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    An AI-based open recommender system for personalized labor market driven education
    (Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier Science, 2022) Tavakoli, Mohammadreza; Faraji, Abdolali; Vrolijk, Jarno; Molavi, Mohammadreza; Mol, Stefan T.; Kismihók, Gábor
    Attaining those skills that match labor market demand is getting increasingly complicated, not in the last place in engineering education, as prerequisite knowledge, skills, and abilities are evolving dynamically through an uncontrollable and seemingly unpredictable process. Anticipating and addressing such dynamism is a fundamental challenge to twenty-first century education. The burgeoning availability of data, not only on the demand side but also on the supply side (in the form of open educational resources) coupled with smart technologies, may provide a fertile ground for addressing this challenge. In this paper, we propose a novel, Artificial Intelligence (AI) driven approach to the development of an open, personalized, and labor market oriented learning recommender system, called eDoer. We discuss the complete system development cycle starting with a systematic user requirements gathering, and followed by system design, implementation, and validation. Our recommender prototype (1) derives the skill requirements for particular occupations through an analysis of online job vacancy announcements
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    In-situ fruit analysis by means of LiDAR 3D point cloud of normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI)
    (Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2023) Tsoulias, Nikos; Saha, Kowshik Kumar; Zude-Sasse, Manuela
    A feasible method to analyse fruit at the tree is requested in precise production management. The employment of light detection and ranging (LiDAR) was approached aimed at measuring the number of fruit, quality-related size, and ripeness-related chlorophyll of fruit skin. During fruit development (65 – 130 day after full bloom, DAFB), apples were harvested and analysed in the laboratory (n = 225) with two LiDAR laser scanners measuring at 660 and 905 nm. From these two 3D point clouds, the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVILiDAR) was calculated. The correlation analysis of NDVILiDAR and chemically analysed fruit chlorophyll content showed R2 = 0.81 and RMSE = 3.63 % on the last measuring date, when fruit size reached 76 mm. The method was tested on 3D point clouds of 12 fruit trees measured directly in the orchard, during fruit growth on five measuring dates, and validated with manual fruit analysis in the orchard (n = 4632). Point clouds of individual apples were segmented from 3D point clouds of trees and fruit NDVILiDAR were calculated. The non-invasively obtained field data showed good calibration performance capturing number of fruit, fruit size, fruit NDVILiDAR, and chemically analysed chlorophyll content of R2 = 0.99, R2 = 0.98 with RMSE = 3.02 %, R2 = 0.65 with RMSE = 0.65 %, R2 = 0.78 with RMSE = 1.31 %, respectively, considering the related reference data at last measuring date 130 DAFB. The new approach of non-invasive laser scanning provided physiologically and agronomically valuable time series data on differences in fruit chlorophyll affected by the leaf area to number of fruit and leaf area to fruit fresh mass ratios. Concluding, the method provides a tool for gaining production-relevant plant data for, e.g., crop load management and selective harvesting by harvest robots.
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    Synchronization in 5G networks: a hybrid Bayesian approach toward clock offset/skew estimation and its impact on localization
    (Heidelberg : Springer, 2021) Goodarzi, Meysam; Cvetkovski, Darko; Maletic, Nebojsa; Gutiérrez, Jesús; Grass, Eckhard
    Clock synchronization has always been a major challenge when designing wireless networks. This work focuses on tackling the time synchronization problem in 5G networks by adopting a hybrid Bayesian approach for clock offset and skew estimation. Furthermore, we provide an in-depth analysis of the impact of the proposed approach on a synchronization-sensitive service, i.e., localization. Specifically, we expose the substantial benefit of belief propagation (BP) running on factor graphs (FGs) in achieving precise network-wide synchronization. Moreover, we take advantage of Bayesian recursive filtering (BRF) to mitigate the time-stamping error in pairwise synchronization. Finally, we reveal the merit of hybrid synchronization by dividing a large-scale network into local synchronization domains and applying the most suitable synchronization algorithm (BP- or BRF-based) on each domain. The performance of the hybrid approach is then evaluated in terms of the root mean square errors (RMSEs) of the clock offset, clock skew, and the position estimation. According to the simulations, in spite of the simplifications in the hybrid approach, RMSEs of clock offset, clock skew, and position estimation remain below 10 ns, 1 ppm, and 1.5 m, respectively.
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    Low-rank tensor reconstruction of concentrated densities with application to Bayesian inversion
    (Dordrecht [u.a.] : Springer Science + Business Media B.V, 2022) Eigel, Martin; Gruhlke, Robert; Marschall, Manuel
    This paper presents a novel method for the accurate functional approximation of possibly highly concentrated probability densities. It is based on the combination of several modern techniques such as transport maps and low-rank approximations via a nonintrusive tensor train reconstruction. The central idea is to carry out computations for statistical quantities of interest such as moments based on a convenient representation of a reference density for which accurate numerical methods can be employed. Since the transport from target to reference can usually not be determined exactly, one has to cope with a perturbed reference density due to a numerically approximated transport map. By the introduction of a layered approximation and appropriate coordinate transformations, the problem is split into a set of independent approximations in seperately chosen orthonormal basis functions, combining the notions h- and p-refinement (i.e. “mesh size” and polynomial degree). An efficient low-rank representation of the perturbed reference density is achieved via the Variational Monte Carlo method. This nonintrusive regression technique reconstructs the map in the tensor train format. An a priori convergence analysis with respect to the error terms introduced by the different (deterministic and statistical) approximations in the Hellinger distance and the Kullback–Leibler divergence is derived. Important applications are presented and in particular the context of Bayesian inverse problems is illuminated which is a main motivation for the developed approach. Several numerical examples illustrate the efficacy with densities of different complexity and degrees of perturbation of the transport to the reference density. The (superior) convergence is demonstrated in comparison to Monte Carlo and Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods.