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- ItemSample chamber for synchrotron based in-situ X-ray diffraction experiments under electric fields and temperatures between 100 K and 1250 K(Chester : IUCr, 2021) Nentwich, Melanie; Weigel, Tina; Richter, Carsten; Stöcker, Hartmut; Mehner, Erik; Jachalke, Sven; Novikov, Dmitri V.; Zschornak, Matthias; Meyer, Dirk C.Many scientific questions require X-ray experiments conducted at varying temperatures, sometimes combined with the application of electric fields. Here, a customized sample chamber developed for beamlines P23 and P24 of PETRA III at DESY to suit these demands is presented. The chamber body consists mainly of standard vacuum parts housing the heater/cooler assembly supplying a temperature range of 100 K to 1250 K and an xyz manipulator holding an electric contact needle for electric measurements at both high voltage and low current. The chamber is closed by an exchangeable hemispherical dome offering all degrees of freedom for single-crystal experiments within one hemisphere of solid angle. The currently available dome materials (PC, PS, PEEK polymers) differ in their absorption and scattering characteristics, with PEEK providing the best overall performance. The article further describes heating and cooling capabilities, electric characteristics, and plans for future upgrades of the chamber. Examples of applications are discussed.
- ItemHidden Charge Order in an Iron Oxide Square-Lattice Compound(College Park, Md. : APS, 2021) Kim, Jung-Hwa; Peets, Darren C.; Reehuis, Manfred; Adler, Peter; Maljuk, Andrey; Ritschel, Tobias; Allison, Morgan C.; Geck, Jochen; Mardegan, Jose R. L.; Bereciartua Perez, Pablo J.; Francoual, Sonia; Walters, Andrew C.; Keller, Thomas; Abdala, Paula M.; Pattison, Philip; Dosanjh, Pinder; Keimer, BernhardSince the discovery of charge disproportionation in the FeO2 square-lattice compound Sr3Fe2O7 by Mössbauer spectroscopy more than fifty years ago, the spatial ordering pattern of the disproportionated charges has remained “hidden” to conventional diffraction probes, despite numerous x-ray and neutron scattering studies. We have used neutron Larmor diffraction and Fe K-edge resonant x-ray scattering to demonstrate checkerboard charge order in the FeO2 planes that vanishes at a sharp second-order phase transition upon heating above 332 K. Stacking disorder of the checkerboard pattern due to frustrated interlayer interactions broadens the corresponding superstructure reflections and greatly reduces their amplitude, thus explaining the difficulty of detecting them by conventional probes. We discuss the implications of these findings for research on “hidden order” in other materials.
- ItemSize distribution, mass concentration, chemical and mineralogical composition and derived optical parameters of the boundary layer aerosol at Tinfou, Morocco, during SAMUM 2006(Milton Park : Taylor & Francis, 2017) Kandler, K.; Schütz, L.; Deutscher, C.; Ebert, M.; Hofmann, H.; Jäckel, S.; Jaenicke, R.; Knippertz, P.; Lieke, K.; Massling, A.; Petzold, A.; Schladitz, A.; Weinzierl, B.; Wiedensohler, A.; Zorn, S.; Weinbruch, S.During the SAMUM 2006 field campaign in southern Morocco, physical and chemical properties of desert aerosols were measured. Mass concentrations ranging from 30μgm−3 for PM2.5 under desert background conditions up to 300 000μgm−3 for total suspended particles (TSP) during moderate dust storms were measured. TSP dust concentrations are correlated with the local wind speed, whereasPM10 andPM2.5 concentrations are determined by advection from distant sources. Size distributions were measured for particles with diameter between 20 nm and 500μm (parametrizations are given). Two major regimes of the size spectrum can be distinguished. For particles smaller than 500 nm diameter, the distributions show maxima around 80 nm, widely unaffected of varying meteorological and dust emission conditions. For particles larger than 500 nm, the range of variation may be up to one order of magnitude and up to three orders of magnitude for particles larger than 10μm. The mineralogical composition of aerosol bulk samples was measured by X-ray powder diffraction. Major constituents of the aerosol are quartz, potassium feldspar, plagioclase, calcite, hematite and the clay minerals illite, kaolinite and chlorite. A small temporal variability of the bulk mineralogical composition was encountered. The chemical composition of approximately 74 000 particles was determined by electron microscopic single particle analysis. Three size regimes are identified: for smaller than 500 nm in diameter, the aerosol consists of sulphates and mineral dust. For larger than 500 nm up to 50μm, mineral dust dominates, consisting mainly of silicates, and—to a lesser extent—carbonates and quartz. For diameters larger than 50μm, approximately half of the particles consist of quartz. Time series of the elemental composition show a moderate temporal variability of the major compounds. Calcium-dominated particles are enhanced during advection from a prominent dust source in Northern Africa (Chott El Djerid and surroundings). The particle aspect ratio was measured for all analysed particles. Its size dependence reflects that of the chemical composition. For larger than 500 nm particle diameter, a median aspect ratio of 1.6 is measured. Towards smaller particles, it decreases to about 1.3 (parametrizations are given). From the chemical/mineralogical composition, the aerosol complex refractive index was determined for several wavelengths from ultraviolet to near-infrared. Both real and imaginary parts show lower values for particles smaller than 500 nm in diameter (1.55–2.8 × 10−3i at 530 nm) and slightly higher values for larger particles (1.57–3.7 × 10−3i at 530 nm).