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    Changing seasonal temperature offers a window of opportunity for stricter climate policy
    (Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier Science, 2022) Pfeifer, Lena; Otto, Ilona M.
    Environmental catastrophes, including the increased severity and frequency of climate extremes, can act as “windows of opportunities” that challenge citizens’ mental models and motivate them to engage in reflective processes, challenging their pre-conceived ideas. Less well understood is whether experiencing changing weather conditions, common in mid-latitudes, can have a similar effect and increase the citizens’ concerns about climate change and their willingness to accept more stringent climate policies. In this paper, we investigate the effects of changing seasonal temperature on the perceived seriousness of climate change and willingness to mitigate climate change. We use data from four yearly waves of a spatially explicit representative population survey in Germany and weather records from the postal code areas in which they live. To our knowledge, this study is the first analysis to link individual perceptions towards climate change and different mitigation options with seasonal temperature changes at specific locations in Europe. The analyzed perceptions were strongly influenced by socio-demographic characteristics and broader societal changes, as well as individual experiences of seasonal temperatures. The results show that experienced seasonal temperature change influences personal climate change concerns as well as the willingness to mitigate climate change, although with a weaker effect. The results indicate that it is the absolute temperature variation experienced that is important, rather than whether it is getting colder or warmer than usual. Considering the influences identified in this study can offer a window of opportunity for more stringent and targeted climate change policy.
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    Cylindrospermopsin is effectively degraded in water by pulsed corona-like and dielectric barrier discharges
    (Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier Science, 2020) Schneider, Marcel; Rataj, Raphael; Kolb, Juergen F.; Bláha, Luděk
    Cylindrospermopsin (CYN) is an important cyanobacterial toxin posing a major threat to surface waters during cyanobacterial blooms. Hence, methods for cyanotoxin removal are required to confront seasonal or local incidences to sustain the safety of potable water reservoirs. Non-thermal plasmas provide the possibility for an environmentally benign treatment which can be adapted to specific concentrations and environmental conditions without the need of additional chemicals. We therefore investigated the potential of two different non-thermal plasma approaches for CYN degradation, operated either in a water mist, i.e. in air, or submerged in water. A degradation efficacy of 0.03 ± 0.00 g kWh−1 L−1 was found for a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) operated in air, while a submerged pulsed corona-like discharge resulted in an efficacy of 0.24 ± 0.02 g kWh−1 L−1. CYN degradation followed a pseudo zeroth order or pseudo first order reaction kinetic, respectively. Treatment efficacy of the corona-like discharge submerged in water increased with pH values of the initial solution changing from 5.0 to 7.5. Notably, a pH-depending residual oxidative effect was observed for the submerged discharge, resulting in ongoing CYN degradation, even without further plasma treatment. In this case hydroxyl radicals were identified as the dominant oxidants of CYN at acidic pH values. In comparison, degradation by the DBD could be related primarily to the generation of ozone. © 2020 The AuthorsThe degradation of cylindrospermopsin by a pulsed corona-like discharge in water was more effective compared with a pulsed dielectric barrier discharge in air around a water mist. © 2020 The Authors
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    Particulate matter emissions during field application of poultry manure - The influence of moisture content and treatment
    (Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier Science, 2021) Kabelitz, Tina; Biniasch, Oliver; Ammon, Christian; Nübel, Ulrich; Thiel, Nadine; Janke, David; Swaminathan, Senthilathiban; Funk, Roger; Münch, Steffen; Rösler, Uwe; Siller, Paul; Amon, Barbara; Aarnink, André J. A.; Amon, Thomas
    Along with industry and transportation, agriculture is one of the main sources of primary particulate matter (PM) emissions worldwide. Bioaerosol formation and PM release during livestock manure field application and the associated threats to environmental and human health are rarely investigated. In the temperate climate zone, field fertilization with manure seasonally contributes to local PM air pollution regularly twice per year (spring and autumn). Measurements in a wind tunnel, in the field and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations were performed to analyze PM aerosolization during poultry manure application and the influence of manure moisture content and treatment. A positive correlation between manure dry matter content (DM) and PM release was observed. Therefore, treatments strongly increasing the DM of poultry manure should be avoided. However, high manure DM led to reduced microbial abundance and, therefore, to a lower risk of environmental pathogen dispersion. Considering the findings of PM and microbial measurements, the optimal poultry manure DM range for field fertilization was identified as 50–70%. Maximum PM10 concentrations of approx. 10 mg per m3 of air were measured during the spreading of dried manure (DM 80%), a concentration that is classified as strongly harmful. The modeling of PM aerosolization processes indicated a low health risk beyond a distance of 400 m from the manure application source. The detailed knowledge about PM aerosolization during manure field application was improved with this study, enabling manure management optimization for lower PM aerosolization and pathogenic release into the environment.
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    What makes soil landscape robust? Landscape sensitivity towards land use changes in a Swiss southern Alpine valley
    (Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier Science, 2022) Bettoni, Manuele; Maerker, Michael; Sacchi, Roberto; Bosino, Alberto; Conedera, Marco; Simoncelli, Laura; Vogel, Sebastian
    Landscape sensitivity is a concept referring to the likelihood that changes in land use may affect in an irreversible way physical and chemical soil properties of the concerned landscape. The objective of this study is to quantitatively assess the sensitivity of the southern Alpine soil landscape regarding land use change-induced perturbations. Alpine soil landscapes can be considered as particularly sensitive to land use changes because their effects tend to be enhanced by frequent extreme climatic and topographic conditions as well as intense geomorphologic activity. In detail, the following soil key properties for soil vulnerability were analysed: (i) soil texture, (ii) bulk density, (iii) soil organic carbon (SOC), (iv) saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat), (v) aggregate stability and (vi) soil water repellency (SWR). The study area is characterized by a steep, east-west oriented valley, strongly anthropized in the last centuries followed by a progressive abandonment. This area is particularly suitable due to constant lithological conditions, extreme topographic and climatic conditions as well as historic land use changes. The analysis of land use change effects on soil properties were performed through a linear mixed model approach due to the nested structure of the data. Our results show a generally high stability of the assessed soils in terms of aggregate stability and noteworthy thick soils. The former is remarkable, since aggregate stability, which is commonly used for detecting land use-induced changes in soil erosion susceptibility, was always comparably high irrespective of land use. The stability of the soils is mainly related to a high amount of soil organic matter favouring the formation of stable soil aggregates, decreasing soil erodibility and hence, reducing soil loss by erosion. However, the most sensitive soil property to land use change was SWR that is partly influenced by the amount of soil organic carbon and probably by the quality and composition of SOM.
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    Enzymatic degradation of polyethylene terephthalate nanoplastics analyzed in real time by isothermal titration calorimetry
    (Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier Science, 2021) Vogel, Kristina; Wei, Ren; Pfaff, Lara; Breite, Daniel; Al-Fathi, Hassan; Ortmann, Christian; Estrela-Lopis, Irina; Venus, Tom; Schulze, Agnes; Harms, Hauke; Bornscheuer, Uwe T.; Maskow, Thomas
    Plastics are globally used for a variety of benefits. As a consequence of poor recycling or reuse, improperly disposed plastic waste accumulates in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems to a considerable extent. Large plastic waste items become fragmented to small particles through mechanical and (photo)chemical processes. Particles with sizes ranging from millimeter (microplastics, <5 mm) to nanometer (nanoplastics, NP, <100 nm) are apparently persistent and have adverse effects on ecosystems and human health. Current research therefore focuses on whether and to what extent microorganisms or enzymes can degrade these NP. In this study, we addressed the question of what information isothermal titration calorimetry, which tracks the heat of reaction of the chain scission of a polyester, can provide about the kinetics and completeness of the degradation process. The majority of the heat represents the cleavage energy of the ester bonds in polymer backbones providing real-time kinetic information. Calorimetry operates even in complex matrices. Using the example of the cutinase-catalyzed degradation of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) nanoparticles, we found that calorimetry (isothermal titration calorimetry-ITC) in combination with thermokinetic models is excellently suited for an in-depth analysis of the degradation processes of NP. For instance, we can separately quantify i) the enthalpy of surface adsorption ∆AdsH = 129 ± 2 kJ mol−1, ii) the enthalpy of the cleavage of the ester bonds ∆EBH = −58 ± 1.9 kJ mol−1 and the apparent equilibrium constant of the enzyme substrate complex K = 0.046 ± 0.015 g L−1. It could be determined that the heat production of PET NP degradation depends to 95% on the reaction heat and only to 5% on the adsorption heat. The fact that the percentage of cleaved ester bonds (η = 12.9 ± 2.4%) is quantifiable with the new method is of particular practical importance. The new method promises a quantification of enzymatic and microbial adsorption to NP and their degradation in mimicked real-world aquatic conditions.
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    Modelling the effect of feeding management on greenhouse gas and nitrogen emissions in cattle farming systems
    (Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier Science, 2021) Ouatahar, Latifa; Bannink, André; Lanigan, Gary; Amon, Barbara
    Feed management decisions are an important element of managing greenhouse gas (GHG) and nitrogen (N) emissions in livestock farming systems. This review aims to a) discuss the impact of feed management practices on emissions in beef and dairy production systems and b) assess different modelling approaches used for quantifying the impact of these abatement measures at different stages of the feed and manure management chain. Statistical and empirical models are well-suited for practical applications when evaluating mitigation strategies, such as GHG calculator tools for farmers and for inventory purposes. Process-based simulation models are more likely to provide insights into the impact of biotic and abiotic drivers on GHG and N emissions. These models are based on equations which mathematically describe processes such as fermentation, aerobic and anaerobic respiration, denitrification, etc. and require a greater number of input parameters. Ultimately, the modelling approach used will be determined by a) the activity input data available, b) the temporal and spatial resolution required and c) the suite of emissions being studied. Simulation models are likely candidates to be able to better explain variation in on-farm GHG and N emissions, and predict with a higher accuracy for a specific mitigation measure under defined farming conditions, due to the fact that they better represent the underlying mechanisms causal for emissions. Integrated farm system models often make use of rather generic values or empirical models to quantify individual emissions sources, whereas combining a whole set of process-based models (or their results) that simulates the variation in GHG and N emissions and the associated whole farm budget has not been used. The latter represents a valuable approach to delineate underlying processes and their drivers within the system and to evaluate the integral effect on GHG emissions with different mitigation options.