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Antibacterial Ti-Cu alloy with enhanced mechanical properties as implant applications

2020, Yi, ChangBo, Ke, ZunYun, Zhang, Lei, Tan, Jun, Jiang, YeHua, He, ZhengYuan

The service life as hard tissue implantation for clinical application needs compatible mechanical properties, e.g. strength, modulus, etc, and certain self-healing in case of internal infection. Therefore, for sake of improving the properties of Ti-Cu alloy, the microstructure, mechanical properties, corrosion resistance and antibacterial properties of Ti-xCu alloy (x = 2, 5, 7 and 10 wt.%) prepared by Ar-arc melting followed by heat treatment were studied. The results show that the Ti-Cu alloy was mainly composed of α-Ti matrix and precipitated Ti2Cu phase. The Cu element mainly accumulates in the lamellar structure and forms the precipitated Ti2Cu phase. As the increase of Cu content, the lamellar Ti2Cu phase increases, the compressive strength and elastic modulus also were altered. The Ti-7Cu alloy exhibited the higher compressive strength (2169 MPa) and the lower elastic modulus (108 GPa) compared with other Ti-Cu alloys. The corrosion resistance of Ti-xCu alloys increases with the increase of Cu content. When the Cu content was greater than 5 wt.%, the value of corrosion current density for Ti-Cu alloy was less than 1 μAcenterdotcm−2, which is also significantly lower than that of CP-Ti. The antibacterial test revealed that only the Ti-Cu alloy with 5 wt.% or greater Cu content could display a strong antibacterial rate against E. coli and S. aureus. Therefore, the prepared Ti-7Cu alloy via heat treatment showed excellent mechanical properties, corrosion resistance, and antibacterial properties, which would meet the replacement of human hard tissue and clinical applications.

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Semi-Interpenetrating Polymer Networks Based on N-isopropylacrylamide and 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropane Sulfonic Acid for Intramolecular Force-Compensated Sensors

2021, Binder, Simon, Zschoche, Stefan, Voit, Brigitte, Gerlach, Gerald

Stimulus-responsive hydrogels are swellable polymers that take up a specific volume depending on a measured variable present in solution. Hydrogel-based chemical sensors make use of this ability by converting the resulting swelling pressure, which depends on the measured variable, into an electrical value. Due to the tedious swelling processes, the measuring method of intramolecular force compensation is used to suppress these swelling processes and, thus, significantly increase the sensor's response time. However, intramolecular force compensation requires a bisensitive hydrogel. In addition to the sensitivity of the measured variable the gel has to provide a second sensitivity for intrinsic compensation of the swelling pressure. At the same time, this hydrogel has to meet further requirements, e.g. high compressive strength. Until now, interpenetrating polymer networks (IPN) have been used for such a force-compensatory effective hydrogel, which are complex to manufacture. In order to significantly simplify the sensor design and production, a simpler synthesis of the bisensitive hydrogel is desirable. This paper presents a new bisensitive hydrogel based on semi-interpenetrating polymer networks. It is based on a copolymer network consisting of N-isopropylacrylamide (NiPAAm) and 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropane sulfonic acid (AMPS) and long PAMPS strands that permeate it. Measurements show, that this hydrogel meets all essential requirements for intramolecular force compensation and is at the same time much easier to synthesize than previously used IPN hydrogels. © 2021 The Author(s).

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How to grow single-crystalline and epitaxial NiTi films in (100)- and (111)-orientation

2023, Lünser, Klara, Undisz, Andreas, Nielsch, Kornelius, Fähler, Sebastian

Understanding the martensitic microstructure in nickel-titanium (NiTi) thin films helps to optimize their properties for applications in microsystems. Epitaxial and single-crystalline films can serve as model systems to understand the microstructure, as well as to exploit the anisotropic mechanical properties of NiTi. Here, we analyze the growth of NiTi on single-crystalline MgO(100) and Al2O3(0001) substrates and optimize film and buffer deposition conditions to achieve epitaxial films in (100)- and (111)-orientation. On MgO(100), we compare the transformation behavior and crystal quality of (100)-oriented NiTi films on different buffer layers. We demonstrate that a vanadium buffer layer helps to decrease the low-angle grain boundary density in the NiTi film, which inhibits undesired growth twins and leads to higher transformation temperatures. On Al2O3(0001), we analyze the orientation of a chromium buffer layer and find that it grows (111)-oriented only in a narrow temperature range around 500 ∘C. By depositing the Cr buffer below the NiTi film, we can prepare (111)-oriented, epitaxial films with transformation temperatures above room temperature. Transmission electron microscopy confirms a martensitic microstructure with Guinier Preston-zone precipitates at room temperature. We identify the deposition conditions to approach the ideal single crystalline state, which is beneficial for the analysis of the martensitic microstructure and anisotropic mechanical properties in different film orientations.

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Impact of atomic defects in the electronic states of FeSe1-x Sx superconducting crystals

2022, Aragón Sánchez, Jazmín, Amigó, María Lourdes, Belussi, Cristian Horacio, Ale Crivillero, María Victoria, Suárez, Sergio, Guimpel, Julio, Nieva, Gladys, Gayone, Julio Esteban, Fasano, Yanina

The electronic properties of Fe-based superconductors are drastically affected by deformations on their crystal structure introduced by doping and pressure. Here we study single crystals of FeSe 1 − x Sx and reveal that local crystal deformations such as atomic-scale defects impact the spectral shape of the electronic core level states of the material. By means of scanning tunneling microscopy we image S-doping induced defects as well as diluted dumbbell defects associated with Fe vacancies. We have access to the electronic structure of the samples by means of x-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) and show that the spectral shape of the Se core levels can only be adequately described by considering a principal plus a minor component of the electronic states. We find this result for both pure and S-doped samples, irrespective that in the latter case the material presents extra crystal defects associated to doping with S atoms. We argue that the second component in our XPS spectra is associated with the ubiquitous dumbbell defects in FeSe that are known to entail a significant modification of the electronic clouds of surrounding atoms.

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Bio-inspired deposition of electrochemically exfoliated graphene layers for electrical resistance heating applications

2020-12-4, Utech, Toni, Pötschke, Petra, Simon, Frank, Janke, Andreas, Kettner, Hannes, Paiva, Maria, Zimmerer, Cordelia

Electrochemically exfoliated graphene (eeG) layers possess a variety of potential applications, e.g. as susceptor material for contactless induction heating in dynamic electro-magnetic fields, and as flexible and transparent electrode or resistivity heating elements. Spray coating of eeG dispersions was investigated in detail as a simple and fast method to deposit both, thin conducting layers and ring structures on polycarbonate substrates. The spray coating process was examined by systematic variation of dispersion concentration and volume applied to heated substrates. Properties of the obtained layers were characterized by UV-VIS spectroscopy, SEM and Confocal Scanning Microscopy. Electrical conductivity of eeG ring structures was measured using micro-four-point measurements. Modification of eeG with poly(dopamine) and post-thermal treatment yields in the reduction of the oxidized graphene proportion, an increase in electrical conductivity, and mechanical stabilization of the deposited thin layers. The chemical composition of modified eeG layer was analyzed via x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy pointing to the reductive behavior of poly(dopamine). Application oriented experiments demonstrate the direct electric current heating (Joule-Heating) effect of spray-coated eeG layers.

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Modeling Polycrystalline Electrode-electrolyte Interfaces: The Differential Capacitance

2020, Müller, Rüdiger, Fuhrmann, Jürgen, Landstorfer, Manuel

We present and analyze a model for polycrystalline electrode surfaces based on an improved continuum model that takes finite ion size and solvation into account. The numerical simulation of finite size facet patterns allows to study two limiting cases: While for facet size diameter dfacet →0 we get the typical capacitance of a spatially homogeneous but possible amorphous or liquid surface, in the limit 1[nm] < dfacet, an ensemble of non-interacting single crystal surfaces is approached. Already for moderate size of the facet diameters, the capacitance is remarkably well approximated by the classical approach of adding the single crystal capacities of the contributing facets weighted by their respective surface fraction. As a consequence, the potential of zero charge is not necessarily attained at a local minimum of capacitance, but might be located at a local capacitance maximum instead. Moreover, the results show that surface roughness can be accurately taken into account by multiplication of the ideally flat polycrystalline surface capacitance with a single factor. In particular, we find that the influence of the actual geometry of the facet pattern in negligible and our theory opens the way to a stochastic description of complex real polycrystal surfaces. © 2020 The Author(s). Published on behalf of The Electrochemical Society by IOP Publishing Limited.

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MXenes and the progress of Li–S battery development - a perspective

2021, Balach, Juan, Giebeler, Lars

Lithium–sulfur (Li–S) battery has attracted tremendous interest owing to its high energy density at affordable costs. However, the irreversible active material loss and subsequent capacity fading caused by the uncontrollable shuttling of polysulfides have greatly hampered its commercial viability. MXenes, a novel class of 2D materials derived from nano-layered MAX phases, have been shown the potential to push the development of sulfur-based batteries to a next level owing to their high conductivity, strong polysulfide affinity and electrocatalytic properties. This perspective article focuses on the possible implications that MXene-based materials will have in the development of advanced sulfur-based batteries and their potential application in different upcoming technologies. In four sections possible developments are outlined which can be reached in the next 10 years, that enable a highly reliable, minimized Li–S battery finally combined with energy harvesters to fabricate autonomous power supplies for the next generation of microscaled devices like meteorological or geotechnical probes, wearable (medical) sensors or other suitable mobile devices. Finally, a flowchart illustrates the possible way to realize some important milestones for the certain possible steps with significant contributions of MXenes.

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Nonlinear dynamical properties of frequency swept fiber-based semiconductor lasers

2021, Slepneva, Svetlana, Pimenov, Alexander

We investigate dynamics of semiconductor lasers with fiber-based unidirectional ring cavity that can be used as frequency swept sources. We identify key factors behind the reach dynamical behavior of such lasers using state-of-the-art experimental and analytical methods. Experimentally, we study the laser in static, quasi-static and synchronization regimes. We apply experimental methods such as optical heterodyne or electric field reconstruction in order to characterize these regimes or study the mechanisms of transition between them. Using a delay differential equation model, we demonstrate that the presence of chromatic dispersion can lead to destabilization of the laser modes through modulational instability, which results in undesirable chaotic emission. We characterize the instability threshold both theoretically and experimentally, and demonstrate deterioration of the Fourier domain mode locking regime near the threshold.

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A discussion of the cell voltage during discharge of an intercalation electrode for various C-rates based on non-equilibrium thermodynamics and numerical simulations

2020, Landstorfer, Manuel

In this work we discuss the modeling procedure and validation of a non-porous intercalation half-cell during galvanostatic discharge. The modeling is based on continuum thermodynamics with non-equilibrium processes in the active intercalation particle, the electrolyte, and the common interface where the intercalation reaction Li+ + e- ↔ Li occurs. The model is in detail investigated and discussed in terms of scalings of the non-equilibrium parameters, i.e. the diffusion coefficients DA and DE of the active phase and the electrolyte, conductivity sA and sE of both phases, and the exchange current density e0L, with numerical solutions of the underlying PDE system. The current density i as well as all non-equilibrium parameters are scaled s with respect to the 1-C current density iC A of the intercalation electrode. We compute then numerically the cell voltage E as function of the capacity Q and the C-rate Ch. Within a hierarchy of approximations we provide computations of E(Q) for various scalings of the diffusion coefficients, the conductivities and the exchange current density. For the later we provide finally a discussion for possible concentration dependencies. © The Author(s) 2019. Published by ECS.

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Roadmap on commercialization of metal halide perovskite photovoltaics

2023, Feng, Shien-Ping, Cheng, Yuanhang, Yip, Hin-Lap, Zhong, Yufei, Fong, Patrick W. K., Li, Gang, Ng, Annie, Chen, Cong, Castriotta, Luigi Angelo, Matteocci, Fabio, Vesce, Luigi, Saranin, Danila, Carlo, Aldo Di, Wang, Puqun, Wei Ho, Jian, Hou, Yi, Lin, Fen, Aberle, Armin G, Song, Zhaoning, Yan, Yanfa, Chen, Xu, Yang, Yang (Michael), Syed, Ali Asgher, Ahmad, Ishaq, Leung, Tiklun, Wang, Yantao, Lin, JingYang, Ng, Alan Man Ching, Li, Yin, Ebadi, Firouzeh, Tress, Wolfgang, Richardson, Giles, Ge, Chuangye, Hu, Hanlin, Karimipour, Masoud, Baumann, Fanny, Tabah, Kenedy, Pereyra, Carlos, Raga, Sonia R., Xie, Haibing, Lira-Cantu, Monica, Khenkin, Mark V., Visoly-Fisher, Iris, Katz, Eugene A., Vaynzof, Yana, Vidal, Rosario, Yu, Guicheng, Lin, Haoran, Weng, Shuchen, Wang, Shifeng, Djurišić, Aleksandra B.

Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) represent one of the most promising emerging photovoltaic technologies due to their high power conversion efficiency. However, despite the huge progress made not only in terms of the efficiency achieved, but also fundamental understanding of the relevant physics of the devices and issues which affect their efficiency and stability, there are still unresolved problems and obstacles on the path toward commercialization of this promising technology. In this roadmap, we aim to provide a concise and up to date summary of outstanding issues and challenges, and the progress made toward addressing these issues. While the format of this article is not meant to be a comprehensive review of the topic, it provides a collection of the viewpoints of the experts in the field, which covers a broad range of topics related to PSC commercialization, including those relevant for manufacturing (scaling up, different types of devices), operation and stability (various factors), and environmental issues (in particular the use of lead). We hope that the article will provide a useful resource for researchers in the field and that it will facilitate discussions and move forward toward addressing the outstanding challenges in this fast-developing field.