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    Single Molecule Magnetism with Strong Magnetic Anisotropy and Enhanced Dy∙∙∙Dy Coupling in Three Isomers of Dy-Oxide Clusterfullerene Dy2O@C82
    (Chichester : John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2019) Yang, W.; Velkos, G.; Liu, F.; Sudarkova, S.M.; Wang, Y.; Zhuang, J.; Zhang, H.; Li, X.; Zhang, X.; Büchner, B.; Avdoshenko, S.M.; Popov, A.A.; Chen, N.
    A new class of single-molecule magnets (SMMs) based on Dy-oxide clusterfullerenes is synthesized. Three isomers of Dy2O@C82 with Cs(6), C3v(8), and C2v(9) cage symmetries are characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, which shows that the endohedral Dy−(µ2-O)−Dy cluster has bent shape with very short Dy−O bonds. Dy2O@C82 isomers show SMM behavior with broad magnetic hysteresis, but the temperature and magnetization relaxation depend strongly on the fullerene cage. The short Dy−O distances and the large negative charge of the oxide ion in Dy2O@C82 result in the very strong magnetic anisotropy of Dy ions. Their magnetic moments are aligned along the Dy−O bonds and are antiferromagnetically (AFM) coupled. At low temperatures, relaxation of magnetization in Dy2O@C82 proceeds via the ferromagnetically (FM)-coupled excited state, giving Arrhenius behavior with the effective barriers equal to the AFM-FM energy difference. The AFM-FM energy differences of 5.4–12.9 cm−1 in Dy2O@C82 are considerably larger than in SMMs with {Dy2O2} bridges, and the Dy∙∙∙Dy exchange coupling in Dy2O@C82 is the strongest among all dinuclear Dy SMMs with diamagnetic bridges. Dy-oxide clusterfullerenes provide a playground for the further tuning of molecular magnetism via variation of the size and shape of the fullerene cage.
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    Magnetic flux-trapping of anisotropic-grown Y-Ba-Cu-O bulk superconductors during and after pulsed-field magnetizing processes
    (Milton Park : Taylor & Francis, 2014) Oka, T.; Yamada, Y.; Horiuchi, T.; Ogawa, J.; Fukui, S.; Sato, T.; Yokoyama, K.; Langer, M.
    The magnetic flux penetration into the melt-textured Y-Ba-Cu-O high temperature superconducting bulk magnets were precisely evaluated during and after the pulsed field magnetization processes operated at 30 K. The bulk magnets were carefully fabricated by the cold seeding method with use of a single and a pair of seed crystals composed of the Nd-Ba-Cu-O thin films. These seed crystals were put on the top surfaces of the precursors to let the large grains grow during the heat treatments. We observed the flux penetrations which occurred in the lower applied-field regions at around 3.1 T for the samples bearing the twin seeds than those of the single-seeded crystals at around 3.8 T. This means that the magnetic fluxes are capable of invading into the twin-seeded samples more easily than the single-seeds. It suggests that the anisotropic grain growths of parallel and normal to the rows of seed crystals affects the variations of Jc values with different distributions of the pinning centers, results in the preferential paths for the invading magnetic fluxes.
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    Occurrence of Flux Jumps in MgB2 Bulk Magnets during Pulse-Field Magnetization
    (Bristol : IOP Publ., 2020) Sakai, N.; Oka, T.; Yamanaka, K.; Dadiel, L.; Oki, H.; Ogawa, J.; Fukui, S.; Scheiter, J.; Häßler, W.; Yokoyama, K; Noudem, J.; Miryala, M.; Murakami, M.
    The magnetic flux capturing of MgB2 bulk magnets made by spark plasma sintering process has been precisely investigated to clarify the mechanism of flux motions during the pulse-field magnetization processes. The field trapping ratio B T/B P was evaluated as a key parameter of field trapping ability which strongly relates to the heat generation due to the rapid flux motion in the samples. The time dependence of magnetic flux density revealed the actual flux motion which penetrated the samples. The trapped fields B T and field trapping ratios B T/B P of various samples were classified into three regions of 'no flux flow', 'fast flux flow' and 'flux jump' according to the generation of heat and its propagation. A flux jump was observed late at 280 ms from the beginning of PFM process, while the field penetration B P showed its peak at 10 ms. Considering the heat propagation speed, the long-delayed flux jump should be attributed to the macroscopic barriers against the heat propagation to the surface centre of bulk magnet. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
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    Magnetic Flux Trapping and Flux Jumps in Pulsed Field Magnetizing Processes in REBCO and Mg-B Bulk Magnets
    (Bristol : IOP Publ., 2020) Oka, T.; Takeda, A.; Oki, H.; Yamanaka, K.; Dadiel, L.; Yokoyama, K.; Häßler, W.; Scheiter, J.; Sakai, N.; Murakami, M.
    Pulsed-field magnetization technique (PFM) is expected as a cheap and an easy way for HTS bulk materials for utilizing as intense magnets. As the generation of heat due to magnetic flux motion in bulk magnets causes serious degradation of captured fields, it is important to investigate the flux motions during PFM in various field applications. The authors precisely measured the magnetic flux motion in the cryocooled MgB2 bulk magnets containing various amount of Ti. We classified the motions to "no flux flow (NFF)", "fast flux flow (FFF)", and "flux jump (FJ)" regions. The results showed that addition of Ti shifts the field invasion area to high field areas, and expands the NFF regions. The highest field-trapping appears at the upper end of the NFF region. Since the heat generation and its propagation should attribute to the dissipation of magnetic flux, FFF leads to FJ. Compared with MgB2, we referred to GdBCO as for the flux motion. A flux jump was observed at 30 K when the pulse field of 7 T was applied to the preactivated sample, showing its stability against FJ. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
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    Robust metastable skyrmions with tunable size in the chiral magnet FePtMo3 N
    (Woodbury, NY : Inst., 2020) Sukhanov, A.S.; Heinemann, A.; Kautzsch, L.; Bocarsly, J.D.; Wilson, S.D.; Felser, C.; Inosov, D.S.
    The synthesis of new materials that can host magnetic skyrmions and their thorough experimental and theoretical characterization are essential for future technological applications. The β-Mn-type compound FePtMo3N is one such novel material that belongs to the chiral space group P4132, where the antisymmetric Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction is allowed due to the absence of inversion symmetry. We report the results of small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) measurements of FePtMo3N and demonstrate that its magnetic ground state is a long-period spin helix with a Curie temperature of 222 K. The magnetic field-induced redistribution of the SANS intensity showed that the helical structure transforms to a lattice of skyrmions at ∼13 mT at temperatures just below TC. Our key observation is that the skyrmion state in FePtMo3N is robust against field cooling down to the lowest temperatures. Moreover, once the metastable state is prepared by field cooling, the skyrmion lattice exists even in zero field. Furthermore, we show that the skyrmion size in FePtMo3N exhibits high sensitivity to the sample temperature and can be continuously tuned between 120 and 210 nm. This offers different prospects in the control of topological properties of chiral magnets. © 2020 authors. Published by the American Physical Society.
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    Research Update: Magnetoionic control of magnetization and anisotropy in layered oxide/metal heterostructures
    (New York : American Institute of Physics, 2016) Duschek, K.; Pohl, D.; Fähler, S.; Nielsch, K.; Leistner, K.
    Electric field control of magnetization and anisotropy in layered structures with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy is expected to increase the versatility of spintronic devices. As a model system for reversible voltage induced changes of magnetism by magnetoionic effects, we present several oxide/metal heterostructures polarized in an electrolyte. Room temperature magnetization of Fe-O/Fe layers can be changed by 64% when applying only a few volts in 1M KOH. In a next step, the bottom interface of the in-plane magnetized Fe layer is functionalized by an L10 FePt(001) underlayer exhibiting perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. During subsequent electrocrystallization and electrooxidation, well defined epitaxial Fe3O4/Fe/FePt heterostructures evolve. The application of different voltages leads to a thickness change of the Fe layer sandwiched between Fe-O and FePt. At the point of transition between rigid magnet and exchange spring magnet regime for the Fe/FePt bilayer, this induces a large variation of magnetic anisotropy.
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    Increasing the performance of a superconducting spin valve using a Heusler alloy
    (Frankfurt am Main : Beilstein-Institut zur Förderung der Chemischen Wissenschaften, 2018) Kamashev, A.A.; Validov, A.A.; Schumann, J.; Kataev, V.; Büchner, B.; Fominov, Y.V.; Garifullin, I.A.
    We have studied superconducting properties of spin-valve thin-layer heterostructures CoOx/F1/Cu/F2/Cu/Pb in which the ferromagnetic F1 layer was made of Permalloy while for the F2 layer we have taken a specially prepared film of the Heusler alloy Co2Cr1-xFexAl with a small degree of spin polarization of the conduction band. The heterostructures demonstrate a significant superconducting spin-valve effect, i.e., a complete switching on and offof the superconducting current flowing through the system by manipulating the mutual orientations of the magnetization of the F1 and F2 layers. The magnitude of the effect is doubled in comparison with the previously studied analogous multilayers with the F2 layer made of the strong ferromagnet Fe. Theoretical analysis shows that a drastic enhancement of the switching effect is due to a smaller exchange field in the heterostructure coming from the Heusler film as compared to Fe. This enables to approach an almost ideal theoretical magnitude of the switching in the Heusler-based multilayer with a F2 layer thickness of ca. 1 nm. © 2018 Kamashev et al.
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    Superconducting switching due to a triplet component in the Pb/Cu/Ni/Cu/Co2Cr1-xFexAly spin-valve structure
    (Frankfurt am Main : Beilstein-Institut zur Förderung der Chemischen Wissenschaften, 2019) Kamashev, A.A.; Garif'yanov, N.N.; Validov, A.A.; Schumann, J.; Kataev, V.; Büchner, B.; Fominov, Y.V.; Garifullin, I.A.
    We report the superconducting properties of the Co2Cr1-xFexAly/Cu/Ni/Cu/Pb spin-valve structure the magnetic part of which comprises the Heusler alloy layer HA = Co2Cr1-xFexAly with a high degree of spin polarization (DSP) of the conduction band and a Ni layer of variable thickness. The separation between the superconducting transition curves measured for the parallel (α = 0°) and perpendicular (α = 90°) orientation of the magnetization of the HA and the Ni layers reaches up to 0.5 K (α is the angle between the magnetization of two ferromagnetic layers). For all studied samples the dependence of the superconducting transition temperature Tc on α demonstrates a deep minimum in the vicinity of the perpendicular configuration of the magnetizations. This suggests that the observed minimum and the corresponding full switching effect of the spin valve is caused by the long-range triplet component of the superconducting condensate in the multilayer. Such a large effect can be attributed to a half-metallic nature of the HA layer, which in the orthogonal configuration efficiently draws off the spin-polarized Cooper pairs from the space between the HA and Ni layers. Our results indicate a significant potential of the concept of a superconducting spin-valve multilayer comprising a half-metallic ferromagnet, recently proposed by A. Singh et al., Phys. Rev. X 2015, 5, 021019, in achieving large values of the switching effect.
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    High-field ESR studies of the quantum spin magnet CaCu2O 3
    (Milton Park : Taylor & Francis, 2006) Goiran, M.; Costes, M.; Broto, J.M.; Chou, F.C.; Klingeler, R.; Arushanov, E.; Drechsler, S.-L.; Büchner, B.; Kataev, V.
    We report an electron spin resonance (ESR) study of the s = 1/2 Heisenberg pseudo-ladder magnet CaCu2O3 in pulsed magnetic fields up to 40 T. At sub-terahertz frequencies we observe an ESR signal originating from a small amount of uncompensated spins residing presumably at the imperfections of the strongly antiferromagnetically correlated host spin lattice. The data give evidence that these few per cent of 'extra' spin states are coupled strongly to the bulk spins and are involved in the antiferromagnetic (AF) ordering at TN = 25 K. By mapping the frequency/resonance field diagram we have determined a small gap for magnetic excitations below TN of the order of ~0.3–0.8 meV. Such a small value of the gap explains the occurrence of the spin-flop transition in CaCu2O3 at weak magnetic fields μ0Hsf ~ 3 T. Qualitative changes of the ESR response with the increasing field strength give indications that strong magnetic fields reduce the AF correlations and may even suppress the long-range magnetic order in CaCu2O3. ESR data support scenarios with a significant role of the 'extra' spin states for the properties of low-dimensional quantum magnets.
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    Magnetically induced anisotropy of flux penetration into strong-pinning superconductor/ferromagnet bilayers
    (Bristol : Institute of Physics Publishing, 2019) Simmendinger, J.; Hanisch, J.; Bihler, M.; Ionescu, A.M.; Weigand, M.; Sieger, M.; Hühne, R.; Rijckaert, H.; Van Driessche, I.; Schütz, G.; Albrecht, J.
    We studied the impact of soft ferromagnetic permalloy (Py) on the shielding currents in a strong-pinning superconductor - YBa2Cu3O7-δ with Ba2Y(Nb/Ta)O6 nano-precipitates - by means of scanning transmission x-ray microscopy. Typically and in particular when in the thin film limit, superconductor/ferromagnet (SC/FM) bilayers exhibit isotropic properties of the flux line ensemble at all temperatures. However, in elements with small aspect ratio a significant anisotropy in flux penetration is observed. We explain this effect by local in-plane fields arising from anisotropic magnetic stray fields originated by the ferromagnet. This leads to direction-dependent motion of magnetic vortices inside the SC/FM bilayer. Our results demonstrate that small variations of the magnetic properties can have huge impact on the superconductor.