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Electroactive nanoinjection platform for intracellular delivery and gene silencing

2023, Shokouhi, Ali-Reza, Chen, Yaping, Yoh, Hao Zhe, Murayama, Takahide, Suu, Koukou, Morikawa, Yasuhiro, Brenker, Jason, Alan, Tuncay, Voelcker, Nicolas H., Elnathan, Roey

Background: Nanoinjection—the process of intracellular delivery using vertically configured nanostructures—is a physical route that efficiently negotiates the plasma membrane, with minimal perturbation and toxicity to the cells. Nanoinjection, as a physical membrane-disruption-mediated approach, overcomes challenges associated with conventional carrier-mediated approaches such as safety issues (with viral carriers), genotoxicity, limited packaging capacity, low levels of endosomal escape, and poor versatility for cell and cargo types. Yet, despite the implementation of nanoinjection tools and their assisted analogues in diverse cellular manipulations, there are still substantial challenges in harnessing these platforms to gain access into cell interiors with much greater precision without damaging the cell’s intricate structure. Here, we propose a non-viral, low-voltage, and reusable electroactive nanoinjection (ENI) platform based on vertically configured conductive nanotubes (NTs) that allows for rapid influx of targeted biomolecular cargos into the intracellular environment, and for successful gene silencing. The localization of electric fields at the tight interface between conductive NTs and the cell membrane drastically lowers the voltage required for cargo delivery into the cells, from kilovolts (for bulk electroporation) to only ≤ 10 V; this enhances the fine control over membrane disruption and mitigates the problem of high cell mortality experienced by conventional electroporation. Results: Through both theoretical simulations and experiments, we demonstrate the capability of the ENI platform to locally perforate GPE-86 mouse fibroblast cells and efficiently inject a diverse range of membrane-impermeable biomolecules with efficacy of 62.5% (antibody), 55.5% (mRNA), and 51.8% (plasmid DNA), with minimal impact on cells’ viability post nanoscale-EP (> 90%). We also show gene silencing through the delivery of siRNA that targets TRIOBP, yielding gene knockdown efficiency of 41.3%. Conclusions: We anticipate that our non-viral and low-voltage ENI platform is set to offer a new safe path to intracellular delivery with broader selection of cargo and cell types, and will open opportunities for advanced ex vivo cell engineering and gene silencing. Graphical abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.]

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Antioxidant Defense in Primary Murine Lung Cells following Short- and Long-Term Exposure to Plastic Particles

2023, Schmidt, Anke, Mühl, Melissa, Brito, Walison Augusto da Silva, Singer, Debora, Bekeschus, Sander

Polystyrene nano- and micro-sized plastic particles (NMP) are one of the common plastic materials produced that dramatically pollute the environment, water, and oceanic habitats worldwide. NMP are continuously absorbed by the body through a number of routes, especially via intestinal ingestion, dermal uptake, and inhalation into the lung. Several studies provided evidence of NMP provoking oxidative stress and affecting cellular responses. Yet, the NMP effects on primary lung cells have not been studied. To this end, we isolated and cultured murine lung cells and exposed them short-term or long-term to polystyrene 0.2–6.0 µm-sized NMP. We studied cellular consequences regarding oxidative stress, morphology, and secretion profiling. Visualization, distribution, and expression analyses confirmed lung cells accumulating NMP and showed several significant correlations with particle size. Moreover, we found substantial evidence of biological consequences of small-scale NMP uptake in lung cells. Besides alterations of cytokine secretion profiles resulting in inflammatory responses, indicators of oxidative stress were identified that were accompanied by Nrf2 and β-catenin signaling changes. Our results serve as an important basis to point out the potential hazards of plastic contaminations and uptake in lung cells.

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Physiological Parameters Relevant to Dissolution Testing - Hydrodynamic Considerations (rev. and suppl. version)

2023, Diebold, Steffen M.

The first two sections of the monograph present an introduction into basic hydrodynamics relevant to in vitro dissolution testing including V. G. Levichs convective diffusion theory and the authors combination model. This part is followed by hydrodynamic considerations of in vivo dissolution including hydrodynamic problems inherent to in vivo bioavailability of solid oral dosage forms. Hydrodynamics in the upper GI tract contribute to in vivo dissolution. Our ability to forecast dissolution of poorly soluble drugs in vitro depends on our knowledge of and ability to control hydrodynamics as well as other factors influencing dissolution. Provided suitable conditions (apparatus, hydrodynamics, media) are chosen for the dissolution test, it seems possible to predict dissolution limitations to the oral absorption of drugs and to reflect variations in hydrodynamic conditions in the upper GI tract. The fluid volume available for dissolution in the gut lumen, the contact time of the dissolved compound with the absorptive sites and the particle size have been identified as the main hydrodynamic determinants for the absorption of poorly soluble drugs in vivo. The influence of these factors is usually more pronounced than that of the motility pattern or the gastrointestinal flow rates per se.