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    Stabilizing a three-center single-electron metal–metal bond in a fullerene cage
    (Cambridge : RSC, 2021) Jin, Fei; Xin, Jinpeng; Guan, Runnan; Xie, Xiao-Ming; Chen, Muqing; Zhang, Qianyan; Popov, Alexey A.; Xie, Su-Yuan; Yang, Shangfeng
    Trimetallic carbide clusterfullerenes (TCCFs) encapsulating a quinary M3C2 cluster represent a special family of endohedral fullerenes with an open-shell electronic configuration. Herein, a novel TCCF based on a medium-sized rare earth metal, dysprosium (Dy), is synthesized for the first time. The molecular structure of Dy3C2@Ih(7)-C80 determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction shows that the encapsulated Dy3C2 cluster adopts a bat ray configuration, in which the acetylide unit C2 is elevated above the Dy3 plane by ∼1.66 Å, while Dy–Dy distances are ∼3.4 Å. DFT computational analysis of the electronic structure reveals that the endohedral cluster has an unusual formal charge distribution of (Dy3)8+(C2)2−@C806− and features an unprecedented three-center single-electron Dy–Dy–Dy bond, which has never been reported for lanthanide compounds. Moreover, this electronic structure is different from that of the analogous Sc3C2@Ih(7)-C80 with a (Sc3)9+(C2)3−@C806− charge distribution and no metal–metal bonding.
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    1-Titanacyclobuta-2,3-diene-an elusive four-membered cyclic allene
    (Cambridge : RSC, 2019) Reiß, Fabian; Reiß, Melanie; Bresien, Jonas; Spannenberg, Anke; Jiao, Haijun; Baumann, Wolfgang; Arndt, Perdita; Beweries, Torsten
    The synthesis of an unusual 1-metalla-2,3-cyclobutadiene complex [rac-(ebthi)Ti(Me3SiC3SiMe3)] (rac-ebthi = rac-1,2-ethylene-1,1′-bis(η5-tetrahydroindenyl)), a formal metallacyclic analogue of a non-existent four-membered 1,2-cyclobutadiene, is described. By variation of the cyclopentadienyl ligand of the titanocene precursor it was possible to stabilise this highly exotic compound which selectively reacts with ketones and aldehydes to yield enynes by oxygen transfer to titanium. Analysis of the bonding and electronic structure of the metallacycle shows that the complex is best described as an unusual antiferromagnetically coupled biradicaloid system, possessing a formal Ti(iii) centre coordinated with a monoanionic radical ligand. © 2019 The Royal Society of Chemistry.
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    Influence of multi-walled carbon nanotubes in polytetrafluoroethylene on the parameters of electronic structure and absorption of ultra-high-frequency radiation
    (Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, 2022) Galstian, I.Y.; Tsapko, Y.A.; Makarenko, O.V.; Yampolskiy, A.L.; Tarusin, Y.V.; Len, E.G.
    Using the methods of angular correlation of annihilation radiation (ACAR), attenuation of electromagnetic radiation in 1.5–2.2 GHz frequency range, and optical ellipsometry, it was shown that in composites of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) + multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), a 2% decrease in the probability of annihilation of positrons in free volumes in PTFE leads to changes in other parameters of electronic structure of composites by 8–29%. Polytetrafluoroethylene is transparent to electromagnetic radiation, but after the addition of 10 wt.% or more of MWCNTs, the composites demonstrate 200–410-fold decrease in the electromagnetic radiation intensity when the radiation passes through a specimen with a thickness of ≈2 mm. It was found that the average radius of the free volumes and the probability of annihilation of positrons are determined by the defect and electronic structures of the polymer matrix only. The Fermi angle and the probability of positrons annihilation with free electrons are determined by the analogous structures of MWCNTs only. Since the electronic characteristics of the atoms and defects in the polymer matrix (at least outside the interphase) do not change, the changes in the other ACAR parameters are mainly due to changes in the imperfect MWCNTs’ atomic and electronic structures. The average radius of free volumes reaches its maximum value in the composite with 10 wt.% MWCNTs. It was found that in a specimen with 10 wt.% MWCNTs, the highest density of free electrons is observed due to charge transfer from free volumes to MWCNTs, and the highest electron density is observed on defects. A disorder of MWCNTs and their branched conductive network can form the ‘tails’ of electronic density of states in a band gap. Thus, composite with 10 wt.% MWCNTs has the highest absorption coefficient for electromagnetic radiation.