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Increasing the spatial resolution of cloud property retrievals from Meteosat SEVIRI by use of its high-resolution visible channel: implementation and examples

2021, Deneke, Hartwig, Barrientos-Velasco, Carola, Bley, Sebastian, Hünerbein, Anja, Lenk, Stephan, Macke, Andreas, Meirink, Jan Fokke, Schroedter-Homscheidt, Marion, Senf, Fabian, Wang, Ping, Werner, Frank, Witthuhn, Jonas

The modification of an existing cloud property retrieval scheme for the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) instrument on board the geostationary Meteosat satellites is described to utilize its high-resolution visible (HRV) channel for increasing the spatial resolution of its physical outputs. This results in products with a nadir spatial resolution of 1×1ĝ€¯km2 compared to the standard 3×3ĝ€¯km2 resolution offered by the narrowband channels. This improvement thus greatly reduces the resolution gap between current geostationary and polar-orbiting meteorological satellite imagers. In the first processing step, cloudiness is determined from the HRV observations by a threshold-based cloud masking algorithm. Subsequently, a linear model that links the 0.6ĝ€¯μm, 0.8ĝ€¯μm, and HRV reflectances provides a physical constraint to incorporate the spatial high-frequency component of the HRV observations into the retrieval of cloud optical depth. The implementation of the method is described, including the ancillary datasets used. It is demonstrated that the omission of high-frequency variations in the cloud-absorbing 1.6ĝ€¯μm channel results in comparatively large uncertainties in the retrieved cloud effective radius, likely due to the mismatch in channel resolutions. A newly developed downscaling scheme for the 1.6ĝ€¯μm reflectance is therefore applied to mitigate the effects of this scale mismatch. Benefits of the increased spatial resolution of the resulting SEVIRI products are demonstrated for three example applications: (i) for a convective cloud field, it is shown that significantly better agreement between the distributions of cloud optical depth retrieved from SEVIRI and from collocated MODIS observations is achieved. (ii) The temporal evolution of cloud properties for a growing convective storm at standard and HRV spatial resolutions are compared, illustrating an improved contrast in growth signatures resulting from the use of the HRV channel. (iii) An example of surface solar irradiance, determined from the retrieved cloud properties, is shown, for which the HRV channel helps to better capture the large spatiotemporal variability induced by convective clouds. These results suggest that incorporating the HRV channel into the retrieval has potential for improving Meteosat-based cloud products for several application domains.

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Computational design and optimization of electro-physiological sensors

2021, Nittala, Aditya Shekhar, Karrenbauer, Andreas, Khan, Arshad, Kraus, Tobias, Steimle, Jürgen

Electro-physiological sensing devices are becoming increasingly common in diverse applications. However, designing such sensors in compact form factors and for high-quality signal acquisition is a challenging task even for experts, is typically done using heuristics, and requires extensive training. Our work proposes a computational approach for designing multi-modal electro-physiological sensors. By employing an optimization-based approach alongside an integrated predictive model for multiple modalities, compact sensors can be created which offer an optimal trade-off between high signal quality and small device size. The task is assisted by a graphical tool that allows to easily specify design preferences and to visually analyze the generated designs in real-time, enabling designer-in-the-loop optimization. Experimental results show high quantitative agreement between the prediction of the optimizer and experimentally collected physiological data. They demonstrate that generated designs can achieve an optimal balance between the size of the sensor and its signal acquisition capability, outperforming expert generated solutions.

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Aerosol and cloud top height information of Envisat MIPAS measurements

2020, Griessbach, Sabine, Hoffmann, Lars, Spang, Reinhold, Achtert, Peggy, von Hobe, Marc, Mateshvili, Nina, Müller, Rolf, Riese, Martin, Rolf, Christian, Seifert, Patric, Vernier, Jean-Paul

Infrared limb emission instruments have a long history in measuring clouds and aerosol. In particular, the Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS) instrument aboard ESA's Envisat provides 10 years of altitude-resolved global measurements. Previous studies found systematic overestimations and underestimations of cloud top heights for cirrus and polar stratospheric clouds. To assess the cloud top height information and to characterise its uncertainty for the MIPAS instrument we performed simulations for ice clouds, volcanic ash, and sulfate aerosol. From the simulation results we found that in addition to the known effects of the field-of-view that can lead to a cloud top height overestimation, and broken cloud conditions that can lead to underestimation, the cloud extinction also plays an important role. While for optically thick clouds the possible cloud top height overestimation for MIPAS reaches up to 1.6 km due to the field-of-view, for optically thin clouds and aerosol the systematic underestimation reaches 5.1 km. For the detection sensitivity and the degree of underestimation of the MIPAS measurements, the cloud layer thickness also plays a role; 1 km thick clouds are detectable down to extinctions of 5×10-4 km-1 and 6 km thick clouds are detectable down to extinctions of 1×10-4 km-1, where the largest underestimations of the cloud top height occur for the optically thinnest clouds with a vertical extent of 6 km. The relation between extinction coefficient, cloud top height estimate, and layer thickness is confirmed by a comparison of MIPAS cloud top heights of the volcanic sulfate aerosol from the Nabro eruption in 2011 with space-and ground-based lidar measurements and twilight measurements between June 2011 and February 2012. For plumes up to 2 months old, where the extinction was between 1×10-4 and 7×10-4 km-1 and the layer thickness mostly below 4 km, we found for MIPAS an average underestimation of 1.1 km. In the aged plume with extinctions down to 5 × 10-5 km-1 and layer thicknesses of up to 9.5 km, the underestimation was higher, reaching up to 7.2 km. The dependency of the cloud top height overestimations or underestimations on the extinction coefficient can explain seemingly contradictory results of previous studies. In spite of the relatively large uncertainty range of the cloud top height, the comparison of the detection sensitivity towards sulfate aerosol between MIPAS and a suite of widely used UV/VIS limb and IR nadir satellite aerosol measurements shows that MIPAS provides complementary information in terms of detection sensitivity. © Author(s) 2020.

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Absorption instruments inter-comparison campaign at the Arctic Pallas station

2021, Asmi, Eija, Backman, John, Servomaa, Henri, Virkkula, Aki, Gini, Maria I., Eleftheriadis, Konstantinos, Müller, Thomas, Ohata, Sho, Kondo, Yutaka, Hyvärinen, Antti

Aerosol light absorption was measured during a 1-month field campaign in June-July 2019 at the Pallas Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW) station in northern Finland. Very low aerosol concentrations prevailed during the campaign, which posed a challenge for the instruments' detection capabilities. The campaign provided a real-world test for different absorption measurement techniques supporting the goals of the European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR) Black Carbon (BC) project in developing aerosol absorption standard and reference methods. In this study we compare the results from five filter-based absorption techniques - aethalometer models AE31 and AE33, a particle soot absorption photometer (PSAP), a multi-angle absorption photometer (MAAP), and a continuous soot monitoring system (COSMOS) - and from one indirect technique called extinction minus scattering (EMS). The ability of the filter-based techniques was shown to be adequate to measure aerosol light absorption coefficients down to around 0.01g¯Mm-1 levels when data were averaged to 1-2g¯h. The hourly averaged atmospheric absorption measured by the reference MAAP was 0.09g¯Mm-1 (at a wavelength of 637g¯nm). When data were averaged for >1g¯h, the filter-based methods agreed to around 40g¯%. COSMOS systematically measured the lowest absorption coefficient values, which was expected due to the sample pre-treatment in the COSMOS inlet. PSAP showed the best linear correlation with MAAP (slopeCombining double low line0.95, R2Combining double low line0.78), followed by AE31 (slopeCombining double low line0.93). A scattering correction applied to PSAP data improved the data accuracy despite the added noise. However, at very high scattering values the correction led to an underestimation of the absorption. The AE31 data had the highest noise and the correlation with MAAP was the lowest (R2Combining double low line0.65). Statistically the best linear correlations with MAAP were obtained for AE33 and COSMOS (R2 close to 1), but the biases at around the zero values led to slopes clearly below 1. The sample pre-treatment in the COSMOS instrument resulted in the lowest fitted slope. In contrast to the filter-based techniques, the indirect EMS method was not adequate to measure the low absorption values found at the Pallas site. The lowest absorption at which the EMS signal could be distinguished from the noise was >0.1g¯Mm-1 at 1-2g¯h averaging times. The mass absorption cross section (MAC) value measured at a range 0-0.3g¯Mm-1 was calculated using the MAAP and a single particle soot photometer (SP2), resulting in a MAC value of 16.0±5.7g¯m2g-1. Overall, our results demonstrate the challenges encountered in the aerosol absorption measurements in pristine environments and provide some useful guidelines for instrument selection and measurement practices. We highlight the need for a calibrated transfer standard for better inter-comparability of the absorption results. © Author(s) 2021.

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Partial cross mapping eliminates indirect causal influences

2020, Leng, Siyang, Ma, Huanfei, Kurths, Jürgen, Lai, Ying-Cheng, Lin, Wei, Aihara, Kazuyuki, Chen, Luonan

Causality detection likely misidentifies indirect causations as direct ones, due to the effect of causation transitivity. Although several methods in traditional frameworks have been proposed to avoid such misinterpretations, there still is a lack of feasible methods for identifying direct causations from indirect ones in the challenging situation where the variables of the underlying dynamical system are non-separable and weakly or moderately interacting. Here, we solve this problem by developing a data-based, model-independent method of partial cross mapping based on an articulated integration of three tools from nonlinear dynamics and statistics: phase-space reconstruction, mutual cross mapping, and partial correlation. We demonstrate our method by using data from different representative models and real-world systems. As direct causations are keys to the fundamental underpinnings of a variety of complex dynamics, we anticipate our method to be indispensable in unlocking and deciphering the inner mechanisms of real systems in diverse disciplines from data.

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Optimizing the detection, ablation, and ion extraction efficiency of a single-particle laser ablation mass spectrometer for application in environments with low aerosol particle concentrations

2020, Clemen, Hans-Christian, Schneider, Johannes, Klimach, Thomas, Helleis, Frank, Köllner, Franziska, Hünig, Andreas, Rubach, Florian, Mertes, Stephan, Wex, Heike, Stratmann, Frank, Welti, André, Kohl, Rebecca, Frank, Fabian, Borrmann, Stephan

The aim of this study is to show how a newly developed aerodynamic lens system (ALS), a delayed ion extraction (DIE), and better electric shielding improve the efficiency of the Aircraft-based Laser ABlation Aerosol MAss spectrometer (ALABAMA). These improvements are applicable to single-particle laser ablation mass spectrometers in general. To characterize the modifications, extensive sizeresolved measurements with spherical polystyrene latex particles (PSL; 150-6000 nm) and cubic sodium chloride particles (NaCl; 400-1700 nm) were performed. Measurements at a fixed ALS position show an improved detectable particle size range of the new ALS compared to the previously used Liu-type ALS, especially for supermicron particles. At a lens pressure of 2.4 hPa, the new ALS achieves a PSL particle size range from 230 to 3240 nm with 50% detection efficiency and between 350 and 2000 nm with 95% detection efficiency. The particle beam divergence was determined by measuring the detection efficiency at variable ALS positions along the laser cross sections and found to be minimal for PSL at about 800 nm. Compared to measurements by singleparticle mass spectrometry (SPMS) instruments using Liutype ALSs, the minimum particle beam divergence is shifted towards larger particle sizes. However, there are no disadvantages compared to the Liu-type lenses for particle sizes down to 200 nm. Improvements achieved by using the DIE and an additional electric shielding could be evaluated by size-resolved measurements of the hit rate, which is the ratio of laser pulses yielding a detectable amount of ions to the total number of emitted laser pulses. In particular, the hit rate for multiply charged particles smaller than 500 nm is significantly improved by preventing an undesired deflection of these particles in the ion extraction field. Moreover, it was found that by using the DIE the ion yield of the ablation, ionization, and ion extraction process could be increased, resulting in up to 7 times higher signal intensities of the cation spectra. The enhanced ion yield results in a larger effective width of the ablation laser beam, which in turn leads to a hit rate of almost 100% for PSL particles in the size range from 350 to 2000 nm. Regarding cubic NaCl particles the modifications of the ALABAMA result in an up to 2 times increased detection efficiency and an up to 5 times increased hit rate. The need for such instrument modifications arises in particular for measurements of particles that are present in low number concentrations such as ice-nucleating particles (INPs) in general, but also aerosol particles at high altitudes or in pristine environments. Especially for these low particle number concentrations, improved efficiencies help to overcome the statistical limitations of single-particle mass spectrometer measurements. As an example, laboratory INP measurements carried out in this study show that the appli- cation of the DIE alone increases the number of INP mass spectra per time unit by a factor of 2 to 3 for the sampled substances. Overall, the combination of instrument modifications presented here resulted in an increased measurement efficiency of the ALABAMA for different particle types and particles shape as well as for highly charged particles. © 2020 Copernicus GmbH. All rights reserved.

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Network-induced multistability through lossy coupling and exotic solitary states

2020, Hellmann, Frank, Schultz, Paul, Jaros, Patrycja, Levchenko, Roman, Kapitaniak, Tomasz, Kurths, Jürgen, Maistrenko, Yuri

The stability of synchronised networked systems is a multi-faceted challenge for many natural and technological fields, from cardiac and neuronal tissue pacemakers to power grids. For these, the ongoing transition to distributed renewable energy sources leads to a proliferation of dynamical actors. The desynchronisation of a few or even one of those would likely result in a substantial blackout. Thus the dynamical stability of the synchronous state has become a leading topic in power grid research. Here we uncover that, when taking into account physical losses in the network, the back-reaction of the network induces new exotic solitary states in the individual actors and the stability characteristics of the synchronous state are dramatically altered. These effects will have to be explicitly taken into account in the design of future power grids. We expect the results presented here to transfer to other systems of coupled heterogeneous Newtonian oscillators.