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    Improvement of the optical properties after surface error correction of aluminium mirror surfaces
    (London : Biomed Central, 2021) Ulitschka, M.; Bauer, J.; Frost, F.; Arnold, T.
    Ion beam finishing techniques of aluminium mirrors have a high potential to meet the increasing demands on applications of high-performance mirror devices for visible and ultraviolet spectral range. Reactively driven ion beam machining using oxygen and nitrogen gases enables the direct figure error correction up to 1 μm machining depth while preserving the initial roughness. However, the periodic turning mark structures, which result from preliminary device shaping by single-point diamond turning, often limit the applicability of mirror surfaces in the short-periodic spectral range. Ion beam planarization with the aid of a sacrificial layer is a promising process route for surface smoothing, resulting in successfully reduction of the turning mark structures. A combination with direct surface smoothing to perform a subsequent improvement of the microroughness is presented with a special focus on roughness evolution, chemical composition, and optical surface properties. As a result, an ion beam based process route is suggested, which allows almost to recover the reflective properties and an increased long-term stability of smoothed aluminium surfaces.
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    Design and performance analysis of integrated focusing grating couplers for the transverse-magnetic TM00 mode in a photonic BiCMOS technology
    (London : Biomed Central, 2020) Georgieva, Galina; Voigt, Karsten; Peczek, Anna; Mai, Christian; Zimmermann, Lars
    Focusing grating couplers for the excitation of the fundamental transverse-magnetic (TM) mode in integrated silicon photonic waveguides are designed and characterized under the boundary conditions of a photonic BiCMOS foundry. Two types of waveguide geometries are considered – a nanowire and a rib waveguide. Wafer-scale experimental results for nanowire TM grating couplers are in excellent agreement with numerical investigations and demonstrate a robust behavior on the wafer. The mean coupling loss and the 3s interval are -3.9 ± 0.3 dB. The on wafer variation is three times lower than for the fundamental transverse-electric (TE) polarization. Similarly, the coupling in rib waveguides is examined as well. The results indicate that the rib waveguides require a modified geometry when designed for TM. In general, the nanowire waveguide type is more suitable for TM coupling, showing a stable and repeatable performance. © 2020, The Author(s).