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    Phenotypic, Morphological and Adhesive Differences of Human Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells Cultured on Murine versus Human Mesenchymal Stromal Cells
    ([London] : Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature, 2015) Reichert, Doreen; Friedrichs, Jens; Ritter, Steffi; Käubler, Theresa; Werner, Carsten; Bornhäuser, Martin; Corbeil, Denis
    Xenogenic transplantation models have been developed to study human hematopoiesis in immunocompromised murine recipients. They still have limitations and therefore it is important to delineate all players within the bone marrow that could account for species-specific differences. Here, we evaluated the proliferative capacity, morphological and physical characteristics of human CD34+ hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) after co-culture on murine or human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs). After seven days, human CD34+CD133– HSPCs expanded to similar extents on both feeder layers while cellular subsets comprising primitive CD34+CD133+ and CD133+CD34– phenotypes are reduced fivefold on murine MSCs. The number of migrating HSPCs was also reduced on murine cells suggesting that MSC adhesion influences cellular polarization of HSPC. We used atomic force microscopy-based single-cell force spectroscopy to quantify their adhesive interactions. We found threefold higher detachment forces of human HSPCs from murine MSCs compared to human ones. This difference is related to the N-cadherin expression level on murine MSCs since its knockdown abolished their differential adhesion properties with human HSPCs. Our observations highlight phenotypic, morphological and adhesive differences of human HSPCs when cultured on murine or human MSCs, which raise some caution in data interpretation when xenogenic transplantation models are used.
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    Cytoskeletal transition in patterned cells correlates with interfacial energy model
    (London [u.a.] : Royal Society of Chemistry, 2014) Müller, A.; Meyer, J.; Paumer, T.; Pompe, T.
    A cell's morphology is intricately regulated by microenvironmental cues and intracellular feedback signals. Besides biochemical factors, cell fate can be influenced by the mechanics and geometry of the surrounding matrix. The latter point was addressed herein, by studying cell adhesion on two-dimensional micropatterns. Endothelial cells were grown on maleic acid copolymer surfaces structured with stripes of fibronectin by microcontact printing. Experiments showed a biphasic behaviour of actin stress fibre spacing in dependence on the stripe width with a critical size of approx. 15 μm. In a concurrent modelling effort, cells on stripes were simulated as droplet-like structures, including variations of interfacial energy, total volume and dimensions of the nucleus. A biphasic behaviour with regard to cell morphology and area was found, triggered by the minimum of interfacial energy, with the phase transition occurring at a critical stripe width close to the critical stripe width found in the cell experiment. The correlation of experiment and simulation suggests a possible mechanism of the cytoskeletal rearrangements based on interfacial energy arguments.
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    Limbal stromal cells derived from porcine tissue demonstrate mesenchymal characteristics in vitro
    (London : Nature Publishing Group, 2017) Fernández-Pérez, Julia; Binner, Marcus; Werner, Carsten; Bray, Laura J.
    Limbal stromal cells (LSCs) from the human ocular surface display mesenchymal stromal cell characteristics in vitro. In this study, we isolated cells from the porcine limbal stroma (pLSCs), characterised them, and evaluated their ability to support angiogenesis and the culture of porcine limbal epithelial stem cells (pLESCs). The isolated cells adhered to plastic and grew in monolayers in vitro using serum-supplemented or serum-free medium. The pLSCs demonstrated expression of CD29, and cross-reactivity with anti-human CD45, CD90, CD105, CD146, and HLA-ABC. However, expression of CD105, CD146 and HLA-ABC reduced when cultured in serum-free medium. PLSCs did not undergo adipogenic or osteogenic differentiation, but differentiated towards the chondrogenic lineage. Isolated cells were also co-cultured with human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) in star-shaped Poly(ethylene glycol) (starPEG)-heparin hydrogels to assess their pericyte capacity which supported angiogenesis networks of HUVECs. PLSCs supported the three dimensional HUVEC network for 7 days. The isolated cells were further growth-arrested and evaluated as feeder cells for pLESC expansion on silk fibroin membranes, as a potential carrier material for transplantation. PLSCs supported the growth of pLESCs comparably to murine 3T3 cells. In conclusion, although pLSCs were not completely comparable to their human counterpart, they display several mesenchymal-like characteristics in vitro.
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    Bone marrow niche-mimetics modulate HSPC function via integrin signaling
    (London : Nature Publishing Group, 2017) Kräter, Martin; Jacobi, Angela; Otto, Oliver; Tietze, Stefanie; Müller, Katrin; Poitz, David M.; Palm, Sandra; Zinna, Valentina M.; Biehain, Ulrike; Wobus, Manja; Chavakis, Triantafyllos; Werner, Carsten; Guck, Jochen; Bornhauser, Martin
    The bone marrow (BM) microenvironment provides critical physical cues for hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell (HSPC) maintenance and fate decision mediated by cell-matrix interactions. However, the mechanisms underlying matrix communication and signal transduction are less well understood. Contrary, stem cell culture is mainly facilitated in suspension cultures. Here, we used bone marrow-mimetic decellularized extracellular matrix (ECM) scaffolds derived from mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) to study HSPC-ECM interaction. Seeding freshly isolated HSPCs adherent (AT) and non-adherent (SN) cells were found. We detected enhanced expansion and active migration of AT-cells mediated by ECM incorporated stromal derived factor one. Probing cell mechanics, AT-cells displayed naïve cell deformation compared to SN-cells indicating physical recognition of ECM material properties by focal adhesion. Integrin αIIb (CD41), αV (CD51) and β3 (CD61) were found to be induced. Signaling focal contacts via ITGβ3 were identified to facilitate cell adhesion, migration and mediate ECM-physical cues to modulate HSPC function.