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    XUV excitation followed by ultrafast non-adiabatic relaxation in PAH molecules as a femto-astrochemistry experiment
    ([London] : Nature Publishing Group UK, 2015) Marciniak, A.; Despré, V.; Barillot, T.; Rouzée, A.; Galbraith, M.C.E.; Klei, J.; Yang, C.-H.; Smeenk, C.T.L.; Loriot, V.; Nagaprasad Reddy, S.; Tielens, A.G.G.M.; Mahapatra, S.; Kuleff, A.I.; Vrakking, M.J.J.; Lépine, F.
    Highly excited molecular species are at play in the chemistry of interstellar media and are involved in the creation of radiation damage in a biological tissue. Recently developed ultrashort extreme ultraviolet light sources offer the high excitation energies and ultrafast time-resolution required for probing the dynamics of highly excited molecular states on femtosecond (fs) (1 fs=10−15s) and even attosecond (as) (1 as=10−18 s) timescales. Here we show that polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) undergo ultrafast relaxation on a few tens of femtoseconds timescales, involving an interplay between the electronic and vibrational degrees of freedom. Our work reveals a general property of excited radical PAHs that can help to elucidate the assignment of diffuse interstellar absorption bands in astrochemistry, and provides a benchmark for the manner in which coupled electronic and nuclear dynamics determines reaction pathways in large molecules following extreme ultraviolet excitation.
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    Optical inter-site spin transfer probed by energy and spin-resolved transient absorption spectroscopy
    ([London] : Nature Publishing Group UK, 2020) Willems, Felix; von Korff Schmising, Clemens; Strüber, Christian; Schick, Daniel; Engel, Dieter W.; Dewhurst, J. K.; Elliott, Peter; Sharma, Sangeeta; Eisebitt, Stefan
    Optically driven spin transport is the fastest and most efficient process to manipulate macroscopic magnetization as it does not rely on secondary mechanisms to dissipate angular momentum. In the present work, we show that such an optical inter-site spin transfer (OISTR) from Pt to Co emerges as a dominant mechanism governing the ultrafast magnetization dynamics of a CoPt alloy. To demonstrate this, we perform a joint theoretical and experimental investigation to determine the transient changes of the helicity dependent absorption in the extreme ultraviolet spectral range. We show that the helicity dependent absorption is directly related to changes of the transient spin-split density of states, allowing us to link the origin of OISTR to the available minority states above the Fermi level. This makes OISTR a general phenomenon in optical manipulation of multi-component magnetic systems.