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    Self-assembly of Co/Pt stripes with current-induced domain wall motion towards 3D racetrack devices
    ([London] : Nature Publishing Group UK, 2024) Fedorov, Pavel; Soldatov, Ivan; Neu, Volker; Schäfer, Rudolf; Schmidt, Oliver G.; Karnaushenko, Daniil
    Modification of the magnetic properties under the induced strain and curvature is a promising avenue to build three-dimensional magnetic devices, based on the domain wall motion. So far, most of the studies with 3D magnetic structures were performed in the helixes and nanowires, mainly with stationary domain walls. In this study, we demonstrate the impact of 3D geometry, strain and curvature on the current-induced domain wall motion and spin-orbital torque efficiency in the heterostructure, realized via a self-assembly rolling technique on a polymeric platform. We introduce a complete 3D memory unit with write, read and store functionality, all based on the field-free domain wall motion. Additionally, we conducted a comparative analysis between 2D and 3D structures, particularly addressing the influence of heat during the electric current pulse sequences. Finally, we demonstrated a remarkable increase of 30% in spin-torque efficiency in 3D configuration.
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    Bioactive glass–ceramics containing fluorapatite, xonotlite, cuspidine and wollastonite form apatite faster than their corresponding glasses
    ([London] : Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2024) Kirste, Gloria; Contreras Jaimes, Altair; de Pablos-Martín, Araceli; de Souza e Silva, Juliana Martins; Massera, Jonathan; Hill, Robert G.; Brauer, Delia S.
    Crystallisation of bioactive glasses has been claimed to negatively affect the ion release from bioactive glasses. Here, we compare ion release and mineralisation in Tris–HCl buffer solution for a series of glass–ceramics and their parent glasses in the system SiO2–CaO–P2O5–CaF2. Time-resolved X-ray diffraction analysis of glass–ceramic degradation, including quantification of crystal fractions by full pattern refinement, show that the glass–ceramics precipitated apatite faster than the corresponding glasses, in agreement with faster ion release from the glass–ceramics. Imaging by transmission electron microscopy and X-ray nano-computed tomography suggest that this accelerated degradation may be caused by the presence of nano-sized channels along the internal crystal/glassy matrix interfaces. In addition, the presence of crystalline fluorapatite in the glass–ceramics facilitated apatite nucleation and crystallisation during immersion. These results suggest that the popular view of bioactive glass crystallisation being a disadvantage for degradation, apatite formation and, subsequently, bioactivity may depend on the actual system study and, thus, has to be reconsidered.