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    Tunable Circular Dichroism by Photoluminescent Moiré Gratings
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2020) Aftenieva, Olha; Schnepf, Max; Mehlhorn, Börge; König, Tobias A.F.
    In nanophotonics, there is a current demand for ultrathin, flexible nanostructures that are simultaneously easily tunable, demonstrate a high contrast, and have a strong response in photoluminescent polarization. In this work, the template-assisted self-assembly of water-dispersed colloidal core–shell quantum dots into 1D light-emitting sub-micrometer gratings on a flexible substrate is demonstrated. Combining such structures with a light-absorbing metallic counterpart by simple stacking at various angles results in a tunable Moiré pattern with strong lateral contrast. Furthermore, a combination with an identical emitter-based grating leads to a chiroptical effect with a remarkably high degree of polarization of 0.72. Such a structure demonstrates direct circular polarized photoluminescence, for the first time, without a need for an additional chiral template as an intermediary. The suggested approach allows for reproducible, large-area manufacturing at reasonable costs and is of potential use for chiroptical sensors, photonic circuit applications, or preventing counterfeit. © 2020 The Authors. Advanced Optical Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
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    Photoluminescence Mapping over Laser Pulse Fluence and Repetition Rate as a Fingerprint of Charge and Defect Dynamics in Perovskites
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2023) Rao, Shraddha M.; Kiligaridis, Alexander; Yangui, Aymen; An, Qingzhi; Vaynzof, Yana; Scheblykin, Ivan G.
    Defects in metal halide perovskites (MHP) are photosensitive, making the observer effect unavoidable when laser spectroscopy methods are applied. Photoluminescence (PL) bleaching and enhancement under light soaking and recovery in dark are examples of the transient phenomena that are consequent to the creation and healing of defects. Depending on the initial sample composition, environment, and other factors, the defect nature and evolution can strongly vary, making spectroscopic data analysis prone to misinterpretations. Herein, the use of an automatically acquired dependence of PL quantum yield (PLQY) on the laser pulse repetition rate and pulse fluence as a unique fingerprint of both charge carrier dynamics and defect evolution is demonstrated. A simple visual comparison of such fingerprints allows for assessment of similarities and differences between MHP samples. The study illustrates this by examining methylammonium lead triiodide (MAPbI3) films with altered stoichiometry that just after preparation showed very pronounced defect dynamics at time scale from milliseconds to seconds, clearly distorting the PLQY fingerprint. Upon weeks of storage, the sample fingerprints evolve toward the standard stoichiometric MAPbI3 in terms of both charge carrier dynamics and defect stability. Automatic PLQY mapping can be used as a universal method for assessment of perovskite sample quality.
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    Photophysical Study on the Rigid Pt(II) Complex [Pt(naphen)(Cl)] (Hnaphen = Naphtho[1,2-b][1,10]Phenanthroline and Derivatives
    (Basel : MDPI, 2022) Krause, Maren; Maisuls, Iván; Buss, Stefan; Strassert, Cristian A.; Winter, Andreas; Schubert, Ulrich S.; Nair, Shruthi S.; Dietzek-Ivanšić, Benjamin; Klein, Axel
    The electrochemistry and photophysics of the Pt(II) complexes [Pt(naphen)(X)] (Hnaphen = naphtho[1,2-b][1,10]phenanthroline, X = Cl or C≡CPh) containing the rigid tridentate C^N^N-coordinating pericyclic naphen ligand was studied alongside the complexes of the tetrahydro-derivative [Pt(thnaphen)(X)] (Hthnaphen = 5,6,8,9-tetrahydro-naphtho[1,2-b][1,10]phenanthroline) and the N^C^N-coordinated complex [Pt(bdq)(Cl)] (Hbdq = benzo[1,2-h:5,4-h’]diquinoline. The cyclic voltammetry showed reversible reductions for the C^N^N complexes, with markedly fewer negative potentials (around −1.6 V vs. ferrocene) for the complexes containing the naphen ligand compared with the thnaphen derivatives (around −1.9 V). With irreversible oxidations at around +0.3 V for all of the complexes, the naphen made a difference in the electrochemical gap of about 0.3 eV (1.9 vs. 2.2 eV) compared with thnaphen. The bdq complex was completely different, with an irreversible reduction at around −2 V caused by the N^C^N coordination pattern, which lacked a good electron acceptor such as the phenanthroline unit in the C^N^N ligand naphen. Long-wavelength UV-Vis absorption bands were found around 520 to 530 nm for the C^N^N complexes with the C≡CPh coligand and were red-shifted when compared with the Cl derivatives. The N^C^N-coordinated bdq complex was markedly blue-shifted (493 nm). The steady-state photoluminescence spectra showed poorly structured emission bands peaking at around 630 nm for the two naphen complexes and 570 nm for the thnaphen derivatives. The bdq complex showed a pronounced vibrational structure and an emission maximum at 586 nm. Assuming mixed 3LC/3MLCT excited states, the vibronic progression for the N^C^N bdq complex indicated a higher LC character than assumed for the C^N^N-coordinated naphen and thnaphen complexes. The blue-shift was a result of the different N^C^N vs. C^N^N coordination. The photoluminescence lifetimes and quantum yields ΦL massively increased from solutions at 298 K (0.06 to 0.24) to glassy frozen matrices at 77 K (0.80 to 0.95). The nanosecond time-resolved study on [Pt(naphen)(Cl)] showed a phosphorescence emission signal originating from the mixed 3LC/3MLCT with an emission lifetime of around 3 µs.
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    Optimization of the Epitaxial Growth of Undoped GaN Waveguides in GaN-Based Laser Diodes Evaluated by Photoluminescence
    (Warrendale, Pa : TMS, 2020) Netzel, C.; Hoffmann, V.; Einfeldt, S.; Weyers, M.
    Non-intentionally doped c-plane GaN layers are generally employed as p-side waveguide layers in violet/blue-emitting laser diodes. The recombination and diffusion of charge carriers in the p-side GaN waveguide influence the injection efficiency of holes into the InGaN quantum wells of these devices. In this study, the non-radiative recombination and the diffusivity in the [000-1] direction for charge carriers in such GaN layers are investigated by the photoluminescence of buried InGaN quantum wells, in addition to the GaN photoluminescence. The vertical charge carrier diffusion length and the diffusion constant in GaN were determined by evaluating the intensity from InGaN quantum wells in different depths below a top GaN layer. Additionally, the intensity from the buried InGaN quantum wells was found to be more sensitive to variations in the non-radiative recombination rate in the GaN layer than the intensity from the GaN itself. The study enables conclusions to be drawn on how the growth of a p-side GaN waveguide layer has to be optimized: (1) The charge carrier diffusivity in the [000-1] direction at device operation temperature is limited by phonon scattering and can be only slightly improved by material quality. (2) The use of TMGa (trimethylgallium) instead of TEGa (triethylgallium) as a precursor for the growth of GaN lowers the background silicon doping level and is advantageous for a large hole diffusion length. (3) Small growth rates below 0.5 μm/h when using TMGa or below 0.12 μm/h when using TEGa enhance non-radiative recombination. (4) A V/III gas ratio of 2200 or more is needed for low non-radiative recombination rates in GaN.