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    Predicting the dominating factors during heat transfer in magnetocaloric composite wires
    (Amsterdam : Elsevier B.V., 2020) Krautz, M.; Beyer, L.; Funk, A.; Waske, A.; Weise, B.; Freudenberger, J.; Gottschall, T.
    Magnetocaloric composite wires have been studied by pulsed-field measurements up to μ0ΔH = 10 T with a typical rise time of 13 ms in order to evaluate the evolution of the adiabatic temperature change of the core, ΔTad, and to determine the effective temperature change at the surrounding steel jacket, ΔTeff, during the field pulse. An inverse thermal hysteresis is observed for ΔTad due to the delayed thermal transfer. By numerical simulations of application-relevant sinusoidal magnetic field profiles, it can be stated that for field-frequencies of up to two field cycles per second heat can be efficiently transferred from the core to the outside of the jacket. In addition, intense numerical simulations of the temperature change of the core and jacket were performed by varying different parameters, such as frequency, heat capacity, thermal conductivity and interface resistance in order to shed light on their impact on ΔTeff at the outside of the jacket in comparison to ΔTad provided by the core.
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    MWCNT induced negative real permittivity in a copolyester of Bisphenol-A with terephthalic and isophthalic acids
    (Bristol : IOP Publ., 2020) Özdemir, Zeynep Güven; Daşdan, Dolunay Şakar; Kavak, Pelin; Pionteck, Jürgen; Pötschke, Petra; Voit, Brigitte; SüngüMısırlıoğlu, Banu
    In the present study, the negative real permittivity behavior of a copolyester of bisphenol-A with terephthalic acid and isophthalic acid (PAr) containing 1.5 to 7.5 wt% multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) have been investigated in detail. The structural and morphological analysis of the melt-mixed composites was performed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy using attenuated total reflection (FTIR-ATR), atomic force microscopy (AFM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and light microscopy. The influences of the MWCNT filler on the AC impedance, complex permittivity, and AC conductivity of the PAr polymer matrix were investigated at different operating temperatures varied between 296 K and 373 K. The transition from a negative to positive real permittivity was observed at different crossover frequencies depending on the MWCNT content of the composites whereas pure PAr showed positive values at all frequencies. The negative real permittivity characteristic of the composites was discussed in the context of Drude model. © 2020 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd.
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    Modelling and Experimental Investigation of Hexagonal Nacre-Like Structure Stiffness
    (Basel : MDPI, 2020) Rouhana, Rami; Stommel, Markus
    A highly ordered, hexagonal, nacre-like composite stiffness is investigated using experiments, simulations, and analytical models. Polystyrene and polyurethane are selected as materials for the manufactured specimens using laser cutting and hand lamination. A simulation geometry is made by digital microscope measurements of the specimens, and a simulation is conducted using material data based on component material characterization. Available analytical models are compared to the experimental results, and a more accurate model is derived specifically for highly ordered hexagonal tablets with relatively large in-plane gaps. The influence of hexagonal width, cut width, and interface thickness are analyzed using the hexagonal nacre-like composite stiffness model. The proposed analytical model converges within 1% with the simulation and experimental results
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    Statistical Analysis of Mechanical Stressing in Short Fiber Reinforced Composites by Means of Statistical and Representative Volume Elements
    (Basel : MDPI, 2021) Breuer, Kevin; Spickenheuer, Axel; Stommel, Markus
    Analyzing representative volume elements with the finite element method is one method to calculate the local stress at the microscale of short fiber reinforced plastics. It can be shown with Monte-Carlo simulations that the stress distribution depends on the local arrangement of the fibers and is therefore unique for each fiber constellation. In this contribution the stress distribution and the effective composite properties are examined as a function of the considered volume of the representative volume elements. Moreover, the influence of locally varying fiber volume fraction is examined, using statistical volume elements. The results show that the average stress probability distribution is independent of the number of fibers and independent of local fluctuation of the fiber volume fraction. Furthermore, it is derived from the stress distributions that the statistical deviation of the effective composite properties should not be neglected in the case of injection molded components. A finite element analysis indicates that the macroscopic stresses and strains on component level are significantly influenced by local, statistical fluctuation of the composite properties.
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    The Tensile Behaviour of Highly Filled High-Density Polyethylene Quaternary Composites: Weld-Line Effects, DIC Curiosities and Shifted Deformation Mechanisms
    (Basel : MDPI, 2021) Viljoen, David; Fischer, Matthieu; Kühnert, Ines; Labuschagné, Johan
    The interactive effects between additives and weld lines, which are frequent injection-moulding defects, were studied in high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and compared to weld-line-free reference samples. These materials were formulated around a D- and I-optimal experimental design, based on a quadratic Scheffé polynomial model, with up to 60 wt% calcium carbonate, masterbatched carbon black and a stabiliser package. Where reasonable and appropriate, the behaviours of the systems were modelled using statistical techniques, for a better understanding of the underlying trends. The characterisations were performed through the use of conventional tensile testing, digital image correlation (DIC) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). A range of complex interactive effects were found during conventional tensile testing, with DIC used to better understand and explain these effects. SEM is used to better understand the failure mechanics of some of these systems through fractography, particularly regarding particle effects. A measure is introduced to quantify the deviation of the pre-yield deformation curve from the ideal elastic case. Novel analysis of DIC results is proposed, through the use of combined time-series plots and measures quantifying the extent and localisation of peak deformation. Through this, it could be found that strong shifts in the deformation mechanisms occur as a function of formulation and the presence/absence of weld lines. Primarily, changes are noted in the onset of continuous inter- and intralamellar slip and cavitation/fibrillation, seen through the onset of localised deformation and stress-whitening.