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    In situ Raman spectroscopy on silicon nanowire anodes integrated in lithium ion batteries
    (Pennington, NJ : Electrochemical Society Inc., 2019) Krause, A.; Tkacheva, O.; Omar, A.; Langklotz, U.; Giebeler, L.; Dörfler, S.; Fauth, F.; Mikolajick, T.; Weber, W.M.
    Rapid decay of silicon anodes during lithiation poses a significant challenge in application of silicon as an anode material in lithium ion batteries. In situ Raman spectroscopy is a powerful method to study the relationship between structural and electrochemical data during electrode cycling and to allow the observation of amorphous as well as liquid and transient species in a battery cell. Herein, we present in situ Raman spectroscopy on high capacity electrode using uncoated and carbon-coated silicon nanowires during first lithiation and delithiation cycle in an optimized lithium ion battery setup and complement the results with operando X-ray reflection diffraction measurements. During lithiation, we were able to detect a new Raman signal at 1859 cm−1 especially on uncoated silicon nanowires. The detailed in situ Raman measurement of the first lithiation/delithiation cycle allowed to differentiate between morphology changes of the electrode as well as interphase formation from electrolyte components.
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    Optically transparent vertical silicon nanowire arrays for live-cell imaging
    (London : Biomed Central, 2021) Elnathan, Roey; Holle, Andrew W.; Young, Jennifer; George, Marina; Heifler, Omri; Goychuk, Andriy; Frey, Erwin; Kemkemer, Ralf; Spatz, Joachim P.; Kosloff, Alon; Patolsky, Fernando; Voelcker, Nicolas H.
    Programmable nano-bio interfaces driven by tuneable vertically configured nanostructures have recently emerged as a powerful tool for cellular manipulations and interrogations. Such interfaces have strong potential for ground-break-ing advances, particularly in cellular nanobiotechnology and mechanobiology. However, the opaque nature of many nanostructured surfaces makes non-destructive, live-cell characterization of cellular behavior on vertically aligned nanostructures challenging to observe. Here, a new nanofabrication route is proposed that enables harvesting of vertically aligned silicon (Si) nanowires and their subsequent transfer onto an optically transparent substrate, with high efficiency and without artefacts. We demonstrate the potential of this route for efficient live-cell phase contrast imaging and subsequent characterization of cells growing on vertically aligned Si nanowires. This approach provides the first opportunity to understand dynamic cellular responses to a cell-nanowire interface, and thus has the potential to inform the design of future nanoscale cellular manipulation technologies.