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    3b Open-Access-Publikationsfonds
    (Zenodo, 2017) Pampel, Heinz; Tullney, Marco
    Ein Open-Access-Publikationsfonds ist ein Finanzierungs- und Steuerungsinstrument wissenschaftlicher Einrichtungen zur Übernahme von Open-Access-Publikationsgebühren. Dieser Beitrag befasst sich mit Aufbau und Betrieb eines solchen Fonds.
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    zbMATH Open: API Solutions and Research Challenges
    (Aachen, Germany : RWTH Aachen, 2021) Petrera, Matteo; Trautwein, Dennis; Beckenbach, Isabel; Ehsani, Dariush; Müller, Fabian; Teschke, Olaf; Gipp, Bela; Schubotz, Moritz; Balke, Wolf-Tilo; de Waard, Anita; Fu, Yuanxi; Hua, Bolin; Schneider, Jodi; Song, Ningyuan; Wang, Xiaoguang
    We present zbMATH Open, the most comprehensive collection of reviews and bibliographic metadata of scholarly literature in mathematics. Besides our website which is openly accessible since the beginning of this year, we provide API endpoints to offer our data. APIs improve interoperability with others, i.e., digital libraries, and allow using our data for research purposes. In this article, we (1) illustrate the current and future overview of the services offered by zbMATH; (2) present the initial version of the zbMATH links API; (3) analyze potentials and limitations of the links API based on the example of the NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions; (4) and finally, present thezbMATHOpen dataset as a research resource and discuss connected open research problems.
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    Schlesien versus Sparta. Gerhart Hauptmanns Besinnung auf schlesische Identität im Kontext der Rassenideologie
    (München : Oldenbourg, 2014) Tempel, Bernhard
    Mehrfach setzt der deutsche Dichter Gerhart Hauptmann (1862-1946) zwischen 1906 und 1942 Schlesien und Sparta in Beziehung. Im Reisetagebuch seiner Griechenlandreise erinnert ihn die Landschaft Spartas an die schlesische Landwirtschaftsidylle und eine Liebschaft während seiner Ausbildung in Lederose. Der veröffentlichte Reisebericht 'Griechischer Frühling' bezieht die Bevölkerungspolitik Spartas nach den Lykurgischen Gesetzen ein, die der deutschen Eugenik (von Hauptmanns Freund Alfred Ploetz 1895 als "Rassenhygiene" inauguriert) als vorbildlich galten. Zu einer Entgegensetzung von Sparta und Schlesien, in deren Landschaften er weiterhin Gemeinsamkeiten sieht, kommt Hauptmann 1922 in einem Paralipomenon zum Fragment gebliebenen Roman 'Der neue Chistophorus', wo der sein idealisiertes Selbstbild, den Bergpater, erklären läßt, spartanisches Freiheitsdrang werde in Schlesien nie heimisch sein. Vollends kritisch wird schließlich der Blick auf Sparta Ende der 1930er Jahre: Hauptmann begreift dann Schlesien als Land der Mischung und seine Familie als "Kolonisten"; es deutet sich in Tagebuchaufzeichnungen an, daß er Schlesien als Gegenmodell zu Sparta entwirft, dem (nach Ernst Baltrusch) "ersten totalitären Staat der Weltgeschichte", in dem Kunst - für Hauptmann das Maß aller Dinge - gegenüber der einseitig auf körperliche Tauglichkeit des Nachwuchses und Reinheit der Rasse ausgerichteten keinen Platz hat. Die Analogien zwischen der Rassenpolitik im Dritten Reich und Sparta (auch in zeitgenössischen Berufungen auf Sparta) nahm er wahr und lehnte beides ab.
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    (München : De Gruyter Saur, 2021) Fraumann, Grischa; D'Souza, Jennifer; Holmberg, Kim
    The Eigenfactor™ is a journal metric, which was developed by Bergstrom and his colleagues at the University of Washington. They invented the Eigenfactor as a response to the criticism against the use of simple citation counts. The Eigenfactor makes use of the network structure of citations, i.e. citations between journals, and establishes the importance, influence or impact of a journal based on its location in a network of journals. The importance is defined based on the number of citations between journals. As such, the Eigenfactor algorithm is based on Eigenvector centrality. While journal based metrics have been criticized, the Eigenfactor has also been suggested as an alternative in the widely used San Francisco Declaration on ResearchAssessment (DORA).
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    The STEM-ECR Dataset: Grounding Scientific Entity References in STEM Scholarly Content to Authoritative Encyclopedic and Lexicographic Sources
    (Paris : European Language Resources Association, 2020) D'Souza, Jennifer; Hoppe, Anett; Brack, Arthur; Jaradeh, Mohamad Yaser; Auer, Sören; Ewerth, Ralph
    We introduce the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Medicine) Dataset for Scientific Entity Extraction, Classification, and Resolution, version 1.0 (STEM-ECR v1.0). The STEM-ECR v1.0 dataset has been developed to provide a benchmark for the evaluation of scientific entity extraction, classification, and resolution tasks in a domain-independent fashion. It comprises abstracts in 10 STEM disciplines that were found to be the most prolific ones on a major publishing platform. We describe the creation of such a multidisciplinary corpus and highlight the obtained findings in terms of the following features: 1) a generic conceptual formalism for scientific entities in a multidisciplinary scientific context; 2) the feasibility of the domain-independent human annotation of scientific entities under such a generic formalism; 3) a performance benchmark obtainable for automatic extraction of multidisciplinary scientific entities using BERT-based neural models; 4) a delineated 3-step entity resolution procedure for human annotation of the scientific entities via encyclopedic entity linking and lexicographic word sense disambiguation; and 5) human evaluations of Babelfy returned encyclopedic links and lexicographic senses for our entities. Our findings cumulatively indicate that human annotation and automatic learning of multidisciplinary scientific concepts as well as their semantic disambiguation in a wide-ranging setting as STEM is reasonable.
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    Publizieren in wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften
    (Bielefeld : Transcript, 2020) Kaier, Christian; van Edig, Xenia
    Zeitschriftenartikel sind die von Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern insgesamt am häufigsten gewählte Publikationsform. Ein Verständnis der Arbeits- und Funktionsweise wissenschaftlicher Zeitschriften sowie von Rollen und Publikationsprozessen ist daher im Bereich der Publikationsberatung essenziell. Dieser Beitrag soll dafür Grundlagen und weiterführende Hinweise bieten.
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    Dynamic publication formats and collaborative authoring
    (Cham : Springer, 2014) Heller, Lambert; The, Ronald; Bartling, Sönke; Bartling, Sönke; Friesike, Sascha
    While Online Publishing has replaced most traditional printed journals in less than twenty years, today’s Online Publication Formats are still closely bound to the medium of paper. Collaboration is mostly hidden from the readership, and ‘final’ versions of papers are stored in ‘publisher PDF’ files mimicking print. Meanwhile new media formats originating from the web itself bring us new modes of transparent collaboration, feedback, continued refinement, and reusability of (scholarly) works: Wikis, Blogs and Code Repositories, to name a few. This chapter characterizes the potentials of Dynamic Publication Formats and analyzes necessary prerequisites. Selected tools specific to the aims, stages, and functions of Scholarly Publishing are presented. Furthermore, this chapter points out early examples of usage and further development from the field. In doing so, Dynamic Publication Formats are described as (a) a ‘parallel universe’ based on the commodification of (scholarly) media, and (b) as a much needed complement, slowly recognized and incrementally integrated into more efficient and dynamic workflows of production, improvement, and dissemination of scholarly knowledge in general.
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    DDB-KG: The German Bibliographic Heritage in a Knowledge Graph
    (Aachen, Germany : RWTH Aachen, 2021) Tan, Mary Ann; Tietz, Tabea; Bruns, Oleksandra; Oppenlaender, Jonas; Dessì, Danilo; Harald, Sack; Sumikawa, Yasunobu; Ikejiri, Ryohei; Doucet, Antoine; Pfanzelter, Eva; Hasanuzzaman, Mohammed; Dias, Gaël; Milligan, Ian; Jatowt, Adam
    Under the German government’s initiative “NEUSTART Kultur”, the German Digital Library or Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek (DDB) is undergoing improvements to enhance user-experience. As an initial step, emphasis is placed on creating a knowledge graph from the bibliographic record collection of the DDB. This paper discusses the challenges facing the DDB in terms of retrieval and the solutions in addressing them. In particular, limitations of the current data model or ontology to represent bibliographic metadata is analyzed through concrete examples. This study presents the complete ontological mapping from DDB-Europeana Data Model (DDB-EDM) to FaBiO, and a prototype of the DDB-KG made available as a SPARQL endpoint. The suitabiliy of the target ontology is demonstrated with SPARQL queries formulated from competency questions.
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    Towards Operational Research Infrastructures with FAIR Data and Services
    (Cham : Springer, 2020) Zhao, Zhiming; Jeffery, Keith; Stocker, Markus; Atkinson, Malcolm; Petzold, Andreas; Zhao, Zhiming; Hellström, Margareta
    Environmental research infrastructures aim to provide scientists with facilities, resources and services to enable scientists to effectively perform advanced research. When addressing societal challenges such as climate change and pollution, scientists usually need data, models and methods from different domains to tackle the complexity of the complete environmental system. Research infrastructures are thus required to enable all data, including services, products, and virtual research environments is FAIR for research communities: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. In this last chapter, we conclude and identify future challenges in research infrastructure operation, user support, interoperability, and future evolution.
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    Toward a Comparison Framework for Interactive Ontology Enrichment Methodologies
    (Aachen, Germany : RWTH Aachen, 2022) Vrolijk, Jarno; Reklos, Ioannis; Vafaie, Mahsa; Massari, Arcangelo; Mohammadi, Maryam; Rudolph, Sebastian; Fu, Bo; Lambrix, Patrick; Pesquita, Catia
    The growing demand for well-modeled ontologies in diverse application areas increases the need for intuitive interaction techniques that support human domain experts in ontology modeling and enrichment tasks, such that quality expectations are met. Beyond the correctness of the specified information, the quality of an ontology depends on its (relative) completeness, i.e., whether the ontology contains all the necessary information to draw expected inferences. On an abstract level, the Ontology Enrichment problem consists of identifying and filling the gap between information that can be logically inferred from the ontology and the information expected to be inferable by the user. To this end, numerous approaches have been described in the literature, providing methodologies from the fields of Formal Semantics and Automated Reasoning targeted at eliciting knowledge from human domain experts. These approaches vary greatly in many aspects and their applicability typically depends on the specifics of the concrete modeling scenario at hand. Toward a better understanding of the landscape of methodological possibilities, this position paper proposes a framework consisting of multiple performance dimensions along which existing and future approaches to interactive ontology enrichment can be characterized. We apply our categorization scheme to a selection of methodologies from the literature. In light of this comparison, we address the limitations of the methods and propose directions for future work.