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Repeated exposure of the oral mucosa over 12 months with cold plasma is not carcinogenic in mice

2021, Evert, K., Kocher, T., Schindler, A., Müller, M., Müller, K., Pink, C., Holtfreter, B., Schmidt, A., Dombrowski, F., Schubert, A., von Woedtke, T., Rupf, S., Calvisi, D. F., Bekeschus, S., Jablonowski, L.

Peri-implantitis may result in the loss of dental implants. Cold atmospheric pressure plasma (CAP) was suggested to promote re-osseointegration, decrease antimicrobial burden, and support wound healing. However, the long-term risk assessment of CAP treatment in the oral cavity has not been addressed. Treatment with two different CAP devices was compared against UV radiation, carcinogen administration, and untreated conditions over 12 months. Histological analysis of 406 animals revealed that repeated CAP exposure did not foster non-invasive lesions or squamous cell carcinoma (SCCs). Carcinogen administration promoted non-invasive lesions and SCCs. Molecular analysis by a qPCR screening of 144 transcripts revealed distinct inflammatory profiles associated with each treatment regimen. Interestingly, CAP treatment of carcinogen-challenged mucosa did not promote but instead left unchanged or reduced the proportion of non-invasive lesions and SCC formation. In conclusion, repeated CAP exposure of murine oral mucosa was well tolerated, and carcinogenic effects did not occur, motivating CAP applications in patients for dental and implant treatments in the future.

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Tumor cytotoxicity and immunogenicity of a novel V-jet neon plasma source compared to the kINPen

2021, Miebach, Lea, Freund, Eric, Horn, Stefan, Niessner, Felix, Sagwal, Sanjeev Kumar, von Woedtke, Thomas, Emmert, Steffen, Weltmann, Klaus-Dieter, Clemen, Ramona, Schmidt, Anke, Gerling, Torsten, Bekeschus, Sander

Recent research indicated the potential of cold physical plasma in cancer therapy. The plethora of plasma-derived reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS/RNS) mediate diverse antitumor effects after eliciting oxidative stress in cancer cells. We aimed at exploiting this principle using a newly designed dual-jet neon plasma source (Vjet) to treat colorectal cancer cells. A treatment time-dependent ROS/RNS generation induced oxidation, growth retardation, and cell death within 3D tumor spheroids were found. In TUM-CAM, a semi in vivo model, the Vjet markedly reduced vascularized tumors' growth, but an increase of tumor cell immunogenicity or uptake by dendritic cells was not observed. By comparison, the argon-driven single jet kINPen, known to mediate anticancer effects in vitro, in vivo, and in patients, generated less ROS/RNS and terminal cell death in spheroids. In the TUM-CAM model, however, the kINPen was equivalently effective and induced a stronger expression of immunogenic cancer cell death (ICD) markers, leading to increased phagocytosis of kINPen but not Vjet plasma-treated tumor cells by dendritic cells. Moreover, the Vjet was characterized according to the requirements of the DIN-SPEC 91315. Our results highlight the plasma device-specific action on cancer cells for evaluating optimal discharges for plasma cancer treatment.

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Non-thermal plasma-treated solution demonstrates antitumor activity against pancreatic cancer cells in vitro and in vivo

2017, Liedtke, Kim Rouven, Bekeschus, Sander, Kaeding, André, Hackbarth, Christine, Kuehn, Jens-Peter, Heidecke, Claus-Dieter, von Bernstorff, Wolfram, von Woedtke, Thomas, Partecke, Lars Ivo

Pancreatic cancer is associated with a high mortality rate. In advanced stage, patients often experience peritoneal carcinomatosis. Using a syngeneic murine pancreatic cancer cell tumor model, the effect of non-thermal plasma (NTP) on peritoneal metastatic lesions was studied. NTP generates reactive species of several kinds which have been proven to be of relevance in cancer. In vitro, exposure to both plasma and plasma-treated solution significantly decreased cell viability and proliferation of 6606PDA cancer cells, whereas mouse fibroblasts were less affected. Repeated intraperitoneal treatment of NTP-conditioned medium decreased tumor growth in vivo as determined by magnetic resonance imaging, leading to reduced tumor mass and improved median survival (61 vs 52 days; p < 0.024). Tumor nodes treated by NTP-conditioned medium demonstrated large areas of apoptosis with strongly inhibited cell proliferation. Contemporaneously, no systemic effects were found. Apoptosis was neither present in the liver nor in the gut. Also, the concentration of different cytokines in splenocytes or blood plasma as well as the distribution of various hematological parameters remained unchanged following treatment with NTP-conditioned medium. These results suggest an anticancer role of NTP-treated solutions with little to no systemic side effects being present, making NTP-treated solutions a potential complementary therapeutic option for advanced tumors.

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Restricted differentiative capacity of Wt1-expressing peritoneal mesothelium in postnatal and adult mice

2021, Wilm, Thomas P., Tanton, Helen, Mutter, Fiona, Foisor, Veronica, Middlehurst, Ben, Ward, Kelly, Benameur, Tarek, Hastie, Nicholas, Wilm, Bettina

Previously, genetic lineage tracing based on the mesothelial marker Wt1, appeared to show that peritoneal mesothelial cells have a range of differentiative capacities and are the direct progenitors of vascular smooth muscle in the intestine. However, it was not clear whether this was a temporally limited process or continued throughout postnatal life. Here, using a conditional Wt1-based genetic lineage tracing approach, we demonstrate that the postnatal and adult peritoneum covering intestine, mesentery and body wall only maintained itself and failed to contribute to other visceral tissues. Pulse-chase experiments of up to 6 months revealed that Wt1-expressing cells remained confined to the peritoneum and failed to differentiate into cellular components of blood vessels or other tissues underlying the peritoneum. Our data confirmed that the Wt1-lineage system also labelled submesothelial cells. Ablation of Wt1 in adult mice did not result in changes to the intestinal wall architecture. In the heart, we observed that Wt1-expressing cells maintained the epicardium and contributed to coronary vessels in newborn and adult mice. Our results demonstrate that Wt1-expressing cells in the peritoneum have limited differentiation capacities, and that contribution of Wt1-expressing cells to cardiac vasculature is based on organ-specific mechanisms.

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Physical plasma-treated saline promotes an immunogenic phenotype in CT26 colon cancer cells in vitro and in vivo

2019, Freund, Eric, Liedtke, Kim Rouven, van der Linde, Julia, Metelmann, Hans-Robert, Heidecke, Claus-Dieter, Partecke, Lars-Ivo, Bekeschus, Sander

Metastatic colorectal cancer is the fourth most common cause of cancer death. Current options in palliation such as hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) present severe side effects. Recent research efforts suggested the therapeutic use of oxidant-enriched liquid using cold physical plasma. To investigate a clinically accepted treatment regimen, we assessed the antitumor capacity of plasma-treated saline solution. In response to such liquid, CT26 murine colon cancer cells were readily oxidized and showed cell growth with subsequent apoptosis, cell cycle arrest, and upregulation of immunogenic cell death (ICD) markers in vitro. This was accompanied by marked morphological changes with re-arrangement of actin fibers and reduced motility. Induction of an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition phenotype was not observed. Key results were confirmed in MC38 colon and PDA6606 pancreatic cancer cells. Compared to plasma-treated saline, hydrogen peroxide was inferiorly toxic in 3D tumor spheroids but of similar efficacy in 2D models. In vivo, plasma-treated saline decreased tumor burden in Balb/C mice. This was concomitant with elevated numbers of intratumoral macrophages and increased T cell activation following incubation with CT26 cells ex vivo. Being a potential adjuvant for HIPEC therapy, our results suggest oxidizing saline solutions to inactivate colon cancer cells while potentially stimulating antitumor immune responses.

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Cytochrome C oxidase Inhibition and Cold Plasma-derived Oxidants Synergize in Melanoma Cell Death Induction

2018-8-24, Gandhirajan, Rajesh Kumar, Rödder, Katrin, Bodnar, Yana, Pasqual-Melo, Gabriella, Emmert, Steffen, Griguer, Corinne E., Weltmann, Klaus-Dieter, Bekeschus, Sander

Despite striking advances in the treatment of metastasized melanoma, the disease is often still fatal. Attention is therefore paid towards combinational regimens. Oxidants endogenously produced in mitochondria are currently targeted in pre-clinical and clinical studies. Cytotoxic synergism of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) inhibition in conjunction with addition of exogenous oxidants in 2D and 3D melanoma cell culture models were examined. Murine (B16) and human SK-MEL-28 melanoma cells exposed to low-dose CcO inhibitors (potassium cyanide or sodium azide) or exogenous oxidants alone were non-toxic. However, we identified a potent cytotoxic synergism upon CcO inhibition and plasma-derived oxidants that led to rapid onset of caspase-independent melanoma cell death. This was mediated by mitochondrial dysfunction induced by superoxide elevation and ATP depletion. This observation was validated by siRNA-mediated knockdown of COX4I1 in SK-MEL-28 cells with cytotoxicity in the presence of exogenous oxidants. Similar effects were obtained with ADDA 5, a recently identified specific inhibitor of CcO activity showing low toxicity in vivo. Human keratinocytes were not affected by this combinational treatment, suggesting selective effects on melanoma cells. Hence, targeting mitochondrial CcO activity in conjunction with exogenous pro oxidant therapies may constitute a new and effective melanoma treatment modality.