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    Hydrogen Bonding Between Ions of Like Charge in Ionic Liquids Characterized by NMR Deuteron Quadrupole Coupling Constants—Comparison with Salt Bridges and Molecular Systems
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2019) Khudozhitkov, Alexander E.; Neumann, Jan; Niemann, Thomas; Zaitsau, Dzmitry; Stange, Peter; Paschek, Dietmar; Stepanov, Alexander G.; Kolokolov, Daniil I.; Ludwig, Ralf
    We present deuteron quadrupole coupling constants (DQCC) for hydroxyl-functionalized ionic liquids (ILs) in the crystalline or glassy states characterizing two types of hydrogen bonding: The regular Coulomb-enhanced hydrogen bonds between cation and anion (c–a), and the unusual hydrogen bonds between cation and cation (c–c), which are present despite repulsive Coulomb forces. We measure these sensitive probes of hydrogen bonding by means of solid-state NMR spectroscopy. The DQCCs of (c–a) ion pairs and (c–c) H-bonds are compared to those of salt bridges in supramolecular complexes and those present in molecular liquids. At low temperatures, the (c–c) species successfully compete with the (c–a) ion pairs and dominate the cluster populations. Equilibrium constants obtained from molecular-dynamics (MD) simulations show van't Hoff behavior with small transition enthalpies between the differently H-bonded species. We show that cationic-cluster formation prevents these ILs from crystallizing. With cooling, the (c–c) hydrogen bonds persist, resulting in supercooling and glass formation. © 2019 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.
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    Cyclic Octamer of Hydroxyl-functionalized Cations with Net Charge Q=+8e Kinetically Stabilized by a ‘Molecular Island’ of Cooperative Hydrogen Bonds
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH Verl., 2020) Philipp, Jule Kristin; Fritsch, Sebastian; Ludwig, Ralf
    Cyclic octamers are well-known structural motifs in chemistry, biology and physics. These include covalently bound cyclic octameric sulphur, cylic octa-alkanes, cyclo-octameric peptides as well as hydrogen-bonded ring clusters of alcohols. In this work, we show that even calculated cyclic octamers of hydroxy-functionalized pyridinium cations with a net charge Q=+8e are kinetically stable. Eight positively charged cations are kept together by hydrogen bonding despite the strong Coulomb repulsive forces. Sufficiently long hydroxy-octyl chains prevent “Coulomb explosion” by increasing the distance between the positive charges at the pyridinium rings, reducing the Coulomb repulsion and thus strengthen hydrogen bonds between the OH groups. The eightfold positively charged cyclic octamer shows spectroscopic properties similar to those obtained for hydrogen-bonded neutral cyclic octamers of methanol. Thus, the area of the hydrogen bonded OH ring represents a ‘molecular island’ within an overall cationic environment. Although not observable, the spectroscopic properties and the correlated NBO parameters of the calculated cationic octamer support the detection of smaller cationic clusters in ionic liquids, which we observed despite the competition with ion pairs wherein attractive Coulomb forces enhance hydrogen bonding between cation and anion. © 2020 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
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    Spectroscopic Evidence for Clusters of Like-Charged Ions in Ionic Liquids Stabilized by Cooperative Hydrogen Bonding
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2016) Knorr, Anne; Stange, Peter; Fumino, Koichi; Weinhold, Frank; Ludwig, Ralf
    Infrared spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations provide strong evidence for the formation of clusters of like-charged ions in ionic liquids. With decreasing temperature, cooperative hydrogen bonding overcomes repulsive electrostatic interaction. The resulting cyclic tetramers nicely resemble well-known molecular clusters of alcohols.
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    On the Electrochemical Reduction of 4-(Thiazol-2-ylazo)-Substituted 1-Chloronaphthalenes: Formation and Characterization of Stable Radical Anions
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2020) Dmitrieva, Evgenia; Popov, Alexey A.; Yu, Xiuling; Hartmann, Horst
    The electrochemical reduction of two chloro-substituted 4-(thiazol-2-ylazo)has been studied by means of spectroelectrochemistry and simulated with the DFT method. Whereas the 1-chloro-4-(4-chlorothiazol-2-ylazo)forms both a stable radical anion and a dianion, the dianion of 1-chloro-4-(thiazol-2-ylazo)is instable. In the radical anion of both compounds, the spin densities are high not only at the azo moiety but also at C3 in the naphthalene and at C5 in the thiazole moiety. This is in agreement with former experimental results demonstrating the remarkable reactivity of these positions towards thiols which can act as nucleophiles as well as electron donors. © 2020 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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    New Perspectives in the Noble Gas Chemistry Opened by Electrophilic Anions
    (Lausanne : Frontiers Media, 2020) Rohdenburg, Markus; Azov, Vladimir A.; Warneke, Jonas
    Binding of noble gases (NGs) is commonly considered to be the realm of highly reactive electophiles with cationic or at least non-charged character. Herein, we summarize our latest results evidencing that the incorporation of a strongly electrophilic site within a rigid cage-like anionic structure offers several advantages that facilitate the binding of noble gases and stabilize the formed NG adducts. The anionic superelectrophiles investigated by us are based on the closo-dodecaborate dianion scaffold. The record holder [B12(CN)11]− binds spontaneously almost all members of the NG family, including the very inert argon at room temperature and neon at 50 K in the gas phase of mass spectrometers. In this perspective, we summarize the argumentation for the advantages of anionic electrophiles in binding of noble gases and explain them in detail using several examples. Then we discuss the next steps necessary to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the binding properties of electrophilic anions with NGs. Finally, we discuss the perspective to prepare bulk ionic materials containing NG derivatives of the anionic superelectophiles. In particular, we explore the role of counterions using computational methods and discuss the methodology, which may be used for the actual preparation of such salts. © Copyright © 2020 Rohdenburg, Azov and Warneke.