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Optical Spectrometry to Determine Nutrient Concentrations and other Physicochemical Parameters in Liquid Organic Manures: A Review

2022, Horf, Michael, Vogel, Sebastian, Drücker, Harm, Gebbers, Robin, Olfs, Hans-Werner

Nutrient concentrations in livestock manures and biogas digestates show a huge variability due to disparities in animal husbandry systems concerning animal species, feed composition, etc. Therefore, a nutrient estimation based on recommendation tables is not reliable when the exact chemical composition is needed. The alternative, to analyse representative fertilizer samples in a standard laboratory, is too time-and cost-intensive to be an accepted routine method for farmers. However, precise knowledge about the actual nutrient concentrations in liquid organic fertilizers is a prerequisite to ensure optimal nutrient supply for growing crops and on the other hand to avoid environmental problems caused by overfertilization. Therefore, spectrometric methods receive increasing attention as fast and low-cost alternatives. This review summarizes the present state of research based on optical spectrometry used at laboratory and field scale for predicting several parameters of liquid organic manures. It emphasizes three categories: (1) physicochemical parameters, e.g., dry matter, pH, and electrical conductivity; (2) main plant nutrients, i.e., total nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and sulfur; and (3) micronutrients, i.e., manganese, iron, copper, and zinc. Furthermore, the commonly used sample preparation techniques, spectrometer types, measuring modes, and chemometric methods are presented. The primarily promising scientific results of the last 30 years contributed to the fact that near-infrared spectrometry (NIRS) was established in commercial laboratories as an alternative method to wet chemical standard methods. Furthermore, companies developed technical setups using NIRS for on-line applications of liquid organic manures. Thus, NIRS seems to have evolved to a competitive measurement procedure, although parts of this technique still need to be improved to ensure sufficient accuracy, especially in quality management.

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Effect of Fans’ Placement on the Indoor Thermal Environment of Typical Tunnel-Ventilated Multi-Floor Pig Buildings Using Numerical Simulation

2022, Wang, Xiaoshuai, Cao, Mengbing, Hu, Feiyue, Yi, Qianying, Amon, Thomas, Janke, David, Xie, Tian, Zhang, Guoqiang, Wang, Kaiying

An increasing number of large pig farms are being built in multi-floor pig buildings (MFPBs) in China. Currently, the ventilation system of MFPB varies greatly and lacks common standards. This work aims to compare the ventilation performance of three popular MFPB types with different placement of fans using the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) technique. After being validated with field-measured data, the CFD models were extended to simulate the air velocity, air temperature, humidity, and effective temperature of the three MFPBs. The simulation results showed that the ventilation rate of the building with outflowing openings in the endwall and fans installed on the top of the shaft was approximately 25% less than the two buildings with fans installed on each floor. The ventilation rate of each floor increased from the first to the top floor for both buildings with a shaft, while no significant difference was observed in the building without a shaft. Increasing the shaft’s width could mitigate the variation in the ventilation rate of each floor. The effective temperature distribution at the animal level was consistent with the air velocity distribution. Therefore, in terms of the indoor environmental condition, the fans were recommended to be installed separately on each floor.

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Using SPOT-7 for Nitrogen Fertilizer Management in Oil Palm

2020, Yadegari, Mohammad, Shamshiri, Redmond R., Shariff, Abdul Rashid Mohamed, Balasundram, Siva K., Mahns, Benjamin

Environmental concerns are growing about excessive applying nitrogen (N) fertilizers, especially in oil palm. Some conventional methods which are used to assess the amount of nutrient in oil palm are time-consuming, expensive, and involve frond destruction. Remote sensing as a non-destructive, affordable, and efficient method is widely used to detect the concentration of chlorophyll (Chl) from canopy plants using several vegetation indices (VIs) because there is an influential relation between the concentration of N in the leaves and canopy Chl content. The objectives of this research are to (i) evaluate and compare the performance of various vegetation indices (VIs) for measuring N status in oil palm canopy using SPOT-7 imagery (AIRBUS Defence & Space, Ottobrunn, Germany) to (ii) develop a regression formula that can predict the N content using satellite data to (iii) assess the regression formula performance on testing datasets by testing the coefficient of determination between the predicted and measured N contents. SPOT-7 was acquired in a 6-ha oil palm planted area in Pahang, Malaysia. To predict N content, 28 VIs based on the spectral range of SPOT-7 satellite images were evaluated. Several regression models were applied to determine the highest coefficient of determination between VIs and actual N content from leaf sampling. The modified soil-adjusted vegetation index (MSAVI) generated the highest coefficient of determination (R2 = 0.93). MTVI1 and triangular VI had the highest second and third coefficient of determination with N content (R2 = 0.926 and 0.923, respectively). The classification accuracy assessment of the developed model was evaluated using several statistical parameters such as the independent t-test, and p-value. The accuracy assessment of the developed model was more than 77%.

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Comparison of Methane Emission Patterns from Dairy Housings with Solid and Slatted Floors at Two Locations

2022, Hempel, Sabrina, Janke, David, Losand, Bernd, Zeyer, Kerstin, Zähner, Michael, Mohn, Joachim, Amon, Thomas, Schrade, Sabine

Methane (CH4) emissions from dairy husbandry are a hot topic in the context of active climate protection, where housing systems with slatted floors and slurry storage inside are in general expected to emit more than systems with solid floors. There are multiple factors, including climate conditions, that modulate the emission pattern. In this study, we investigated interrelations between CH4 emission patterns and climate conditions as well as differences between farm locations versus floor effects. We considered three data sets with 265, 264 and 275 hourly emission values from two housing systems (one slatted, one solid floor) in Switzerland and one system with solid floors in Germany. Each data set incorporated measurements in summer, winter and a transition season. The average CH4 emission was highest for the slatted floor system. For the solid floor systems, CH4 emissions at the Swiss location were around 30% higher compared to the German location. The shape of the distributions for the two solid floor systems was rather similar but very different from the distribution for the slatted floor system, which showed higher prevalence for extreme emissions. Rank correlations, which measure the degree of similarity between two rankings in terms of linear relation, were not able to detect dependencies at the selected significance level. In contrast, mutual information, which measures more general statistical dependencies in terms of shared information, revealed highly significant dependencies for almost all variable pairs. The weakest statistical relation was found between winds speed and CH4 emission, but the convection regime was found to play a key role. Clustering was consistent among the three data sets with five typical clusters related to high/low temperature and wind speed, respectively, as well as in some cases to morning and evening hours. Our analysis showed that despite the disparate and often insignificant correlation between environmental variables and CH4 emission, there is a strong relation between both, which shapes the emission pattern in many aspects much more in addition to differences in the floor type. Although a clear distinction of high and low emission condition clusters based on the selected environmental variables was not possible, trends were clearly visible. Further research with larger data sets is advisable to verify the detected trends and enable prognoses for husbandry systems under different climate conditions.

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Kaskadennutzung von Lignocellulose : LX-Verfahren trifft auf B. coagulans

2020, Schroedter, Linda, Streffer, Friedrich, Streffer, Katrin, Unger, Peter, Venus, Joachim

Investigating alternatives for petrobased substrates, lignocellulose is an interesting yet complex feedstock that offers various possibilities for the design of new and sustainable chemical routes. The novel energy-saving LX-pretreatment was combined with thermophilic Bacillus coagulans. By this, corn straw was used in an innovative cascade obtaining biogas, lignin as well as polymerisable L-(+)-lactic acid of over 99 percents optical purity. © 2020, Die Autoren.

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Impact of Camera Viewing Angle for Estimating Leaf Parameters of Wheat Plants from 3D Point Clouds

2021, Li, Minhui, Shamshiri, Redmond R., Schirrmann, Michael, Weltzien, Cornelia

Estimation of plant canopy using low-altitude imagery can help monitor the normal growth status of crops and is highly beneficial for various digital farming applications such as precision crop protection. However, extracting 3D canopy information from raw images requires studying the effect of sensor viewing angle by taking into accounts the limitations of the mobile platform routes inside the field. The main objective of this research was to estimate wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) leaf parameters, including leaf length and width, from the 3D model representation of the plants. For this purpose, experiments with different camera viewing angles were conducted to find the optimum setup of a mono-camera system that would result in the best 3D point clouds. The angle-control analytical study was conducted on a four-row wheat plot with a row spacing of 0.17 m and with two seeding densities and growth stages as factors. Nadir and six oblique view image datasets were acquired from the plot with 88% overlapping and were then reconstructed to point clouds using Structure from Motion (SfM) and Multi-View Stereo (MVS) methods. Point clouds were first categorized into three classes as wheat canopy, soil background, and experimental plot. The wheat canopy class was then used to extract leaf parameters, which were then compared with those values from manual measurements. The comparison between results showed that (i) multiple-view dataset provided the best estimation for leaf length and leaf width, (ii) among the single-view dataset, canopy, and leaf parameters were best modeled with angles vertically at -45⸰_ and horizontally at 0⸰_ (VA -45, HA 0), while (iii) in nadir view, fewer underlying 3D points were obtained with a missing leaf rate of 70%. It was concluded that oblique imagery is a promising approach to effectively estimate wheat canopy 3D representation with SfM-MVS using a single camera platform for crop monitoring. This study contributes to the improvement of the proximal sensing platform for crop health assessment. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.

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Particulate Matter Dispersion Modeling in Agricultural Applications: Investigation of a Transient Open Source Solver

2021, Janke, David, Swaminathan, Senthilathiban, Hempel, Sabrina, Kasper, Robert, Amon, Thomas

Agriculture is a major emitter of particulate matter (PM), which causes health problems and can act as a carrier of the pathogen material that spreads diseases. The aim of this study was to investigate an open-source solver that simulates the transport and dispersion of PM for typical agricultural applications. We investigated a coupled Eulerian–Lagrangian solver within the open source software package OpenFOAM. The continuous phase was solved using transient large eddy simulations, where four different subgrid-scale turbulence models and an inflow turbulence generator were tested. The discrete phase was simulated using two different Lagrangian solvers. For the validation case of a turbulent flow of a street canyon, the flowfield could be recaptured very well, with errors of around 5% for the non-equilibrium turbulence models (WALE and dynamicKeq) in the main regions. The inflow turbulence generator could create a stable and accurate boundary layer for the mean vertical velocity and vertical profile of the turbulent Reynolds stresses R11. The validation of the Lagrangian solver showed mixed results, with partly good agreements (simulation results within the measurement uncertainty), and partly high deviations of up to 80% for the concentration of particles. The higher deviations were attributed to an insufficient turbulence regime of the used validation case, which was an experimental chamber. For the simulation case of PM dispersion from manure application on a field, the solver could capture the influence of features such as size and density on the dispersion. The investigated solver is especially useful for further investigations into time-dependent processes in the near-source area of PM sources.

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Influence of Tree Species, Harvesting Method and Storage on Energy Demand and Wood Chip Quality When Chipping Poplar, Willow and Black Locust

2020, Pecenka, Ralf, Lenz, Hannes, Jekayinfa, Simeon Olatayo, Hoffmann, Thomas

The cultivation of fast-growing wood (e.g., poplar, willow or black locust) in short rotation coppices and agroforestry systems presents an opportunity for producing biomass sustainably in the agricultural sector. Cost-efficient agricultural wood production requires the availability of high-performance machinery and methods with which high-quality wood chips can be produced at low cost. It is known from harvesting short rotation coppices in practice that both the wood chip quality and the performance of the harvesting machinery depend on a variety of factors (e.g., harvesting method, weather conditions, tree species). That is why this study examines in detail the influence of the tree species (different varieties of poplar, willow, black locust) and the wood condition (fresh, stored or dried, frozen) on the specific energy demand for comminution in a stationary drum chipper and on the particle size distribution of the wood chips produced. For all the tree species examined, the chipping of dried as well as frozen stems was connected with a significant increase in the specific energy demand for comminution. An increase of 31% has been measured if poplar stems are chipped in frozen conditions (max. 6.31 kWh t−1). Drying led to an increase of 59% for dried willow stems (max. 6.67 kWh t−1). Drying and frost had also an influence on the size and quality of the wood chips, but no globally significant connection could be established for the examined tree varieties.

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Simulating Cotton Growth and Productivity Using AquaCrop Model under Deficit Irrigation in a Semi-Arid Climate

2022, Aziz, Marjan, Rizvi, Sultan Ahmad, Sultan, Muhammad, Bazmi, Muhammad Sultan Ali, Shamshiri, Redmond R., Ibrahim, Sobhy M., Imran, Muhammad A.

AquaCrop is a water-driven model that simulates the effect of environment and management on crop production under deficit irrigation. The model was calibrated and validated using three databases and four irrigation treatments (i.e., 100%ET, 80%ET, 70%ET, and 50%ET). Model performance was evaluated by simulating canopy cover (CC), biomass accumulation, and water productivity (WP). Statistics of root mean square error (RMSE) and Willmott’s index of agreement (d) showed that model predictions are suitable for non-stressed and moderate stressed conditions. The results showed that the simulated biomass and yield were consistent with the measured values with a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.976 and 0.950, respectively. RMSE and d-index values for canopy cover (CC) were 2.67% to 4.47% and 0.991% to 0.998% and for biomass were 0.088 to 0.666 ton/ha and 0.991 to 0.999 ton/ha, respectively. Prediction of simulated and measured biomass and final yield was acceptable with deviation ˂10%. The overall value of R2 for WP in terms of yield was 0.943. Treatment with 80% ET consumed 20% less water than the treatment with 100%ET and resulted in high WP in terms of yield (0.6 kg/m3) and biomass (1.74 kg/m3), respectively. The deviations were in the range of −2% to 11% in yield and −2% to 4% in biomass. It was concluded that AquaCrop is a useful tool in predicting the productivity of cotton under different irrigation scenarios.

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The Effect of Diet and Farm Management on N2O Emissions from Dairy Farms Estimated from Farm Data

2021, Menardo, Simona, Lanza, Giacomo, Berg, Werner

The N2O emissions of 21 dairy farms in Germany were evaluated to determine the feasi-bility of an estimation of emissions from farm data and the effects of the farm management, along with possible mitigation strategies. Emissions due to the application of different fertilisers, manure storage and grazing were calculated based on equations from the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change) and German emission inventory. The dependence of the N2O emissions on fertiliser type and quantity, cultivated crops and diet composition was assessed via correlation analysis and linear regression. The N2O emissions ranged between 0.11 and 0.29 kg CO2eq per kilogram energy-corrected milk, with on average 60% resulting from fertilisation and less than 30% from fertiliser storage and field applications. The total emissions had a high dependence on the diet composition; in particular, on the grass/maize ratio and the protein content of the animal diet, as well as from the manure management. A linear model for the prediction of the N2O emissions based on the diet composition and the fertilisation reached a predictive power of R2 = 0.89. As a possible mitigation strategy, the substitution of slurry for solid manure would reduce N2O emissions by 40%. Feeding cows maize-based diets instead of grass-based diets could reduce them by 14%. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.