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Evolution of the Kondo lattice and non-Fermi liquid excitations in a heavy-fermion metal

2018, Seiro, S., Jiao, L., Kirchner, S., Hartmann, S., Friedemann, S., Krellner, C., Geibel, C., Si, Q., Steglich, F., Wirth, S.

Strong electron correlations can give rise to extraordinary properties of metals with renormalized Landau quasiparticles. Near a quantum critical point, these quasiparticles can be destroyed and non-Fermi liquid behavior ensues. YbRh2Si2 is a prototypical correlated metal exhibiting the formation of quasiparticle and Kondo lattice coherence, as well as quasiparticle destruction at a field-induced quantum critical point. Here we show how, upon lowering the temperature, Kondo lattice coherence develops at zero field and finally gives way to non-Fermi liquid electronic excitations. By measuring the single-particle excitations through scanning tunneling spectroscopy, we find the Kondo lattice peak displays a non-trivial temperature dependence with a strong increase around 3.3 K. At 0.3 K and with applied magnetic field, the width of this peak is minimized in the quantum critical regime. Our results demonstrate that the lattice Kondo correlations have to be sufficiently developed before quantum criticality can set in.

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Two-color two-dimensional terahertz spectroscopy: A new approach for exploring even-order nonlinearities in the nonperturbative regime

2021, Woerner, Michael, Ghalgaoui, Ahmed, Reimann, Klaus, Elsaesser, Thomas

Nonlinear two-dimensional terahertz (2D-THz) spectroscopy at frequencies of the emitted THz signal different from the driving frequencies allows for exploring the regime of (off-)resonant even-order nonlinearities in condensed matter. To demonstrate the potential of this method, we study two phenomena in the nonlinear THz response of bulk GaAs: (i) The nonlinear THz response to a pair of femtosecond near-infrared pulses unravels novel fourth- and sixth-order contributions involving interband shift currents, Raman-like excitations of transverse-optical phonon and intervalence-band coherences. (ii) Transient interband tunneling of electrons driven by ultrashort mid-infrared pulses can be effectively controlled by a low-frequency THz field with amplitudes below 50 kV/cm. The THz field controls the electron–hole separation modifying decoherence and the irreversibility of carrier generation.