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Cargo shuttling by electrochemical switching of core–shell microgels obtained by a facile one-shot polymerization

2019, Mergel, Olga, Schneider, Sabine, Tiwari, Rahul, Kühn, Philipp T., Keskin, Damla, Stuart, Marc C. A., Schöttner, Sebastian, de Kanter, Martinus, Noyong, Michael, Caumanns, Tobias, Mayer, Joachim, Janzen, Christoph, Simon, Ulrich, Gallei, Markus, Wöll, Dominik, van Rijn, Patrick, Plamper, Felix A.

Controlling and understanding the electrochemical properties of electroactive polymeric colloids is a highly topical but still a rather unexplored field of research. This is especially true when considering more complex particle architectures like stimuli-responsive microgels, which would entail different kinetic constraints for charge transport within one particle. We synthesize and electrochemically address dual stimuli responsive core-shell microgels, where the temperature-responsiveness modulates not only the internal structure, but also the microgel electroactivity both on an internal and on a global scale. In detail, a facile one-step precipitation polymerization results in architecturally advanced poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-vinylferrocene) P(NIPAM-co-VFc) microgels with a ferrocene (Fc)-enriched (collapsed/hard) core and a NIPAM-rich shell. While the remaining Fc units in the shell are electrochemically accessible, the electrochemical activity of Fc in the core is limited due to the restricted mobility of redox active sites and therefore restricted electron transfer in the compact core domain. Still, prolonged electrochemical action and/or chemical oxidation enable a reversible adjustment of the internal microgel structure from core-shell microgels with a dense core to completely oxidized microgels with a highly swollen core and a denser corona. The combination of thermo-sensitive and redox-responsive units being part of the network allows for efficient amplification of the redox response on the overall microgel dimension, which is mainly governed by the shell. Further, it allows for an electrochemical switching of polarity (hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity) of the microgel, enabling an electrochemically triggered uptake and release of active guest molecules. Hence, bactericidal drugs can be released to effectively kill bacteria. In addition, good biocompatibility of the microgels in cell tests suggests suitability of the new microgel system for future biomedical applications. © 2019 The Royal Society of Chemistry.

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Cooperative catalytic methoxycarbonylation of alkenes: Uncovering the role of palladium complexes with hemilabile ligands

2018, Dong, Kaiwu, Sang, Rui, Wei, Zhihong, Liu, Jie, Dühren, Ricarda, Spannenberg, Anke, Jiao, Haijun, Neumann, Helfried, Jackstell, Ralf, Franke, Robert, Beller, Matthias

Mechanistic studies of the catalyst [Pd2(dba)3/1,1′-bis(tert-butyl(pyridin-2-yl)phosphanyl)ferrocene, L2] for olefin alkoxycarbonylation reactions are described. X-ray crystallography reveals the coordination of the pyridyl nitrogen atom in L2 to the palladium center of the catalytic intermediates. DFT calculations on the elementary steps of the industrially relevant carbonylation of ethylene (the Lucite α-process) indicate that the protonated pyridyl moiety is formed immediately, which facilitates the formation of the active palladium hydride complex. The insertion of ethylene and CO into this intermediate leads to the corresponding palladium acyl species, which is kinetically reversible. Notably, this key species is stabilized by the hemilabile coordination of the pyridyl nitrogen atom in L2. The rate-determining alcoholysis of the acyl palladium complex is substantially facilitated by metal-ligand cooperation. Specifically, the deprotonation of the alcohol by the built-in base of the ligand allows a facile intramolecular nucleophilic attack on the acyl palladium species concertedly. Kinetic measurements support this mechanistic proposal and show that the rate of the carbonylation step is zero-order dependent on ethylene and CO. Comparing CH3OD and CH3OH as nucleophiles suggests the involvement of (de)protonation in the rate-determining step.