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Kaskadennutzung von Lignocellulose : LX-Verfahren trifft auf B. coagulans

2020, Schroedter, Linda, Streffer, Friedrich, Streffer, Katrin, Unger, Peter, Venus, Joachim

Investigating alternatives for petrobased substrates, lignocellulose is an interesting yet complex feedstock that offers various possibilities for the design of new and sustainable chemical routes. The novel energy-saving LX-pretreatment was combined with thermophilic Bacillus coagulans. By this, corn straw was used in an innovative cascade obtaining biogas, lignin as well as polymerisable L-(+)-lactic acid of over 99 percents optical purity. © 2020, Die Autoren.

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Primarily tests of a optoelectronic in-canopy sensor for evaluation of vertical disease infection in cereals

2022, Dammer, Karl-Heinz, Schirrmann, Michael

BACKGROUND: Health scouting of crops by satellite, airplanes, unmanned aerial (UAV) and ground vehicles can only evaluate the crop from above. The visible leaves may show no disease symptoms, but lower, older leaves not visible from above can do. A mobile in-canopy sensor was developed, carried by a tractor to detect diseases in cereal crops. Photodiodes measure the reflected light in the red and infrared wavelength range at 10 different vertical heights in lateral directions. RESULTS: Significant differences occurred in the vegetation index NDVI of sensor levels operated inside and near the winter wheat canopy between infected (stripe rust: 2018, 2019 / leaf rust: 2020) and control plots. The differences were not significant at those sensor levels operated far above the canopy. CONCLUSIONS: Lateral reflectance measurements inside the crop canopy are able to distinguish between disease-infected and healthy crops. In future mobile in-canopy scouting could be an extension to the common above-canopy scouting praxis for making spraying decisions by the farmer or decision support systems. © 2021 The Authors. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.

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Towards efficient production of highly optically pure d-lactic acid from lignocellulosic hydrolysates using newly isolated lactic acid bacteria

2022, Alexandri, Maria, Hübner, Dennis, Schneider, Roland, Fröhling, Antje, Venus, Joachim

This study presents the production of D-lactic acid with high enantiomeric purity using lignocellulosic hydrolysates from newly isolated lactic acid bacterial (LAB) strains. Six strains, 4 heterofermentative and 2 homofermentative, were investigated for their ability to grow and produce lactic acid on sugar beet pulp (SBP) hydrolysates, containing a mixture of hexose and pentose sugars. Among the strains tested, three were isolates designated as A250, A257 and A15, all of which belonged to the genus Leuconostoc. Only strain A250 could be reliably identified as Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides based on cluster analysis of Maldi-ToF spectra. All strains produced D-lactic acid in the presence of SBP hydrolysates, but with varying optical purities. The homofermentative strains achieved higher D-lactic acid optical purities, but without assimilating the pentose sugars. Co-cultivation of the homofermentative strain Lactobacillus coryniformis subsp. torquens DSM 20005 together with the heterofermentative isolate A250 led to the production of 21.7 g/L D-lactic acid with 99.3 % optical purity. This strategy enabled the complete sugar utilization of the substrate. Nanofiltration of the SBP hydrolysate enhanced the enantiomeric purity of the D-lactic acid produced from the isolates A250 and A15 by about 5 %. The highest D-lactic acid concentration (40 g/L) was achieved in fed-batch cultures of A250 isolate with nanofiltered SBP, where optical purity was 99.4 %. The results of this study underline the feasibility of a novel isolate as an efficient D-lactic acid producer using lignocellulosic hydrolysates.

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Identification and molecular analysis of interaction sites in the MtSEO-F1 protein involved in forisome assembly

2020, Rose, Judith, Visser, Franziska, Müller, Boje, Senft, Matthias, Groscurth, Sira, Sicking, Kevin F., Twyman, Richard M., Prüfer, Dirk, Noll, Gundula A.

Forisomes are large mechanoprotein complexes found solely in legumes such as Medicago truncatula. They comprise several “sieve element occlusion by forisome” (SEO-F) subunits, with MtSEO-F1 as the major structure-forming component. SEO-F proteins possess three conserved domains –an N-terminal domain (SEO-NTD), a potential thioredoxin fold, and a C-terminal domain (SEO-CTD)– but structural and biochemical data are scarce and little is known about the contribution of these domains to forisome assembly. To identify key amino acids involved in MtSEO-F1 dimerization and complex formation, we investigated protein-protein interactions by bimolecular fluorescence complementation and the analysis of yeast two-hybrid and random mutagenesis libraries. We identified a SEO-NTD core region as the major dimerization site, with abundant hydrophobic residues and rare charged residues suggesting dimerization is driven by the hydrophobic effect. We also found that ~45% of the full-length MtSEO-F1 sequence must be conserved for higher-order protein assembly, indicating that large interaction surfaces facilitate stable interactions, contributing to the high resilience of forisome bodies. Interestingly, the removal of 62 amino acids from the C-terminus did not disrupt forisome assembly. This is the first study unraveling interaction sites and mechanisms within the MtSEO-F1 protein at the level of dimerization and complex formation. © 2018