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    Predicting the dominating factors during heat transfer in magnetocaloric composite wires
    (Amsterdam : Elsevier B.V., 2020) Krautz, M.; Beyer, L.; Funk, A.; Waske, A.; Weise, B.; Freudenberger, J.; Gottschall, T.
    Magnetocaloric composite wires have been studied by pulsed-field measurements up to μ0ΔH = 10 T with a typical rise time of 13 ms in order to evaluate the evolution of the adiabatic temperature change of the core, ΔTad, and to determine the effective temperature change at the surrounding steel jacket, ΔTeff, during the field pulse. An inverse thermal hysteresis is observed for ΔTad due to the delayed thermal transfer. By numerical simulations of application-relevant sinusoidal magnetic field profiles, it can be stated that for field-frequencies of up to two field cycles per second heat can be efficiently transferred from the core to the outside of the jacket. In addition, intense numerical simulations of the temperature change of the core and jacket were performed by varying different parameters, such as frequency, heat capacity, thermal conductivity and interface resistance in order to shed light on their impact on ΔTeff at the outside of the jacket in comparison to ΔTad provided by the core.
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    Mechanical performance and corrosion behaviour of Zr-based bulk metallic glass produced by selective laser melting
    (Amsterdam : Elsevier B.V., 2020) Deng, L.; Gebert, A.; Zhang, L.; Chen, H.Y.; Gu, D.D.; Kühn, U.; Zimmermann, M.; Kosiba, K.; Pauly, S.
    Nearly fully dense, glassy Zr52.5Cu17.9Ni14.6Al10Ti5 bulk specimens were fabricated by selective laser melting (SLM) and their behaviour during compressive loading, during wear testing and in a corrosive medium was investigated. Their performance was compared with as-cast material of the same composition. The additively manufactured samples exhibit a yield strength around 1700 MPa combined with a plastic strain of about 0.5% after yielding despite the residual porosity of 1.3%, which is distributed uniformly in the samples. The propagation of shear bands in the bulk metallic glass prepared by SLM was studied. The specific wear rate and the worn surfaces demonstrated that similar wear mechanisms are active in the SLM and the as-cast samples. Hence, manufacturing the glass in layers does not adversely affect the wear properties. The same holds for the corrosion tests, which were carried out in 0.01 M Na2SO4 and 0.1 M NaCl electrolyte. The anodic polarization curves of SLM samples and as-cast samples revealed a similar corrosion behaviour. However, the SLM samples have a slightly reduced susceptibility to pitting corrosion and exhibit an improved surface healing ability, which might be attributed to an improved homogeneity of the additively manufactured glass.
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    Round robin comparison on quantitative nanometer scale magnetic field measurements by magnetic force microscopy
    (Amsterdam : Elsevier B.V., 2020) Hu, X.; Dai, G.; Sievers, S.; Fernández-Scarioni, A.; Corte-León, H.; Puttock, R.; Barton, C.; Kazakova, O.; Ulvr, M.; Klapetek, P.; Havlíček, M.; Nečas, D.; Tang, Y.; Neu, V.; Schumacher, H.W.
    Magnetic force microscopy (MFM) can be considered as a standard tool for nano-scale investigation of magnetic domain structures by probing the local stray magnetic field landscape of the measured sample. However, this generally provides only qualitative data. To quantify the stray magnetic fields, the MFM system must be calibrated. To that end, a transfer function (TF) approach was proposed, that, unlike point probe models, fully considers the finite extent of the MFM tip. However, albeit being comprehensive, the TF approach is not yet well established, mainly due to the ambiguities concerning the input parameters and the measurement procedure. Additionally, the calibration process represents an ill-posed problem which requires a regularization that introduces further parameters. In this paper we propose a guideline for quantitative stray field measurements by standard MFM tools in ambient conditions. All steps of the measurement and calibration procedure are detailed, including reference sample and sample under test (SUT) measurements and the data analysis. The suitability of the reference sample used in the present work for calibrated measurements on a sub-micron scale is discussed. A specific regularization approach based on a Pseudo-Wiener Filter is applied and combined with criteria for the numerical determination of a unique regularization parameter. To demonstrate the robustness of such a defined approach, a round robin comparison of magnetic field measurements was conducted by four laboratories. The guideline, the reference sample and the results of the round robin are discussed.
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    Rejuvenation through plastic deformation of a La-based metallic glass measured by fast-scanning calorimetry
    (Amsterdam : Elsevier B.V., 2020) Meylan, C.M.; Orava, J.; Greer, A.L.
    We explore the glassy states achievable after a metallic glass is formed on liquid quenching. Samples of La55Al25Ni20 (at.%) metallic glass (rod and ribbon) are studied. The extent of structural relaxation at room temperature is characterized for this low-glass-transition temperature glass. Plastic deformation (uniaxial compression) rejuvenates the glass to states of higher enthalpy characteristic of glass formation at high cooling rate. Deformation increases the heterogeneity of the glass, widening the spectrum of relaxation times. The extent of rejuvenation in samples of low aspect ratio is compared with that under conditions of high constraint in notched samples. The deformation-induced rejuvenation is particularly susceptible to reduction on subsequent ageing. Fast-scanning calorimetry is useful in characterizing the dynamics of structural relaxation. The shadow glass transition is more evident on fast heating, and is observed in this glass for the first time. A new excess exothermic effect is observed before the glass transition.
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    INSPIRE: A European training network to foster research and training in cardiovascular safety pharmacology
    (Amsterdam : Elsevier B.V., 2020) Guns, P.-J.D.; Guth, B.D.; Braam, S.; Kosmidis, G.; Matsa, E.; Delaunois, A.; Gryshkova, V.; Bernasconi, S.; Knot, H.J.; Shemesh, Y.; Chen, A.; Markert, M.; Fernández, M.A.; Lombardi, D.; Grandmont, C.; Cillero-Pastor, B.; Heeren, R.M.A.; Martinet, W.; Woolard, J.; Skinner, M.; Segers, V.F.M.; Franssen, C.; Van Craenenbroeck, E.M.; Volders, P.G.A.; Pauwelyn, T.; Braeken, D.; Yanez, P.; Correll, K.; Yang, X.; Prior, H.; Kismihók, G.; De Meyer, G.R.Y.; Valentin, J.-P.
    Safety pharmacology is an essential part of drug development aiming to identify, evaluate and investigate undesirable pharmacodynamic properties of a drug primarily prior to clinical trials. In particular, cardiovascular adverse drug reactions (ADR) have halted many drug development programs. Safety pharmacology has successfully implemented a screening strategy to detect cardiovascular liabilities, but there is room for further refinement. In this setting, we present the INSPIRE project, a European Training Network in safety pharmacology for Early Stage Researchers (ESRs), funded by the European Commission's H2020-MSCA-ITN programme. INSPIRE has recruited 15 ESR fellows that will conduct an individual PhD-research project for a period of 36 months. INSPIRE aims to be complementary to ongoing research initiatives. With this as a goal, an inventory of collaborative research initiatives in safety pharmacology was created and the ESR projects have been designed to be complementary to this roadmap. Overall, INSPIRE aims to improve cardiovascular safety evaluation, either by investigating technological innovations or by adding mechanistic insight in emerging safety concerns, as observed in the field of cardio-oncology. Finally, in addition to its hands-on research pillar, INSPIRE will organize a number of summer schools and workshops that will be open to the wider community as well. In summary, INSPIRE aims to foster both research and training in safety pharmacology and hopes to inspire the future generation of safety scientists.
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    Electron-transfer initiated nucleophilic substitution of thiophenolate anion by 1-chloro-substituted 4-(thiazol-2-ylazo)naphthalenes
    (Amsterdam : Elsevier B.V., 2020) Dmitrieva, E.; Yu, X.; Hartmann, H.
    In this work, the electrochemical transformation of 5-chloro-2-[(4-chloronaphthalen-1-yl)azo]thiazoles (A) into the corresponding radical anion A·− and its subsequent reaction with diphenyldisulfide (PhSSPh) was studied. It was found that the primarily generated azo anion radical A·− is able to initiate an electron transfer process which converts the disulfide into its thiolate anion PhS−. This anion was subsequently able to substitute the Cl- and H-groups by phenylmercapto moieties in the starting azo compound A. The structures of the phenylmercapto-substituted azo compounds thus generated were confirmed by thin-layer chromatography and mass spectrometry using independently prepared compounds as references.
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    Phase formation of a biocompatible Ti-based alloy under kinetic constraints studied via in-situ high-energy X-ray diffraction
    (Amsterdam : Elsevier B.V., 2020) Kosiba, K.; Rothkirch, A.; Han, J.; Deng, L.; Escher, B.; Wang, G.; Kühn, U.; Bednarcik, J.
    The biocompatible Ti40Cu34Pd14Zr10Sn2 bulk metallic glass was rapidly heated, also known as flash-annealed, at varying heating rates up to 1579 K/s. Thereby, the phase formation was characterized via advanced in-situ high-energy X-ray diffraction. It has been found that the evolving kinetic constraints can be used as a tool to deliberately alter the crystalline phase formation. This novel processing route permits to select phases to crystallize to a predefined fraction and, thus, to potentially design the microstructure of materials according to a specified property-profile. Consequently, flash-annealing poses a unique synthesis route to design materials with, for instance, good biomechanical compatibility.