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    Detecting Bacteria on Wounds with Hyperspectral Imaging in Fluorescence Mode
    (Berlin : De Gruyter, 2020) Hornberger, Christoph.; Herrmann, Bert. H.; Daeschlein, Georg; Podewils, Sebastian von; Sicher, Claudia; Kuhn, Jana; Masur, Kai; Meister, Mareike; Wahl, Philip
    Chronic non-healing wounds represent an increasing problem. In order to enable physicians and nurses to make evidence based decisions on wound treatment, the professional societies call for supporting tools to be offered to physicians. Oxygen supply, bacteria colonization and other parameters influence the healing process. So far, these parameters cannot be monitored in an objective and routinely manner. Existing methods like the microbiological analysis of wound swabs, mean a great deal of effort and partly a long delay. In this paper 42 fluorescence images from 42 patients with diabetic foot ulcer, recorded with a hyperspectral imaging system (TIVITA®), converted for fluorescence imaging, were analysed. Beside the fluorescence images, information about the bacterial colonization is available from microbiological analysis of wound swabs. After preprocessing, principal component analysis, PCA, is used for data analysis with a 405 nm excitation wavelength, the emission wavelength range 510 - 745 nm is used for analysis. After dividing the data into a training and a test dataset it could be shown, that bacteria are detectable in the wound area. A quantification in bacterial colonization counts (BCC) was not in the focus of the research in this study stage.
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    A correlative analysis of gold nanoparticles internalized by A549 cells
    (Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2014) Böse, Katharina; Koch, Marcus; Cavelius, Christian; Kiemer, Alexandra K.; Kraegeloh, Annette
    Fluorescently labeled nanoparticles are widely used to investigate nanoparticle cell interactions by fluorescence microscopy. Owing to limited lateral and axial resolution, nanostructures (<100 nm) cannot be resolved by conventional light micro­scopy techniques. Especially after uptake into cells, a common fate of the fluorescence label and the particle core cannot be taken for granted. In this study, a correlative approach is presented to image fluorescently labeled gold nanoparticles inside whole cells by correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM). This approach allows for detection of the fluorescently labeled particle shell as well as for the gold core in one sample. In this setup, A549 cells are exposed to 8 nm Atto 647N-labeled gold nanoparticles (3.3 × 109 particles mL−1, 0.02 μg Au mL−1) for 5 h and are subsequently imaged by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Eight fluorescence signals located at different intracellular positions are further analyzed by TEM. Five of the eight fluorescence spots are correlated with isolated or agglomerated gold nanoparticles. Three fluorescence signals could not be related to the presence of gold, indicating a loss of the particle shell.
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    Conjugated Polymer Nanoparticles toward In Vivo Theranostics – Focus on Targeting, Imaging, Therapy, and the Importance of Clearance
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2017) Kuehne, Alexander J.C.
    Conjugated polymer nanoparticles are highly fluorescent colloids with tunable emission colors ranging from the visible deep into the near infrared spectrum. Conjugated polymer nanoparticles are easy to prepare, tunable in their size, and virtually nonbleachable. Conjugated polymer particles can also be designed to give off heat upon irradiation. All these properties make conjugated polymer particles ideal materials for biomedical fluorescence and photoacoustic imaging as well as for theranostic applications. Here, different examples of surface functionalization to attach pathological homing devices, imaging modalities, as well as the emerging possibilities for therapeutic measures are discussed. Furthermore, clearance of the particles is considered, which is important to ultimately apply the materials for in vivo theranostics. Due to the conjugated backbone of the conjugated polymers, established degradation strategies, as known from hydrophilic nonconjugated polymer carriers, cannot be applied. Bioinspired strategies and potential pathways for degradation and clearance via structural changes upon triggers such as pH, oxidation, and temperature are also discussed in this progress report. © 2017 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim