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Interfacing optical fibers with plasmonic nanoconcentrators

2018, Tuniz, Alessandro, Schmidt, Markus A.

The concentration of light to deep-subwavelength dimensions plays a key role in nanophotonics and has the potential to bring major breakthroughs in fields demanding to understand and initiate interaction on nanoscale dimensions, including molecular disease diagnostics, DNA sequencing, single nanoparticle manipulation and characterization, and semiconductor inspection. Although planar metallic nanostructures provide a pathway to nanoconcentration of electromagnetic fields, the delivery/collection of light to/from such plasmonic nanostructures is often inefficient, narrow-band, and requires complicated excitations schemes, limiting widespread applications. Moreover, planar photonic devices reveal a reduced flexibility in terms of bringing the probe light to the sample. An ideal photonic-plasmonic device should combine (i) a high spatial resolution at the nanometre level beyond to what is state-of-the-art in near-field microscopy with (ii) flexible optical fibers to promote a straightforward integration into current near-field scanning microscopes. Here, we review the recent development and main achievements of nanoconcentrators interfacing optical fibers at their end-faces that reach entirely monolithic designs, including campanile probes, gold-coated fiber-taper nanotips, and fiber-integrated gold nanowires.

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Driving plasmonic nanoantennas at perfect impedance matching using generalized coherent perfect absorption

2021, Grimm, Philipp, Razinskas, Gary, Huang, Jer-Shing, Hecht, Bert

Coherent perfect absorption (CPA) describes the absence of all outgoing modes from a lossy resonator, driven by lossless incoming modes. Here, we show that for nanoresonators that also exhibit radiative losses, e.g., plasmonic nanoantennas, a generalized version of CPA (gCPA) can be applied. In gCPA outgoing modes are suppressed only for a subset of (guided plasmonic) modes while other (radiative) modes are treated as additional loss channels - a situation typically referred to as perfect impedance matching. Here we make use of gCPA to show how to achieve perfect impedance matching between a single nanowire plasmonic waveguide and a plasmonic nanoantenna. Antennas with both radiant and subradiant characteristics are considered. We further demonstrate potential applications in background-free sensing.