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Nanoscale Mapping of the 3D Strain Tensor in a Germanium Quantum Well Hosting a Functional Spin Qubit Device

2023, Corley-Wiciak, Cedric, Richter, Carsten, Zoellner, Marvin H., Zaitsev, Ignatii, Manganelli, Costanza L., Zatterin, Edoardo, Schülli, Tobias U., Corley-Wiciak, Agnieszka A., Katzer, Jens, Reichmann, Felix, Klesse, Wolfgang M., Hendrickx, Nico W., Sammak, Amir, Veldhorst, Menno, Scappucci, Giordano, Virgilio, Michele, Capellini, Giovanni

A strained Ge quantum well, grown on a SiGe/Si virtual substrate and hosting two electrostatically defined hole spin qubits, is nondestructively investigated by synchrotron-based scanning X-ray diffraction microscopy to determine all its Bravais lattice parameters. This allows rendering the three-dimensional spatial dependence of the six strain tensor components with a lateral resolution of approximately 50 nm. Two different spatial scales governing the strain field fluctuations in proximity of the qubits are observed at <100 nm and >1 μm, respectively. The short-ranged fluctuations have a typical bandwidth of 2 × 10-4 and can be quantitatively linked to the compressive stressing action of the metal electrodes defining the qubits. By finite element mechanical simulations, it is estimated that this strain fluctuation is increased up to 6 × 10-4 at cryogenic temperature. The longer-ranged fluctuations are of the 10-3 order and are associated with misfit dislocations in the plastically relaxed virtual substrate. From this, energy variations of the light and heavy-hole energy maxima of the order of several 100 μeV and 1 meV are calculated for electrodes and dislocations, respectively. These insights over material-related inhomogeneities may feed into further modeling for optimization and design of large-scale quantum processors manufactured using the mainstream Si-based microelectronics technology.

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Ultrafast laser inscription of asymmetric integrated waveguide 3 dB couplers for astronomical K-band interferometry at the CHARA array

2021, Benoît, Aurélien, Pike, Fraser A., Sharma, Tarun K., MacLachlan, David G., Dinkelaker, Aline N., Nayak, Abani S., Madhav, Kalaga, Roth, Martin M., Labadie, Lucas, Pedretti, Ettore, Brummelaar, Theo A. ten, Scott, Nic, Coudé du Foresto, Vincent, Thomson, Robert R.

We present the fabrication and characterization of 3 dB asymmetric directional couplers for the astronomical K-band at wavelengths between 2.0 and 2.4 µm. The couplers were fabricated in commercial Infrasil silica glass using an ultrafast laser operating at 1030 nm. After optimizing the fabrication parameters, the insertion losses of straight single-mode waveguides were measured to be ∼1.2±0.5dB across the full K-band. We investigate the development of asymmetric 3 dB directional couplers by varying the coupler interaction lengths and by varying the width of one of the waveguide cores to detune the propagation constants of the coupled modes. In this manner, we demonstrate that ultrafast laser inscription is capable of fabricating asymmetric 3 dB directional couplers for future applications in K-band stellar interferometry. Finally, we demonstrate that our couplers exhibit an interferometric fringe contrast of >90%. This technology paves the path for the development of a two-telescope K-band integrated optic beam combiner for interferometry to replace the existing beam combiner (MONA) in Jouvence of the Fiber Linked Unit for Recombination (JouFLU) at the Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy (CHARA) telescope array.

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Side-view holographic endomicroscopy via a custom-terminated multimode fibre

2021, Silveira, Beatriz M., Pikálek, Tomáš, Stibůrek, Miroslav, Ondráčková, Petra, Jákl, Petr, Leite, Ivo T., Čižmár, Tomáš

Microendoscopes based on optical fibres have recently come to the fore as promising candidates allowing in-vivo observations of otherwise inaccessible biological structures in animal models. Despite being still in its infancy, imaging can now be performed at the tip of a single multimode fibre, by relying on powerful holographic methods for light control. Fibre based endoscopy is commonly performed en face, resulting in possible damage of the specimen owing to the direct contact between the distal end of the probe and target. On this ground, we designed an all-fibre probe with an engineered termination that reduces compression and damage to the tissue under investigation upon probe insertion. The geometry of the termination brings the field of view to a plane parallel to the fibre’s longitudinal direction, conveying the probe with off-axis imaging capabilities. We show that its focusing ability also benefits from a higher numerical aperture, resulting in imaging with increased spatial resolution. The effect of probe insertion was investigated inside a tissue phantom comprising fluorescent particles suspended in agarose gel, and a comparison was established between the novel side-view probe and the standard en face fibre probe. This new concept paves the way to significantly less invasive deep-tissue imaging.

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Thermal tuning of a fiber-integrated Fabry-Pérot cavity

2021, Singer, Clemens, Goetz, Alexander, Prasad, Adarsh S., Becker, Martin, Rothhardt, Manfred, Skoff, Sarah M.

Here, we present the thermal tuning capability of an alignment-free, fiber-integrated Fabry-Pérot cavity. The two mirrors are made of fiber Bragg gratings that can be individually temperature stabilized and tuned. We show the temperature tuning of the resonance wavelength of the cavity without any degradation of the finesse and the tuning of the individual stop bands of the fiber Bragg gratings. This not only permits for the cavity’s finesse to be optimized post-fabrication but also makes this cavity applicable as a narrowband filter with a FWHM spectral width of 0.07 ± 0.02 pm and a suppression of more than -15 dB that can be wavelength tuned. Further, in the field of quantum optics, where strong light-matter interactions are desirable, quantum emitters can be coupled to such a cavity and the cavity effect can be reversibly omitted and re-established. This is particularly useful when working with solid-state quantum emitters where such a reference measurement is often not possible once an emitter has been permanently deposited inside a cavity.

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Gas-Phase Fluorination on PLA Improves Cell Adhesion and Spreading

2020, Schroepfer, Michaela, Junghans, Frauke, Voigt, Diana, Meyer, Michael, Breier, Anette, Schulze-Tanzil, Gundula, Prade, Ina

For the regeneration or creation of functional tissues, biodegradable biomaterials including polylactic acid (PLA) are widely preferred. Modifications of the material surface are quite common to improve cell-material interactions and thereby support the biological outcome. Typical approaches include a wet chemical treatment with mostly hazardous substances or a functionalization with plasma. In the present study, gas-phase fluorination was applied to functionalize the PLA surfaces in a simple and one-step process. The biological response including biocompatibility, cell adhesion, cell spreading, and proliferation was analyzed in cell culture experiments with fibroblasts L929 and correlated with changes in the surface properties. Surface characterization methods including surface energy and isoelectric point measurements, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and atomic force microscopy were applied to identify the effects of fluorination on PLA. Gas-phase fluorination causes the formation of C-F bonds in the PLA backbone, which induce a shift to a more hydrophilic and polar surface. The slightly negatively charged surface dramatically improves cell adhesion and spreading of cells on the PLA even with low fluorine content. The results indicate that this improved biological response is protein-but not integrin-dependent. Gas-phase fluorination is therefore an efficient technique to improve cellular response to biomaterial surfaces without losing cytocompatibility. Copyright © 2020 American Chemical Society.

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Multi-millijoule, few-cycle 5 µm OPCPA at 1 kHz repetition rate

2020, von Grafenstein, Lorenz, Bock, Martin, Ueberschaer, Dennis, Escoto, Esmerando, Koç, Azize, Zawilski, Kevin, Schunemann, Peter, Griebner, Uwe, Elsaesser, Thomas

A table-top midwave-infrared optical parametric chirped pulse amplification (OPCPA) system generates few-cycle pulses with multi-10 GW peak power at a 1 kHz repetition rate. The all-optically synchronized system utilizes ZnGeP2 nonlinear crystals and a highly stable 2 µm picosecond pump laser based on Ho:YLiF4. An excellent energy extraction is achieved by reusing the pump pulse after the third parametric power amplification stage, resulting in 3.4 mJ idler pulses at a center wavelength of 4.9 µm. Pulses as short as 89.4 fs are achieved, close to only five optical cycles. Taking into account the pulse energy, a record high peak power of 33 GW for high-energy mid-IR OPCPAs beyond 4 µm wavelength is demonstrated. © 2020 OSA - The Optical Society. All rights reserved.

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Si photonic-electronic monolithically integrated optical receiver with a built-in temperature-controlled wavelength filter

2021, Kim, Hyun-Kyu, Kim, Minkyu, Kim, Min-Hyeong, Jo, Youngkwan, Lischke, Stefan, Mai, Christian, Zimmermann, Lars, Choi, Woo-Young

We present a Si photonic-electronic integrated ring-resonator based optical receiver that contains a temperature-controlled ring-resonator filter (RRF), a Ge photodetector, and receiver circuits in a single chip. The temperature controller automatically determines the RRF temperature at which the maximum transmission of the desired WDM signal is achieved and maintains this condition against any temperature or input wavelength fluctuation. This Si photonic-electronic integrated circuit is realized with 0.25-µm photonic BiCMOS technology, and its operation is successfully confirmed with measurement.

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Polymer Brushes on Graphitic Carbon Nitride for Patterning and as a SERS Active Sensing Layer via Incorporated Nanoparticles

2020, Sheng, Wenbo, Li, Wei, Tan, Deming, Zhang, Panpan, Zhang, En, Sheremet, Evgeniya, Schmidt, Bernhard V.K.J., Feng, Xinliang, Rodriguez, Raul D., Jordan, Rainer, Amin, Ihsan

Graphitic carbon nitride (gCN) has a broad range of promising applications, from energy harvesting and storage to sensing. However, most of the applications are still restricted due to gCN poor dispersibility and limited functional groups. Herein, a direct photografting of gCN using various polymer brushes with tailorable functionalities via UV photopolymerization at ambient conditions is demonstrated. The systematic study of polymer brush-functionalized gCN reveals that the polymerization did not alter the inherent structure of gCN. Compared to the pristine gCN, the gCN-polymer composites show good dispersibility in various solvents such as water, ethanol, and tetrahydrofuran (THF). Patterned polymer brushes on gCN can be realized by employing photomask and microcontact printing technology. The polymer brushes with incorporated silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) on gCN can act as a multifunctional recyclable active sensing layer for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) detection and photocatalysis. This multifunctionality is shown in consecutive cycles of SERS and photocatalytic degradation processes that can be applied to in situ monitor pollutants, such as dyes or pharmaceutical waste, with high chemical sensitivity as well as to water remediation. This dual functionality provides a significant advantage to our AgNPs/polymer-gCN with regard to state-of-the-art systems reported so far that only allow SERS pollutant detection but not their decomposition. These results may provide a new methodology for the covalent functionalization of gCN and may enable new applications in the field of catalysis, biosensors, and, most interestingly, environmental remediation. Copyright © 2020 American Chemical Society.

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All-optical manipulation of photonic membranes

2021, Askari, Meisam, Kirkpatrick, Blair C., Čižmár, Tomas, Di Falco, Andrea

We demonstrate the all-optical manipulation of polymeric membranes in microfluidic environments. The membranes are decorated with handles for their use in holographic optical tweezers systems. Our results show that due to their form factor the membranes present a substantial increase in their mechanical stability, respect to micrometric dielectric particles. This intrinsic superior stability is expected to improve profoundly a wide range of bio-photonic applications that rely on the optical manipulation of micrometric objects.

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8 fs laser pulses from a compact gas-filled multi-pass cell

2021, Rueda, P., Videla, F., Witting, T., Torchia, G.A., Furch, F.J.

Compression of 42 fs, 0.29 mJ pulses from a Ti:Sapphire amplifier down to 8 fs (approximately 3 optical cycles) is demonstrated by means of spectral broadening in a compact multi-pass cell filled with argon. The efficiency of the nonlinear pulse compression is limited to 45 % mostly by losses in the mirrors of the cell. The experimental results are supported by 3-dimensional numerical simulations of the nonlinear pulse propagation in the cell that allow us to study spatio-spectral properties of the pulses after spectral broadening.