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    A Flashback on Control Logic Injection Attacks against Programmable Logic Controllers
    (Basel : MDPI, 2022) Alsabbagh, Wael; Langendörfer, Peter
    Programmable logic controllers (PLCs) make up a substantial part of critical infrastructures (CIs) and industrial control systems (ICSs). They are programmed with a control logic that defines how to drive and operate critical processes such as nuclear power plants, petrochemical factories, water treatment systems, and other facilities. Unfortunately, these devices are not fully secure and are prone to malicious threats, especially those exploiting vulnerabilities in the control logic of PLCs. Such threats are known as control logic injection attacks. They mainly aim at sabotaging physical processes controlled by exposed PLCs, causing catastrophic damage to target systems as shown by Stuxnet. Looking back over the last decade, many research endeavors exploring and discussing these threats have been published. In this article, we present a flashback on the recent works related to control logic injection attacks against PLCs. To this end, we provide the security research community with a new systematization based on the attacker techniques under three main attack scenarios. For each study presented in this work, we overview the attack strategies, tools, security goals, infected devices, and underlying vulnerabilities. Based on our analysis, we highlight the current security challenges in protecting PLCs from such severe attacks and suggest security recommendations for future research directions.
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    Thermoelectric Characterization Platform for Electrochemically Deposited Materials
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, 2020) Barati, Vida; Garcia Fernandez, Javier; Geishendorf, Kevin; Schnatmann, Lauritz Ule; Lammel, Michaela; Kunzmann, Alexander; Pérez, Nicolás; Li, Guodong; Schierning, Gabi; Nielsch, Kornelius; Reith, Heiko
    Successful optimization of the thermoelectric (TE) performance of materials, described by the figure of merit zT, is a key enabler for its application in energy harvesting or Peltier cooling devices. While the zT value of bulk materials is accessible by a variety of commercial measurement setups, precise determination of the zT value for thin and thick films remains a great challenge. This is particularly relevant for films synthesized by electrochemical deposition, where the TE material is deposited onto an electrically conductive seed layer causing an in-plane short circuit. Therefore, a platform for full in-plane zT characterization of electrochemically deposited TE materials is developed, eliminating the impact of the electrically conducting seed layer. The characterization is done using a suspended TE material within a transport device which was prepared by photolithography in combination with chemical etching steps. An analytical model to determine the thermal conductivity is developed and the results verified using finite element simulations. Taken together, the full in-plane zT characterization provides an inevitable milestone for material optimization under realistic conditions in TE devices. © 2020 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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    Improving the electrical and structural stability of highly piezoresistive nickel–carbon sensor thin films
    (Göttingen : Copernicus Publ., 2022) Schultes, Günter; Cerino, Mario; Lellig, Angela; Koch, Marcus
    The family of sputter deposited granular metal-based carbon-containing sensor films is known for their high sensitivity transforming force-dependent strain into electrical resistance change. Among them nickel–carbon thin films possess a gauge factor of up to 30, compared to only 2 for traditional sensor films of metal alloys. This high sensitivity is based on disordered interparticle tunneling through barriers of graphite-like carbon walls between metal–carbon particles of columnar shape. Force and pressure sensors would benefit a lot from the elevated piezoresistivity. A disadvantage, however, is a disturbing temporal creep and drift of the resistance under load and temperature. This contribution shows how to stabilize such sensor films. A significant stabilization is achieved by partially replacing nickel with chromium, albeit at the expense of sensitivity. The more chromium used in these NixCr1−x-C layers, the higher the optimum annealing temperature can be selected and the better the electrical stabilization. A good compromise while maintaining sensitivities well above the standard of 2 is identified for films with x=0.5 to 0.9, stabilized by optimized temperature treatments. The stabilizing effect of chromium is revealed by transmission electron microscopy with elemental analysis. The post-annealing drives segregation processes in the layer material. While the interior of the layer is depleted of chromium and carbon, boundary layers are formed. Chromium is enriched near the surface boundary, oxidized in air and forms chromium-rich oxide sub-layers, which are chemically very stable and protect against further reactions and corrosion. As a result, creep and drift errors are greatly reduced, so that the optimized sensor coatings are now suitable for widespread use.
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    Granular metal-carbon nanocomposites as piezoresistive sensor films - Part 1: Experimental results and morphology
    (Göttingen : Copernicus Publ., 2018) Schultes, Günter; Schmid-Engel, Hanna; Schwebke, Silvan; Werner, Ulf
    We have produced granular films based on carbon and different transition metals by means of plasma deposition processes. Some of the films possess an increased strain sensitivity compared to metallic films. They respond to strain almost linearly with gauge factors of up to 30 if strained longitudinally, while in the transverse direction about half of the effect is still measured. In addition, the film's thermal coefficient of resistance is adjustable by the metal concentration. The influence of metal concentration was investigated for the elements Ni, Pd, Fe, Pt, W, and Cr, while the elements Co, Au, Ag, Al, Ti, and Cu were studied briefly. Only Ni and Pd have a pronounced strain sensitivity at 55- €±- €5- €at.- €% (atomic percent) of metal, among which Ni–C is far more stable. Two phases are identified by transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction: metal-containing nanocolumns densely packed in a surrounding carbon phase. We differentiate three groups of metals, due to their respective affinity to carbon. It turns out that only nickel has the capability to bond and form a stable and closed encapsulation of GLC around each nanoparticle. In this structure, the electron transport is in part accomplished by tunneling processes across the basal planes of the graphitic encapsulation. Hence, we hold these tunneling processes responsible for the increased gauge factors of Ni–C composites. The other elements are unable to form graphitic encapsulations and thus do not exhibit elevated gauge factors.
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    Granular metal-carbon nanocomposites as piezoresistive sensor films-Part 2: Modeling longitudinal and transverse strain sensitivity
    (Göttingen : Copernicus Publ., 2018) Schwebke, Silvan; Werner, Ulf; Schultes, Günter
    Granular and columnar nickel-carbon composites may exhibit large strain sensitivity, which makes them an interesting sensor material. Based on experimental results and morphological characterization of the material, we develop a model of the electron transport in the film and use it to explain its piezoresistive effect. First we describe a model for the electron transport from particle to particle. The model is then applied in Monte Carlo simulations of the resistance and strain properties of the disordered films that give a first explanation of film properties. The simulations give insights into the origin of the transverse sensitivity and show the influence of various parameters such as particle separation and geometric disorder. An important influence towards larger strain sensitivity is local strain enhancement due to different elastic moduli of metal particles and carbon matrix.
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    Nanomaterial-decorated micromotors for enhanced photoacoustic imaging
    (Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, 2023) Aziz, Azaam; Nauber, Richard; Sánchez Iglesias, Ana; Tang, Min; Ma, Libo; Liz-Marzán, Luis M.; Schmidt, Oliver G.; Medina-Sánchez, Mariana
    Micro-and nanorobots have the potential to perform non-invasive drug delivery, sensing, and surgery in living organisms, with the aid of diverse medical imaging techniques. To perform such actions, microrobots require high spatiotemporal resolution tracking with real-time closed-loop feedback. To that end, photoacoustic imaging has appeared as a promising technique for imaging microrobots in deep tissue with higher molecular specificity and contrast. Here, we present different strategies to track magnetically-driven micromotors with improved contrast and specificity using dedicated contrast agents (Au nanorods and nanostars). Furthermore, we discuss the possibility of improving the light absorption properties of the employed nanomaterials considering possible light scattering and coupling to the underlying metal-oxide layers on the micromotor’s surface. For that, 2D COMSOL simulation and experimental results were correlated, confirming that an increased spacing between the Au-nanostructures and the increase of thickness of the underlying oxide layer lead to enhanced light absorption and preservation of the characteristic absorption peak. These characteristics are important when visualizing the micromotors in a complex in vivo environment, to distinguish them from the light absorption properties of the surrounding natural chromophores.
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    A multifunctional highway system incorporating superconductor levitated vehicles and liquefied hydrogen
    (Melville, NY : AIP Publishing, 2023) Vakaliuk, O.; Song, Shaowei; Floegel-Delor, U.; Werfel, F.; Nielsch, Kornelius; Ren, Zhifeng
    Magnetic levitation for the transport of people and goods using bulk superconductors and electrical power transmission using superconductors have both been demonstrated, but neither has been developed for daily use due to technological deficiencies and high costs. We envision combining the transport of people and goods and energy transmission and storage in a single system. Such a system, built on existing highway infrastructure, incorporates a superconductor guideway, allowing for simultaneous levitation of vehicles with magnetized undercarriages for rapid transport without schedule limitations and lossless transmission and storage of electricity. Incorporating liquefied hydrogen additionally allows for simultaneous cooling of the superconductor guideway and sustainable energy transport and storage. Here, we report the successful demonstration of the primary technical prerequisite, levitating a magnet above a superconductor guideway.
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    Synthesis and Physical Properties of Iridium-Based Sulfide Ca1−xIr4S6(S2) [x = 0.23–0.33]
    (Basel : MDPI, 2022) Vogl, Michael; Valldor, Martin; Piening, Roman Boy; Efremov, Dmitri V.; Büchner, Bernd; Aswartham, Saicharan
    We present the synthesis and characterization of the iridium-based sulfide Ca1−xIr4S6(S2). Quality and phase analysis were conducted by means of energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDXS) and powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques. Structure analysis reveals a monoclinic symmetry with the space group C 1 2/m 1 (No. 12), with the lattice constants a = 15.030 (3) Å, b = 3.5747 (5) Å and c = 10.4572 (18) Å. Both X-ray diffraction and EDXS suggest an off-stoichiometry of calcium, leading to the empirical composition Ca1−xIr4.0S6(S2) [x = 0.23–0.33]. Transport measurements show metallic behavior of the compound in the whole range of measured temperatures. Magnetic measurements down to 1.8 K show no long range order, and Curie–Weiss analysis yields θCW = −31.4 K, suggesting that the compound undergoes a magnetic state with short range magnetic correlations. We supplement our study with calculations of the band structure in the framework of the density functional theory.
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    Soft electronics by inkjet printing metal inks on porous substrates
    (Philadelphia, PA : IOP Publishing, 2022) Kang, Dong Jin; Gonzaléz-García, Lola; Kraus, Tobias
    Soft electronic devices enable new types of products for an ergonomic interaction of humans with a digital environment. The inkjet (droplet on demand) printing of electrically conductive ink in plural on soft substrates such as paper, textile, and polymers is a promising route for the prototyping and small-scale production of soft electronics that is efficient, cost-saving, and provides a rapid turnaround due to its fully digital workflow. The choice of materials and processing parameters is challenging, however, due to the combined complexity of metal-containing inks, their dynamics during droplet ejection, the active role of the porous substrate, and possible post-deposition steps. This review focuses on recent developments in inkjet printing of metal inks onto soft, porous substrates and their applications. The first section discusses the general principles in the inkjet printing of metal inks, including drop formation and jetting, wetting, and post treatment processes. The second section deals with the effect that the porosity of substrates has on the drying, diffusion, and adhesion of inks. Finally, current challenges and achievements of inkjet-printed, metal-containing inks are discussed.
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    Fast-Slow-Scale Interaction Induced Parallel Resonance and its Suppression in Voltage Source Converters
    (New York, NY : IEEE, 2021) Ma, Rui; Qiu, Qi; Kurths, Jürgen; Zhan, Meng
    Multi-timescale interaction of power electronics devices, including voltage source converter (VSC), has made the stability and analysis of high penetrating renewable power systems very complicated. In this paper, the impedance model is used to analyze the multi-timescale characteristics and interaction of the VSC. Firstly, the multi-timescale impedance characteristics of VSC are investigated based on the Bode plots. It is found that the slow-timescale (within the DC-link voltage control scale) and fast-timescale (within the AC current control scale) models are separately consistent with the full-order model perfectly within their low- and high-frequency ranges. In addition, there exists a high impedance peak within the intermediate frequency range (roughly from 10 Hz to 100 Hz). Then, the impedance peak is theoretically estimated and explained by the slow-fast-scale impedance parallel resonance through transfer-function diagram analysis. Moreover, it is found that the impedance peak is more related to some outer controllers, such as the alternative voltage control and active power control. Specifically, larger proportional coefficients can greatly suppress the resonance peak. Finally, simulations and experiments are conducted to verify the generality of the multi-timescale characteristics and interaction of the VSC. Hence these findings are not only significant to provide a physical insight into the inner key structure of the impedance of VSC, but also expected to be helpful for controller and parameter design of the VSC.