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Enhancing laser beam performance by interfering intense laser beamlets

2019, Morace, A., Iwata, N., Sentoku, Y., Mima, K., Arikawa, Y., Yogo, A., Andreev, A., Tosaki, S., Vaisseau, X., Abe, Y., Kojima, S., Sakata, S., Hata, M., Lee, S., Matsuo, K., Kamitsukasa, N., Norimatsu, T., Kawanaka, J., Tokita, S., Miyanaga, N., Shiraga, H., Sakawa, Y., Nakai, M., Nishimura, H., Azechi, H., Fujioka, S., Kodama, R.

Increasing the laser energy absorption into energetic particle beams represents a longstanding quest in intense laser-plasma physics. During the interaction with matter, part of the laser energy is converted into relativistic electron beams, which are the origin of secondary sources of energetic ions, γ-rays and neutrons. Here we experimentally demonstrate that using multiple coherent laser beamlets spatially and temporally overlapped, thus producing an interference pattern in the laser focus, significantly improves the laser energy conversion efficiency into hot electrons, compared to one beam with the same energy and nominal intensity as the four beamlets combined. Two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations support the experimental results, suggesting that beamlet interference pattern induces a periodical shaping of the critical density, ultimately playing a key-role in enhancing the laser-to-electron energy conversion efficiency. This method is rather insensitive to laser pulse contrast and duration, making this approach robust and suitable to many existing facilities.

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Structural relaxation phenomena in silicate glasses modified by irradiation with femtosecond laser pulses

2017, Seuthe, Thomas, Mermillod-Blondin, Alexandre, Grehn, Moritz, Bonse, Jörn, Wondraczek, Lothar, Eberstein, Markus

Structural relaxation phenomena in binary and multicomponent lithium silicate glasses were studied upon irradiation with femtosecond (fs) laser pulses (800 nm central wavelength, 130 fs pulse duration) and subsequent thermal annealing experiments. Depending on the annealing temperature, micro-Raman spectroscopy analyses evidenced different relaxation behaviours, associated to bridging and non-bridging oxygen structures present in the glass network. The results indicate that the mobility of lithium ions is an important factor during the glass modification with fs-laser pulses. Quantitative phase contrast imaging (spatial light interference microscopy) revealed that these fs-laser induced structural modifications are closely related to local changes in the refractive index of the material. The results establish a promising strategy for tailoring fs-laser sensitivity of glasses through structural mobility.

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Optical inter-site spin transfer probed by energy and spin-resolved transient absorption spectroscopy

2020, Willems, Felix, von Korff Schmising, Clemens, Strüber, Christian, Schick, Daniel, Engel, Dieter W., Dewhurst, J. K., Elliott, Peter, Sharma, Sangeeta, Eisebitt, Stefan

Optically driven spin transport is the fastest and most efficient process to manipulate macroscopic magnetization as it does not rely on secondary mechanisms to dissipate angular momentum. In the present work, we show that such an optical inter-site spin transfer (OISTR) from Pt to Co emerges as a dominant mechanism governing the ultrafast magnetization dynamics of a CoPt alloy. To demonstrate this, we perform a joint theoretical and experimental investigation to determine the transient changes of the helicity dependent absorption in the extreme ultraviolet spectral range. We show that the helicity dependent absorption is directly related to changes of the transient spin-split density of states, allowing us to link the origin of OISTR to the available minority states above the Fermi level. This makes OISTR a general phenomenon in optical manipulation of multi-component magnetic systems.

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Intercomparison of in-situ aircraft and satellite aerosol measurements in the stratosphere

2019, Sandvik, Oscar S., Friberg, Johan, Martinsson, Bengt G., van Velthoven, Peter F. J., Hermann, Markus, Zahn, Andreas

Aerosol composition and optical scattering from particles in the lowermost stratosphere (LMS) have been studied by comparing in-situ aerosol samples from the IAGOS-CARIBIC passenger aircraft with vertical profiles of aerosol backscattering obtained from the CALIOP lidar aboard the CALIPSO satellite. Concentrations of the dominating fractions of the stratospheric aerosol, being sulphur and carbon, have been obtained from post-flight analysis of IAGOS-CARIBIC aerosol samples. This information together with literature data on black carbon concentrations were used to calculate the aerosol backscattering which subsequently is compared with measurements by CALIOP. Vertical optical profiles were taken in an altitude range of several kilometres from and above the northern hemispheric extratropical tropopause for the years 2006-2014. We find that the two vastly different measurement platforms yield different aerosol backscattering, especially close to the tropopause where the influence from tropospheric aerosol is strong. The best agreement is found when the LMS is affected by volcanism, i.e., at elevated aerosol loadings. At background conditions, best agreement is obtained some distance (>2 km) above the tropopause in winter and spring, i.e., at likewise elevated aerosol loadings from subsiding aerosol-rich stratospheric air. This is to our knowledge the first time the CALIPSO lidar measurements have been compared to in-situ long-term aerosol measurements. © 2019, The Author(s).