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    Tuning the Volume Phase Transition Temperature of Microgels by Light
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2021) Jelken, Joachim; Jung, Se-Hyeong; Lomadze, Nino; Gordievskaya, Yulia D.; Kramarenko, Elena Yu.; Pich, Andrij; Santer, Svetlana
    Temperature-responsive microgels find widespread applications as soft materials for designing actuators in microfluidic systems, as carriers for drug delivery or catalysts, as functional coatings, and as adaptable sensors. The key property is their volume phase transition temperature, which allows for thermally induced reversible swelling/deswelling. It is determined by the gel's chemical structure as well as network topology and cannot be varied easily within one system. Here a paradigm change of this notion by facilitating a light-triggered reversible switching of the microgel volume in the range between 32 and 82 °C is suggested. Photo-sensitivity is introduced by photosensitive azobenzene containing surfactant, which forms a complex with microgels consisting of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-acrylic acid) (PNIPAM-AAc) chains when assuming a hydrophobic trans-state, and prefers to leave the gel matrix in its cis-state. Using a similar strategy, it is demonstrated that at a fixed temperature, for example, 37 °C, one can reversibly change the microgel radius by a factor of 3 (7–21 µm) by irradiating either with UV (collapsed state) or green light (swollen state). It is envisaged that the possibility to deploy a swift external means of adapting the swelling behavior of microgels may impact and redefine the latter's application across all fields. © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Functional Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
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    Bioactive Nanogels Mimicking the Antithrombogenic Nitric Oxide-Release Function of the Endothelium
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2023) Hosseinnejad, Aisa; Ludwig, Nadine; Mersmann, Sina; Winnerbach, Patrick; Bleilevens, Christian; Rossaint, Rolf; Rossaint, Jan; Singh, Smriti
    Nitric oxide (NO) plays a significant role in controlling the physiology and pathophysiology of the body, including the endothelial antiplatelet function and therefore, antithrombogenic property of the blood vessels. This property of NO can be exploited to prevent thrombus formation on artificial surfaces like extracorporeal membrane oxygenators, which when come into contact with blood lead to protein adsorption and thereby platelet activation causing thrombus formation. However, NO is extremely reactive and has a very short biological half-life in blood, so only endogenous generation of NO from the blood contacting material can result into a stable and kinetically controllable local delivery of NO. In this regards, highly hydrophilic bioactive nanogels are presented which can endogenously generate NO in blood plasma from endogenous NO-donors thereby maintaining a physiological NO flux. It is shown that NO releasing nanogels could initiate cGMP-dependent protein kinase signaling followed by phosphorylation of vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein in platelets. This prevents platelet activation and aggregation even in presence of highly potent platelet activators like thrombin, adenosine 5′-diphosphate, and U46619 (thromboxane A2 mimetic).
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    All-Conjugated Polymer Core-Shell and Core-Shell-Shell Particles with Tunable Emission Profiles and White Light Emission
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2021) Haehnle, Bastian; Schuster, Philipp A.; Chen, Lisa; Kuehne, Alexander J. C.
    Future applications of conjugated polymer particles (CPP) in medicine, organic photonics, and optoelectronics greatly depend on high performance and precisely adjustable optical properties of the particles. To meet these criteria, current particle systems often combine conjugated polymers with inorganic particles in core-shell geometries, extending the possible optical characteristics of CPP. However, current conjugated polymer particles are restricted to a single polymer phase composed of a distinct polymer or a polymer blend. Here, a synthetic toolbox is presented that enables the synthesis of monodisperse core-shell and core-shell-shell particles, which consist entirely of conjugated polymers but of different types in the core and the shells. Seeded and fed-batch dispersion polymerizations based on Suzuki-Miyaura-type cross-coupling are investigated. The different approaches allow accurate control over the created interface between the conjugated polymer phases and thus also over the energy transfer phenomena between them. This approach opens up completely new synthetic freedom for fine tuning of the optical properties of CPP, enabling, for example, the synthesis of individual white light-emitting particles.