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Tunable positions of Weyl nodes via magnetism and pressure in the ferromagnetic Weyl semimetal CeAlSi

2024, Cheng, Erjian, Yan, Limin, Shi, Xianbiao, Lou, Rui, Fedorov, Alexander, Behnami, Mahdi, Yuan, Jian, Yang, Pengtao, Wang, Bosen, Cheng, Jin-Guang, Xu, Yuanji, Xu, Yang, Xia, Wei, Pavlovskii, Nikolai, Peets, Darren C., Zhao, Weiwei, Wan, Yimin, Burkhardt, Ulrich, Guo, Yanfeng, Li, Shiyan, Felser, Claudia, Yang, Wenge, Büchner, Bernd

The noncentrosymmetric ferromagnetic Weyl semimetal CeAlSi with simultaneous space-inversion and time-reversal symmetry breaking provides a unique platform for exploring novel topological states. Here, by employing multiple experimental techniques, we demonstrate that ferromagnetism and pressure can serve as efficient parameters to tune the positions of Weyl nodes in CeAlSi. At ambient pressure, a magnetism-facilitated anomalous Hall/Nernst effect (AHE/ANE) is uncovered. Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) measurements demonstrated that the Weyl nodes with opposite chirality are moving away from each other upon entering the ferromagnetic phase. Under pressure, by tracing the pressure evolution of AHE and band structure, we demonstrate that pressure could also serve as a pivotal knob to tune the positions of Weyl nodes. Moreover, multiple pressure-induced phase transitions are also revealed. These findings indicate that CeAlSi provides a unique and tunable platform for exploring exotic topological physics and electron correlations, as well as catering to potential applications, such as spintronics.

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Observation of giant spin-split Fermi-arc with maximal Chern number in the chiral topological semimetal PtGa

2020, Yao, M., Manna, K., Yang, Q., Fedorov, A., Voroshnin, V., Valentin Schwarze, B., Hornung, J., Chattopadhyay, S., Sun, Z., Guin, S.N., Wosnitza, J., Borrmann, H., Shekhar, C., Kumar, N., Fink, J., Sun, Y., Felser, C.

Non-symmorphic chiral topological crystals host exotic multifold fermions, and their associated Fermi arcs helically wrap around and expand throughout the Brillouin zone between the high-symmetry center and surface-corner momenta. However, Fermi-arc splitting and realization of the theoretically proposed maximal Chern number rely heavily on the spin-orbit coupling (SOC) strength. In the present work, we investigate the topological states of a new chiral crystal, PtGa, which has the strongest SOC among all chiral crystals reported to date. With a comprehensive investigation using high-resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, quantum-oscillation measurements, and state-of-the-art ab initio calculations, we report a giant SOC-induced splitting of both Fermi arcs and bulk states. Consequently, this study experimentally confirms the realization of a maximal Chern number equal to ±4 in multifold fermionic systems, thereby providing a platform to observe large-quantized photogalvanic currents in optical experiments.