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    Strong out-of-plane magnetic anisotropy in ion irradiated anatase TiO2 thin films
    (New York, NY : American Inst. of Physics, 2016) Stiller, M.; Barzola-Quiquia, J.; Esquinazi, P.; Spemann, D.; Meijer, J.; Lorenz, M.; Grundmann, M.
    The temperature and field dependence of the magnetization of epitaxial, undoped anatase TiO2 thin films on SrTiO3 substrates was investigated. Low-energy ion irradiation was used to modify the surface of the films within a few nanometers, yet with high enough energy to produce oxygen and titanium vacancies. The as-prepared thin film shows ferromagnetism which increases after irradiation with low-energy ions. An optimal and clear magnetic anisotropy was observed after the first irradiation, opposite to the expected form anisotropy. Taking into account the experimental parameters, titanium vacancies as di-Frenkel pairs appear to be responsible for the enhanced ferromagnetism and the strong anisotropy observed in our films. The magnetic impurities concentrations was measured by particle-induced X-ray emission with ppm resolution. They are ruled out as a source of the observed ferromagnetism before and after irradiation.
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    Sub-15-fs X-ray pump and X-ray probe experiment for the study of ultrafast magnetization dynamics in ferromagnetic alloys
    (Washington, DC : Soc., 2021) Liu, Xuan; Merhe, Alaaeldine; Jal, Emmanuelle; Delaunay, Renaud; Jarrier, Romain; Chardonnet, Valentin; Hennes, Marcel; Chiuzbaian, Sorin G.; Légaré, Katherine; Hennecke, Martin; Radu, Ilie; Von Korff Schmising, Clemens; Grunewald, Særen; Kuhlmann, Marion; Lüning, Jan; Vodungbo, Boris
    In this paper, we present a new setup for the measurement of element-specific ultrafast magnetization dynamics in ferromagnetic thin films with a sub-15-fs time resolution. Our experiment relies on a split and delay approach which allows us to fully exploit the shortest X-rays pulses delivered by X-ray Free Electrons Lasers (close to the attosecond range), in an X-ray pump – X-ray probe geometry. The setup performance is demonstrated by measuring the ultrafast elemental response of Ni and Fe during demagnetization of ferromagnetic Ni and Ni80Fe20 (Permalloy) samples upon resonant excitation at the corresponding absorption edges. The transient demagnetization process is measured in both reflection and transmission geometry using, respectively, the transverse magneto-optical Kerr effect (T-MOKE) and the Faraday effect as probing mechanisms.
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    Strong effects of uniaxial pressure and short-range correlations in Cr2Ge2Te6
    (College Park, MD : APS, 2022) Spachmann, S.; Elghandour, A.; Selter, S.; Büchner, B.; Aswartham, S.; Klingeler, R.
    Cr2Ge2Te6 is a quasi-two-dimensional semiconducting van der Waals ferromagnet down to the bilayer with great potential for technological applications. Engineering the critical temperature to achieve room-temperature applications is one of the critical next steps on this path. Here, we report high-resolution capacitance dilatometry studies on Cr2Ge2Te6 single crystals which directly prove significant magnetoelastic coupling and provide quantitative values of the large uniaxial pressure effects on long-range magnetic order (∂TC/∂pc=24.7 K/GPa and ∂TC/∂pab=−15.6 K/GPa) derived from thermodynamic relations. Moderate in-plane strain is thus sufficient to strongly enhance ferromagnetism in Cr2Ge2Te6 up to room temperature. Moreover, unambiguous signs of short-range magnetic order up to 200 K are found.
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    Visualization of localized perturbations on a (001) surface of the ferromagnetic semimetal EuB6
    (College Park, MD : American Physical Society, 2020) Rößler, S.; Jiao, L.; Seiro, S.; Rosa, P.F.S.; Fisk, Z.; Rößler, U.K.; Wirth, S.
    We performed scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and spectroscopy on a (001) surface of the ferromagnetic semimetal EuB6. Large-amplitude oscillations emanating from the elastic scattering of electrons by the surface impurities are observed in topography and in differential conductance maps. Fourier transform of the conductance maps embracing these regions indicate a holelike dispersion centered around the Γ point of the two-dimensional Brillouin zone. Using density functional theory slab calculations, we identify a spin-split surface state, which stems from the dangling pz orbitals of the apical boron atom. Hybridization with bulk electronic states leads to a resonance enhancement in certain regions around the Γ point, contributing to the remarkably strong real-space response around static point defects, which are observed in STM measurements.
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    Spin pumping at interfaces with ferro- and paramagnetic Fe60Al40films acting as spin source and spin sink
    (Melville, NY : American Inst. of Physics, 2022) Strusch, T.; Lenz, K.; Meckenstock, R.; Bali, R.; Ehrler, J.; Lindner, J.; Fassbender, J.; Farle, M.; Potzger, K.; Semisalova, A.
    We present a study of spin pumping efficiency and determine the spin mixing conductance and spin diffusion length in thin bilayer films based on 3d transition metal alloy Fe60Al40. Due to its magnetostructural phase transition, Fe60Al40 can be utilized as a ferromagnetic (FM) or paramagnetic (PM) material at the same temperature depending on its structural order; thus a thin Fe60Al40 film can act as a spin source or a spin sink when interfaced with a paramagnet or a ferromagnet, respectively. Ferromagnetic resonance measurements were performed in a frequency range of 5-35 GHz on bilayer films composed of FM-Fe60Al40/Pd and PM-Fe60Al40/Ni80Fe20 (permalloy). The increase in damping with the thickness of the paramagnetic layer was interpreted as a result of spin pumping into the paramagnet. We determine the spin mixing conductance g P d ↑↓ = (3.8 ± 0.5) × 10 18 m - 2 at the FM-Fe60Al40/Pd interface and the spin diffusion length λ P d = 9.1 ± 2.0 nm in Pd. For the PM-Fe60Al40/permalloy interface, we find a spin mixing conductance g F e A l ↑↓ = (2.1 ± 0.2) × 10 18 m - 2 and a spin diffusion length λ F e A l = 11.9 ± 0.2 nm for PM-Fe60Al40. The demonstrated bi-functionality of the Fe60Al40 alloy in spin pumping structures may be promising for spintronic applications.
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    Mechanical properties and twin boundary drag in Fe-Pd ferromagnetic shape memory foils-experiments and ab initio modeling
    (Bristol : IOP, 2011) Claussen, I.; Mayr, S.G.
    We report on vibrating reed measurements combined with density functional theory-based calculations to assess the elastic and damping properties of Fe-Pd ferromagnetic shape memory alloy splats. While the austenite-martensite phase transformation is generally accompanied by lattice softening, a severe modulus defect and elevated damping behavior are characteristic of the martensitic state. We interpret the latter in terms of twin boundary motion between pinning defects via partial 'twinning' dislocations. Energy dissipation is governed by twin boundary drag, primarily due to lattice imperfections, as concluded from the temperature dependence of damping and related activation enthalpies.
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    Magnetic hysteresis and strong ferromagnetic coupling of sulfur-bridged Dy ions in clusterfullerene Dy2S@C82
    (Cambridge : RSC, 2020) Krylov, Denis; Velkos, Georgios; Chen, Chia-Hsiang; Büchner, Bernd; Kostanyan, Aram; Greber, Thomas; Avdoshenko, Stanislav M.; Popov, Alexey A.
    Two isomers of metallofullerene Dy2S@C82 with sulfur-bridged Dy ions exhibit broad magnetic hysteresis with sharp steps at sub-Kelvin temperature. Analysis of the level crossing events for different orientations of a magnetic field showed that even in powder samples, the hysteresis steps caused by quantum tunneling of magnetization can provide precise information on the strength of intramolecular Dy⋯Dy interactions. A comparison of different methods to determine the energy difference between ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic states showed that sub-Kelvin hysteresis gives the most robust and reliable values. The ground state in Dy2S@C82 has ferromagnetic coupling of Dy magnetic moments, whereas the state with antiferromagnetic coupling in Cs and C3v cage isomers is 10.7 and 5.1 cm-1 higher, respectively. The value for the Cs isomer is among the highest found in metallofullerenes and is considerably larger than that reported in non-fullerene dinuclear molecular magnets. Magnetization relaxation times measured in zero magnetic field at sub-Kelvin temperatures tend to level off near 900 and 3200 s in Cs and C3v isomers. These times correspond to the quantum tunneling relaxation mechanism, in which the whole magnetic moment of the Dy2S@C82 molecule flips at once as a single entity. © the Partner Organisations.
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    The impact of surface morphology on the magnetovolume transition in magnetocaloric LaFe11.8Si1.2
    (New York : American Institute of Physics, 2016) Waske, A.; Lovell, E.; Funk, A.; Sellschopp, K.; Rack, A.; Giebeler, L.; Gostin, P.F.; Fähler, S.; Cohen, L.F.
    First order magnetocaloric materials reach high entropy changes but at the same time exhibit hysteresis losses which depend on the sample’s microstructure. We use non-destructive 3D X-ray microtomography to understand the role of surface morphology for the magnetovolume transition of LaFe11.8Si1.2. The technique provides unique information on the spatial distribution of the volume change at the transition and its relationship with the surface morphology. Complementary Hall probe imaging confirms that on a morphologically complex surface minimization of strain energy dominates. Our findings sketch the way for a tailored surface morphology with low hysteresis without changing the underlying phase transition.
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    Large-area van der Waals epitaxy and magnetic characterization of Fe3GeTe2 films on graphene
    (Bristol : IOP Publ., 2021) Lopes, J. Marcelo J.; Czubak, Dietmar; Zallo, Eugenio; Figueroa, Adriana I.; Guillemard, Charles; Valvidares, Manuel; Rubio-Zuazo, Juan; López-Sanchéz, Jesús; Valenzuela, Sergio O.; Hanke, Michael; Ramsteiner, Manfred
    Scalable fabrication of magnetic 2D materials and heterostructures constitutes a crucial step for scaling down current spintronic devices and the development of novel spintronic applications. Here, we report on van der Waals (vdW) epitaxy of the layered magnetic metal Fe3GeTe2 (FGT) - a 2D crystal with highly tunable properties and a high prospect for room temperature ferromagnetism (FM) - directly on graphene by employing molecular beam epitaxy. Morphological and structural characterization confirmed the realization of large-area, continuous FGT/graphene heterostructure films with stable interfaces and good crystalline quality. Furthermore, magneto-transport and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism investigations confirmed a robust out-of-plane FM in the layers, comparable to state-of-the-art exfoliated flakes from bulk crystals. These results are highly relevant for further research on wafer-scale growth of vdW heterostructures combining FGT with other layered crystals such as transition metal dichalcogenides for the realization of multifunctional, atomically thin devices. © 2021 The Author(s).
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    Increasing the performance of a superconducting spin valve using a Heusler alloy
    (Frankfurt am Main : Beilstein-Institut zur Förderung der Chemischen Wissenschaften, 2018) Kamashev, A.A.; Validov, A.A.; Schumann, J.; Kataev, V.; Büchner, B.; Fominov, Y.V.; Garifullin, I.A.
    We have studied superconducting properties of spin-valve thin-layer heterostructures CoOx/F1/Cu/F2/Cu/Pb in which the ferromagnetic F1 layer was made of Permalloy while for the F2 layer we have taken a specially prepared film of the Heusler alloy Co2Cr1-xFexAl with a small degree of spin polarization of the conduction band. The heterostructures demonstrate a significant superconducting spin-valve effect, i.e., a complete switching on and offof the superconducting current flowing through the system by manipulating the mutual orientations of the magnetization of the F1 and F2 layers. The magnitude of the effect is doubled in comparison with the previously studied analogous multilayers with the F2 layer made of the strong ferromagnet Fe. Theoretical analysis shows that a drastic enhancement of the switching effect is due to a smaller exchange field in the heterostructure coming from the Heusler film as compared to Fe. This enables to approach an almost ideal theoretical magnitude of the switching in the Heusler-based multilayer with a F2 layer thickness of ca. 1 nm. © 2018 Kamashev et al.