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    Open Science und die Bibliothek – Aktionsfelder und Berufsbild
    (Graz : Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare, 2019) Blümel, Ina; Drees, Bastian; Hauschke, Christian; Heller, Lambert; Tullney, Marco
    Eine durch die Digitalisierung veränderte und auf Open Science ausgerichtete Wissenschaftspraxis benötigt angepasste Infrastrukturen und Services. Daraus ergeben sich verschiedene neue oder veränderte Aktionsfelder für wissenschaftliche Bibliotheken und Infrastruktureinrichtungen. Zu nennen sind zum Beispiel die nicht-textuellen Materialien wie Forschungsdaten, AV-Medien oder Software und die Umsetzung der FAIR-Prinzipien. Hinzu kommen neue Aufgaben im Bereich der Forschungsinformationen, zum Beispiel in der Unterstützung institutioneller Forschungsinformationssysteme, die Gestaltung von Open Access, die Unterstützung kollaborativen wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens sowie die Schaffung von offenen Infrastrukturen. In diesem Artikel werden diese Felder kurz vorgestellt und sich daraus abzeichnende Anforderungen an das bibliothekarische Berufsbild skizziert.
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    A tale of two 'opens': intersections between Free and Open Source Software and Open Scholarship
    (Charlottesville, VA : Center for Open Science, 2020) Tennant, Jonathan P.; Agrawal, Ritwik; Baždarić, Ksenija; Brassard, David; Crick, Tom; Dunleavy, Daniel J.; Evans, Thomas Rhys; Gardner, Nicholas; Gonzalez-Marquez, Monica; Graziotin, Daniel; Greshake Tzovaras, Bastian; Gunnarson, Daniel; Havemann, Johanna; Hosseini, Mohammad; Katz, Daniel S.; Knöchelmann, Marcel; Lahti, Leo; Madan, Christopher R.; Manghi, Paolo; Marocchino, Alberto; Masuzzo, Paola; Murray-Rust, Peter; Narayanaswamy, Sanjay; Nilsonne, Gustav; Pacheco-Mendoza, Josmel; Penders, Bart; Pourret, Olivier; Rera, Michael; Samuel, John; Steiner, Tobias; Stojanovski, Jadranka; Uribe Tirado, Alejandro; Vos, Rutger; Worthington, Simon; Yarkoni, Tal
    There is no clear-cut boundary between Free and Open Source Software and Open Scholarship, and the histories, practices, and fundamental principles between the two remain complex. In this study, we critically appraise the intersections and differences between the two movements. Based on our thematic comparison here, we conclude several key things. First, there is substantial scope for new communities of practice to form within scholarly communities that place sharing and collaboration/open participation at their focus. Second, Both the principles and practices of FOSS can be more deeply ingrained within scholarship, asserting a balance between pragmatism and social ideology. Third, at the present, Open Scholarship risks being subverted and compromised by commercial players. Fourth, the shift and acceleration towards a system of Open Scholarship will be greatly enhanced by a concurrent shift in recognising a broader range of practices and outputs beyond traditional peer review and research articles. In order to achieve this, we propose the formulation of a new type of institutional mandate. We believe that there is substantial need for research funders to invest in sustainable open scholarly infrastructure, and the communities that support them, to avoid the capture and enclosure of key research services that would prevent optimal researcher behaviours. Such a shift could ultimately lead to a healthier scientific culture, and a system where competition is replaced by collaboration, resources (including time and people) are shared and acknowledged more efficiently, and the research becomes inherently more rigorous, verified, and reproducible.