Whatever the nature of the latter, photoinduced intramolecular electron transfer from the excited state of the dye to the catalytic center was never observed. Instead, and in sharp contrast to the reference dye, a fast intersystem crossing (ISC) populates a long-lived triplet excited state, which in turn non-radiatively decays to the ground state. This study thus shows how the interplay of different structures in a dye-catalyst assembly can lead to unexpected excited state behavior and might open up new possibilities in the area of organic triplet sensitizers. More importantly, a reductive quenching mechanism with an external electron donor must be considered to drive hydrogen production with these dye-catalyst assemblies. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.

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Rapid Raman spectroscopic analysis of stress induced degradation of the pharmaceutical drug tetracycline

2020, Domes, Christian, Frosch, Timea, Popp, Juergen, Frosch, Torsten

Stress factors caused by inadequate storage can induce the unwanted degradation of active compounds in pharmaceutical formulations. Resonance Raman spectroscopy is presented as an analytical tool for rapid monitoring of small concentration changes of tetracycline and the metabolite 4-epianhydrotetracycline. These degradation processes were experimentally induced by changes in temperature, humidity, and irradiation with visible light over a time period of up to 23 days. The excitation wavelength ?exc = 413 nm was proven to provide short acquisition times for the simultaneous Raman spectroscopic detection of the degradation of tetracycline and production of its impurity in small sample volumes. Small concentration changes could be detected (down to 1.4% for tetracycline and 0.3% for 4-epianhydrotetracycline), which shows the potential of resonance Raman spectroscopy for analyzing the decomposition of pharmaceutical products. © 2020 by the authors.

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A Review on Data Fusion of Multidimensional Medical and Biomedical Data

2022, Azam, Kazi Sultana Farhana, Ryabchykov, Oleg, Bocklitz, Thomas

Data fusion aims to provide a more accurate description of a sample than any one source of data alone. At the same time, data fusion minimizes the uncertainty of the results by combining data from multiple sources. Both aim to improve the characterization of samples and might improve clinical diagnosis and prognosis. In this paper, we present an overview of the advances achieved over the last decades in data fusion approaches in the context of the medical and biomedical fields. We collected approaches for interpreting multiple sources of data in different combinations: image to image, image to biomarker, spectra to image, spectra to spectra, spectra to biomarker, and others. We found that the most prevalent combination is the image-to-image fusion and that most data fusion approaches were applied together with deep learning or machine learning methods.