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    Pd/Cu-Catalyzed amide-enabled selectivity-reversed borocarbonylation of unactivated alkenes
    (Cambridge : RSC, 2021) Wu, Fu-Peng; Wu, Xiao-Feng
    The addition reaction between CuBpin and alkenes to give a terminal boron substituted intermediate is usually fast and facile. In this communication, a selectivity-reversed procedure has been designed and established. This selectivity-reversed borocarbonylation reaction is enabled by a cooperative action between palladium and copper catalysts and proceeds with complete regioselectivity. The key to the success of this transformation is the coordination of the amide group and slower CuBpin formation by using KHCO3as the base. A wide range of β-boryl ketones were produced from terminal unactivated aliphatic alkenes and aryl iodides. Further synthetic transformations of the obtained β-boryl ketones have been developed as well. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021.
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    General and selective synthesis of primary amines using Ni-based homogeneous catalysts
    (Cambridge : RSC, 2020) Murugesan, Kathiravan; Wei, Zhihong; Chandrashekhar, Vishwas G.; Jiao, Haijun; Beller, Matthias; Jagadeesh, Rajenahally V.
    The development of base metal catalysts for industrially relevant amination and hydrogenation reactions by applying abundant and atom economical reagents continues to be important for the cost-effective and sustainable synthesis of amines which represent highly essential chemicals. In particular, the synthesis of primary amines is of central importance because these compounds serve as key precursors and central intermediates to produce value-added fine and bulk chemicals as well as pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals and materials. Here we report a Ni-triphos complex as the first Ni-based homogeneous catalyst for both reductive amination of carbonyl compounds with ammonia and hydrogenation of nitroarenes to prepare all kinds of primary amines. Remarkably, this Ni-complex enabled the synthesis of functionalized and structurally diverse benzylic, heterocyclic and aliphatic linear and branched primary amines as well as aromatic primary amines starting from inexpensive and easily accessible carbonyl compounds (aldehydes and ketones) and nitroarenes using ammonia and molecular hydrogen. This Ni-catalyzed reductive amination methodology has been applied for the amination of more complex pharmaceuticals and steroid derivatives. Detailed DFT computations have been performed for the Ni-triphos based reductive amination reaction, and they revealed that the overall reaction has an inner-sphere mechanism with H2metathesis as the rate-determining step. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020.
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    Aldehydes and ketones influence reactivity and selectivity in nickel-catalysed Suzuki-Miyaura reactions
    (Cambridge : RSC, 2020) Cooper, Alasdair K.; Leonard, David K.; Bajo, Sonia; Burton, Paul M.; Nelson, David J.
    The energetically-favorable coordination of aldehydes and ketones-but not esters or amides-to Ni0 during Suzuki-Miyaura reactions can lead either to exquisite selectivity and enhanced reactivity, or to inhibition of the reaction. Aryl halides where the C-X bond is connected to the same π-system as an aldehyde or ketone undergo unexpectedly rapid oxidative addition to [Ni(COD)(dppf)] (1), and are selectively cross-coupled during competition reactions. When aldehydes and ketones are present in the form of exogenous additives, the cross-coupling reaction is inhibited to an extent that depends on the strength of the coordination of the pendant carbonyl group to Ni0. This work advances our understanding of how common functional groups interact with Ni0 catalysts and how these interactions affect workhorse catalytic reactions in academia and industry. This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry.
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    Cell-free protein synthesis and in situ immobilization of deGFP-MatB in polymer microgels for malonate-to-malonyl CoA conversion
    (Cambridge : RSC, 2020) Köhler, Tony; Heida, Thomas; Hoefgen, Sandra; Weigel, Niclas; Valiante, Vito; Thiele, Julian
    In the present work, microgels were utilized as a cell-free reaction environment to produce a functional malonyl-CoA synthetase (deGFP-MatB) under geometry-controlled transcription and translation. Our approach combines the straight-forward optimization of overall protein yield of an E. coli-based cell-free protein synthesis (CFPS) system based on concentration screening of magnesium and potassium glutamate, DNA as well as polyethylene glycol (PEG), and its innovative usage in microgel-based production of a key enzyme of the polyketide synthesis pathway. After partial modification of the carboxyl groups of hyaluronic acid (HA) with 5′-methylfuran groups via 4-(4,6-dimethoxy-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl)-4-methyl-morpholinium chloride (DMTMM)-activation, these were further functionalized with dibenzocyclooctyne (DBCO) and nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) groups by bio-orthogonal [4+2] Diels-Alder cycloaddition to yield a bifunctional macromer. After coupling the DBCO groups with azide-functionalized DNA, containing the genetic information for deGFP-MatB, via strain-promoted azide-alkyne cycloaddition (SPAAC), the DNA-/NTA-functionalized HA macromer was utilized as base material together with maleimide-functionalized PEG (PEG-mal2) as the crosslinker to form bifunctional microgels utilizing water-in-oil (W/O) microemulsions. As-formed microgels were incubated with nickel sulfate to activate the NTA groups and provide binding sites for deGFP-MatB, which contained six histidine residues (His-tag) for that purpose. The optimized CFPS mixture was loaded into the microgels to initiate the formation of deGFP-MatB, which was detected by a clear increase in fluorescence exclusively inside the microgel volume. Functionality of both, the bound and the decoupled enzyme was proven by reaction with malonate to yield malonyl CoA, as confirmed by a colorimetric assay. © 2020 The Royal Society of Chemistry.