Search Results

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  • Item Wie gestalten wir die Zukunft?
    (Zenodo, 2023) Benz, Martina; Kirchner, Andreas; Mikautsch, Emilia; Strauß, Helene
    Das Poster " Wie gestalten wir die Zukunft?" wurde im Rahmen des BMBF-geförderten Projekts open.access-network erstellt und für die Open-Access-Tage 2023 angenommen. Das Poster skizziert den Weg zur Verstetigung des Kompetenz- und Vernetzungsportals Mit Blick auf das Ziel eines Community-basierten Organisations- und Finanzierungsmodells, wird aktiv zur Interaktion mit dem Poster sowie zur Ideen- und Meinungsäußerung zur Verstetigung eingeladen.
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    zbMATH Open: API Solutions and Research Challenges
    (Aachen, Germany : RWTH Aachen, 2021) Petrera, Matteo; Trautwein, Dennis; Beckenbach, Isabel; Ehsani, Dariush; Müller, Fabian; Teschke, Olaf; Gipp, Bela; Schubotz, Moritz; Balke, Wolf-Tilo; de Waard, Anita; Fu, Yuanxi; Hua, Bolin; Schneider, Jodi; Song, Ningyuan; Wang, Xiaoguang
    We present zbMATH Open, the most comprehensive collection of reviews and bibliographic metadata of scholarly literature in mathematics. Besides our website which is openly accessible since the beginning of this year, we provide API endpoints to offer our data. APIs improve interoperability with others, i.e., digital libraries, and allow using our data for research purposes. In this article, we (1) illustrate the current and future overview of the services offered by zbMATH; (2) present the initial version of the zbMATH links API; (3) analyze potentials and limitations of the links API based on the example of the NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions; (4) and finally, present thezbMATHOpen dataset as a research resource and discuss connected open research problems.
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    The STEM-ECR Dataset: Grounding Scientific Entity References in STEM Scholarly Content to Authoritative Encyclopedic and Lexicographic Sources
    (Paris : European Language Resources Association, 2020) D'Souza, Jennifer; Hoppe, Anett; Brack, Arthur; Jaradeh, Mohamad Yaser; Auer, Sören; Ewerth, Ralph
    We introduce the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Medicine) Dataset for Scientific Entity Extraction, Classification, and Resolution, version 1.0 (STEM-ECR v1.0). The STEM-ECR v1.0 dataset has been developed to provide a benchmark for the evaluation of scientific entity extraction, classification, and resolution tasks in a domain-independent fashion. It comprises abstracts in 10 STEM disciplines that were found to be the most prolific ones on a major publishing platform. We describe the creation of such a multidisciplinary corpus and highlight the obtained findings in terms of the following features: 1) a generic conceptual formalism for scientific entities in a multidisciplinary scientific context; 2) the feasibility of the domain-independent human annotation of scientific entities under such a generic formalism; 3) a performance benchmark obtainable for automatic extraction of multidisciplinary scientific entities using BERT-based neural models; 4) a delineated 3-step entity resolution procedure for human annotation of the scientific entities via encyclopedic entity linking and lexicographic word sense disambiguation; and 5) human evaluations of Babelfy returned encyclopedic links and lexicographic senses for our entities. Our findings cumulatively indicate that human annotation and automatic learning of multidisciplinary scientific concepts as well as their semantic disambiguation in a wide-ranging setting as STEM is reasonable.
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    B!SON - an open tool to help researchers find suitable Open Access journals for their work
    (Zenodo, 2023) Eppelin, Anita
    The poster presents key facts on B!SON, an open recommendation service for Open Access journals. There is a whole range of web-based services designed to help researchers find a suitable journal for their findings. Few of them, however, are inherently oriented towards the needs and interests of the research community: they are often provided by commercial actors, only include journals of one single (major) publisher, the procedures for the recommendations are not transparent, the source code is not publicly available, their sustainability is unclear or they are merely aggregated journal lists with advanced filter functions. B!SON has set out to do things differently: It is a tool developed and provided by two major German academic libraries - TIB (Technische Informationsbibliothek) and SLUB (Saxonian State and University Library Dresden). It includes only genuine Open Access journals, uses only community-based, open data sources from DOAJ and OpenCitations, discloses its recommendation algorithm based on semantic and bibliometric methods, handles user data sensitively and has been designed with sustainability in mind. B!SON's simple user interface with input fields for a manuscript's title, abstract and references provides users with a list of DOAJ-listed journals in which similar research has been published. A similarity score is provided for each journal listed, along with the underlying articles where similarity was found, to make the recommendation verifiable.
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    DDB-KG: The German Bibliographic Heritage in a Knowledge Graph
    (Aachen, Germany : RWTH Aachen, 2021) Tan, Mary Ann; Tietz, Tabea; Bruns, Oleksandra; Oppenlaender, Jonas; Dessì, Danilo; Harald, Sack; Sumikawa, Yasunobu; Ikejiri, Ryohei; Doucet, Antoine; Pfanzelter, Eva; Hasanuzzaman, Mohammed; Dias, Gaël; Milligan, Ian; Jatowt, Adam
    Under the German government’s initiative “NEUSTART Kultur”, the German Digital Library or Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek (DDB) is undergoing improvements to enhance user-experience. As an initial step, emphasis is placed on creating a knowledge graph from the bibliographic record collection of the DDB. This paper discusses the challenges facing the DDB in terms of retrieval and the solutions in addressing them. In particular, limitations of the current data model or ontology to represent bibliographic metadata is analyzed through concrete examples. This study presents the complete ontological mapping from DDB-Europeana Data Model (DDB-EDM) to FaBiO, and a prototype of the DDB-KG made available as a SPARQL endpoint. The suitabiliy of the target ontology is demonstrated with SPARQL queries formulated from competency questions.
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    Warum hat mir das keiner gesagt?
    (Zenodo, 2023) Slawig, Diana
    Poster zur Thematik der Publikationsberatung für Promovierende, vorgestellt im Rahmen der Open-Access-Tage 2023 in Berlin
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    Treffen sich zwei Artikel hinter einer Paywall. Kommt eine Zweitveröffentlichungsoption vorbei…
    (Zenodo, 2022) Dellmann, Sarah; Deppe, Arvid; Härkönen, Sonja; Voigt, Michaela
    Das Material dokumentiert einen 90-minütigen Workshop bei den Open-Access-Tagen 2022. Die Inhalte wurden im Workshop in Kleingruppen erarbeitet: An fünf Tischen diskutierten die Teilnehmer*innen jeweils ca. zehn Minuten die gleiche Fragen (insgesamt gab es fünf Fragen) und notierten Ideen & Lösungsansätze, welche nach jeder Runde im Plenum kurz vorgetragen und kurz diskutiert wurden. Die Fragen stammten von den Teilnehmenden selbst – bei der Anmeldung zum Workshop waren sie gefragt worden: “Welche Frage im Alltagsgeschäft der Zweitveröffentlichungen wollten Sie schon immer mal an die Community stellen?” Die so eingereichten Fragen wurden im Vorfeld durch die Workshopkoordinator*innen thematisch geclustert (1. Motivation/Argumentation, 2. Services & Tools, 3. Metadaten, 4. Postprints, 5. Rechtliches). Einige Fragen konnten aus Zeitgründen nicht im Workshop behandelt werden; sind der Vollständigkeit halber auch dokumentiert.
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    Toward a Comparison Framework for Interactive Ontology Enrichment Methodologies
    (Aachen, Germany : RWTH Aachen, 2022) Vrolijk, Jarno; Reklos, Ioannis; Vafaie, Mahsa; Massari, Arcangelo; Mohammadi, Maryam; Rudolph, Sebastian; Fu, Bo; Lambrix, Patrick; Pesquita, Catia
    The growing demand for well-modeled ontologies in diverse application areas increases the need for intuitive interaction techniques that support human domain experts in ontology modeling and enrichment tasks, such that quality expectations are met. Beyond the correctness of the specified information, the quality of an ontology depends on its (relative) completeness, i.e., whether the ontology contains all the necessary information to draw expected inferences. On an abstract level, the Ontology Enrichment problem consists of identifying and filling the gap between information that can be logically inferred from the ontology and the information expected to be inferable by the user. To this end, numerous approaches have been described in the literature, providing methodologies from the fields of Formal Semantics and Automated Reasoning targeted at eliciting knowledge from human domain experts. These approaches vary greatly in many aspects and their applicability typically depends on the specifics of the concrete modeling scenario at hand. Toward a better understanding of the landscape of methodological possibilities, this position paper proposes a framework consisting of multiple performance dimensions along which existing and future approaches to interactive ontology enrichment can be characterized. We apply our categorization scheme to a selection of methodologies from the literature. In light of this comparison, we address the limitations of the methods and propose directions for future work.
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    Forschungsdaten in den Naturwissenschaften: Eine urheberrechtliche Bestandsaufnahme mit ihren Implikationen für universitäres FDM
    (Heidelberg : Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, 2022) Hartmann, Thomas; Heuveline, Vincent; Bisheh, Nina
    Ein Schlüsselfaktor für die Zugänglichkeit, Nachnutzbarkeit und Interoperabilität von Forschungsdaten1 ist deren urheberrechtlicher Status. In den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften unterliegen Forschungsdaten (z. Bsp. Texte in Form von Interviews oder sonstiger Literatur) in den meisten Fällen dem Urheberschutz. Anders ist die Situation in den Naturwissenschaften. Nicht immer, aber häufig bleiben Forschungsdaten aus diesen Fächern urheberrechtsfrei. Dies begründet der Beitrag an einem typischen Beispiel aus dem Forschungsdatenzentrum für Molekulare Materialforschung (SDC MoMaF).2 Welche rechtlichen Handlungsempfehlungen sich für das Forschungsdatenmanagement (FDM) daraus ergeben, wird am Beitragsende dargestellt.
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    Towards a Representation of Temporal Data in Archival Records: Use Cases and Requirements
    (Aachen, Germany : RWTH Aachen, 2021) Bruns, Oleksandra; Tietz, Tabea; Vafaie, Mahsa; Dessì, Danilo; Sack, Harald; Lopes, Carla Teixeira; Ribeiro, Cristina; Niccolucci, Franco; Rodrigues, Irene; Freire, Nuno
    Archival records are essential sources of information for historians and digital humanists to understand history. For modern information systems they are often analysed and integrated into Knowledge Graphs for better access, interoperability and re-use. However, due to restrictions of the representation of RDF predicates temporal data within archival records is a challenge to model. This position paper explains requirements for modeling temporal data in archival records based on running research projects in which archival records are analysed and integrated in Knowledge Graphs for research and exploration.