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Structural stability, electronic, optical, and thermoelectric properties of layered perovskite Bi2LaO4I

2022, Joshi, Radha K., Bhandari, Shalika R., Ghimire, Madhav Prasad

Layered perovskites are an interesting class of materials due to their possible applications in microelectronics and optoelectronics. Here, by means of density functional theory calculations, we investigated the structural, elastic, electronic, optical, and thermoelectric properties of the layered perovskite Bi2LaO4I within the parametrization of the standard generalized gradient approximation (GGA). The transport coefficients were evaluated by adopting Boltzmann semi-classical theory and a collision time approach. The calculated elastic constants were found to satisfy the Born criteria, indicating that Bi2LaO4I is mechanically stable. Taking into account spin-orbit coupling (SOC), the material was found to be a non-magnetic insulator, with an energy bandgap of 0.82 eV (within GGA+SOC), and 1.85 eV (within GGA+mBJ+SOC). The optical-property calculations showed this material to be optically active in the visible and ultraviolet regions, and that it may be a candidate for use in optoelectronic devices. Furthermore, this material is predicted to be a potential candidate for use in thermoelectric devices due to its large value of power factor, ranging from 2811 to 7326 μW m−1 K−2, corresponding to a temperature range of 300 K to 800 K.

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Investigating the magnetic and magnetocaloric behaviors of LiSm(PO3)4

2023, Tran, T.A., Petrov, Dimitar N., Phan, T.L., Tu, B. D., Nhat, H.N., Tran, H.C., Weise, B., Cwik, J., Koshkid'ko, Yu S., Manh, T.V., Hoang, T.P., Dang, N.T.

We report a detailed study on the magnetic behaviors and magnetocaloric (MC) effect of a single crystal of lithium samarium tetraphosphate, LiSm(PO3)4. The analyses of temperature-dependent magnetization data have revealed magnetic ordering established with decreasing temperature below Tp, where Tp is the minimum of a dM/dT vs. T curve and varies as a linear function of the applied field H. The Curie temperature has been extrapolated from Tp(H) data, as H → 0, to be about 0.51 K. The establishment of magnetic-ordering causes a substantial change in the heat capacity Cp. Above Tp, the crystal exhibits paramagnetic behavior. Using the Curie-Weiss (CW) law and Arrott plots, we have found the crystal to have a CW temperature θCW ≈ −36 K, and short-range magnetic order associated with a coexistence of antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic interactions ascribed to the couplings of magnetic dipoles and octupoles at the Γ7 and Γ8 states. An assessment of the MC effect has shown increases in value of the absolute magnetic-entropy change (|ΔSm|) and adiabatic-temperature change (ΔTad) when lowering the temperature to 2 K, and increasing the magnetic-field H magnitude. Around 2 K, the maximum value of |ΔSm| is about 3.6 J kg−1 K−1 for the field H = 50 kOe, and ΔTad is about 5.8 K for H = 20 kOe, with the relative cooling power (RCP) of ∼82.5 J kg−1. In spite of a low MC effect in comparison to Li(Gd,Tb,Ho)(PO3)4, the absence of magnetic hysteresis reflects that LiSm(PO3)4 is also a candidate for low-temperature MC applications below 25 K.

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Electronic, magnetic, optical and thermoelectric properties of Ca2Cr1−xNixOsO6 double perovskites

2020, Bhandari, Shalika R., Yadav, D.K., Belbase, B.P., Zeeshan, M., Sadhukhan, B., Rai, D.P., Thapa, R.K., Kaphle, G.C., Ghimire, Madhav Prasad

With the help of density functional theory calculations, we explored the recently synthesized double perovskite material Ca2CrOsO6 and found it to be a ferrimagnetic insulator with a band gap of ∼0.6 eV. Its effective magnetic moment is found to be ∼0.23 μB per unit cell. The proposed behavior arises from the cooperative effect of spin–orbit coupling and Coulomb correlation of Cr-3d and Os-5d electrons along with the crystal field. Within the ferrimagnetic configuration, doping with 50% Ni in the Cr-sites resulted in a half-metallic state with a total moment of nearly zero, a characteristic of spintronic materials. Meanwhile, the optical study reveals that both ε1xx and ε1zz decrease first and then increase rapidly with increasing photon energy up to 1.055 eV. We also found optical anisotropy up to ∼14 eV, where the material becomes almost optically isotropic. This material has a plateau like region in the σxx and σzz parts of the optical conductivity due to a strong 3d–5d interband transition between Cr and Os. In addition, we performed thermoelectric calculations whose results predict that the material might not be good as a thermoelectric device due to its small power factor.

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The cross-talk between lateral sheet dimensions of pristine graphene oxide nanoparticles and Ni2+ adsorption

2021, Atawneh, M., Makharza, S., Zahran, S., Titi, K., Takrori, F., Hampel, S.

This study investigated the removal of nickel(II) ions by using two sizes of graphene oxide nanoparticles (GO – 450 nm and GO – 200 nm). The thickness and lateral sheet dimensions of GO are considered to be an important adsorbent and promising method for sufficient removal of metals like nickel, lead, copper, etc. The graphite oxide was prepared by oxidation–reduction reaction (Hummers method), and the final product was labelled as GO – 450 nm. A tip sonicator was used to reduce the size of particles to 200 nm under controlled conditions (time and power of sonication). FTIR spectroscopy shows that both sizes of GO particles contain several types of oxygen groups distributed onto the surface of GO particles. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and the statistical analysis confirmed the formation of these two sizes of GO particles. The GO – 200 nm performed better removal of Ni(II) compared with GO – 450 nm, due to more surfaces being available. The adsorption capacity of GO particles increased drastically from 45 mg g−1 to 75 mg g−1 for GO – 450 nm and GO – 200 nm respectively, these values were carried out after 2 h of incubation. The kinetics of adsorption and several parameters like initial concentration at equilibrium, pH, temperature, and adsorbent dose are controlled and studied by using UV-visible spectroscopy. The results indicated a significant potential of GO – 200 nm as an adsorbent for Ni(II) ion removal. An additional experiment was performed to estimate the surface area of GO – 450 nm and GO – 200 nm, the results show that the surface areas of GO – 450 nm and GO – 200 nm are 747.8 m2 g−1 and 1052.2 m2 g−1 respectively.

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Facile one-pot hydrothermal synthesis of a zinc oxide/curcumin nanocomposite with enhanced toxic activity against breast cancer cells

2023, Madeo, Lorenzo Francesco, Schirmer, Christine, Cirillo, Giuseppe, Froeschke, Samuel, Hantusch, Martin, Curcio, Manuela, Nicoletta, Fiore Pasquale, Büchner, Bernd, Mertig, Michael, Hampel, Silke

Zinc oxide/Curcumin (Zn(CUR)O) nanocomposites were prepared via hydrothermal treatment of Zn(NO3)2 in the presence of hexamethylenetetramine as a stabilizing agent and CUR as a bioactive element. Three ZnO : CUR ratios were investigated, namely 57 : 43 (Zn(CUR)O-A), 60 : 40 (Zn(CUR)O-B) and 81 : 19 (Zn(CUR)O-C), as assessed by thermogravimetric analyses, with an average hydrodynamic diameter of nanoaggregates in the range of 223 to 361 nm. The interaction of CUR with ZnO via hydroxyl and ketoenol groups (as proved by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analyses) was found to significantly modify the key properties of ZnO nanoparticles with the obtainment of a bilobed shape (as shown by scanning electron microscopy), and influenced the growth process of the composite nanoparticles as indicated by the varying particle sizes determined by powder X-ray diffraction. The efficacy of Zn(CUR)O as anticancer agents was evaluated on MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cancer cells, obtaining a synergistic activity with a cell viability depending on the CUR amount within the nanocomposite. Finally, the determination of reactive oxygen species production in the presence of Zn(CUR)O was used as a preliminary evaluation of the mechanism of action of the nanocomposites.