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    Diode-pumped Alexandrite laser for next generation satellite-based earth observation lidar
    (Wien [u.a.] : Springer, 2019) Strotkamp, Michael; Munk, Alexander; Jungbluth, Bernd; Hoffmann, Hans-Dieter; Höffner, Josef
    In this work, the design of a diode-pumped Alexandrite ring laser in Q-switched single-longitudinal-mode (SLM) operation for a spaceborne lidar mission is presented. The laser is pumped by a self-developed fiber-coupled laser diode pump device and yields a pulse energy of 1.7 mJ at a repetition rate of 500 Hz with an excellent beam quality of M2 < 1.1. By seeding the resonator with a narrow band diode laser, SLM operation with a linewidth of approximately 10 MHz is achieved. The electro-optical efficiency of 2% is the highest achieved for all Alexandrite lasers in SLM operation and reasonable for space operation. The performance analysis as well as benchmarking with the space-qualified mounting technology points out the TRL and the remaining effort for the development of the technology. An estimation of the requirements for a spaceborne resonance lidar mission underlines the suitability of such a lidar system with a diode-pumped Alexandrite laser as the beam source.
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    Insights into the Spin–Orbital Entanglement in Complex Iridium Oxides from High-Field ESR Spectroscopy
    (Wien [u.a.] : Springer, 2021) Kataev, Vladislav
    Complex iridium oxides have attracted recently a substantial interdisciplinary attention due to an intimate entanglement of spin and orbital degrees of freedom which may give rise to a novel spin–orbital Mott insulating behavior and exotic quantum spin liquid phases. Electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy is known to be an instructive tool for studying the spin–orbital coupling (SOC) effects as it can directly access the relevant parameters sensitive to SOC, such as the g factor tensor, magnetic anisotropy gaps and spin dynamics. In this article, a systematic study at the Leibniz IFW Dresden of the static and dynamic properties of selected Ir-based materials with multi-frequency high-field ESR spectroscopy will be reviewed. Specifically, evidence for a surprisingly isotropic antiferromagnetic spin dynamics and the inversion of the orbital states in the prototypical spin–orbital Mott insulator Sr 2IrO 4, observation of the collective resonance modes in the family of double perovskites La 2BIrO 6 (B = Cu, Co) and the origin of the unexpected magnetism in the double perovskite Ba 2YIrO 6 will be highlighted. © 2021, The Author(s).
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    All-on-Chip Concurrent Measurements of the Static Magnetization and of the Electron Spin Resonance with Microcantilevers
    (Wien [u.a.] : Springer, 2021) Alfonsov, A.; Büchner, B.; Kataev, V.
    A large variety of the samples of novel magnetic materials, which are of high interest due to their exotic properties, are only available in very small sizes. In some cases, it is not possible to synthesize large single crystals; in other cases, the small size itself is the key prerequisite to manifest a specifically interesting property of the material. The smallness of a sample rises a problem of the detection of the static magnetic response and of the electron spin resonance (ESR) signal. To overcome this problem, we propose to use a cantilever-based (torque-detected) setup with the capability of a simultaneous measurement of ESR and static magnetization. This setup offers a high sensitivity and the ability to acquire along with the ESR signal the components of the magnetization tensor in a single experimental run. Here, we present the working principle of this setup, as well as the estimate of its sensitivity from the measurements on the standard Co Tutton salt sample. © 2021, The Author(s).
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    Pentacene in 1,3,5-Tri(1-naphtyl)benzene: A Novel Standard for Transient EPR Spectroscopy at Room Temperature
    (Wien [u.a.] : Springer, 2021) Schröder, Mirjam; Rauber, Daniel; Matt, Clemens; Kay, Christopher W. M.
    Testing and calibrating an experimental setup with standard samples is an essential aspect of scientific research. Single crystals of pentacene in p-terphenyl are widely used for this purpose in transient electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. However, this sample is not without downsides: the crystals need to be grown and the EPR transitions only appear at particular orientations of the crystal with respect to the external magnetic field. An alternative host for pentacene is the glass-forming 1,3,5-tri(1-naphtyl)benzene (TNB). Due to the high glass transition point of TNB, an amorphous glass containing randomly oriented pentacene molecules is obtained at room temperature. Here we demonstrate that pentacene dissolved in TNB gives a typical “powder-like” transient EPR spectrum of the triplet state following pulsed laser excitation. From the two-dimensional data set, it is straightforward to obtain the zero-field splitting parameters and relative populations by spectral simulation as well as the B1 field in the microwave resonator. Due to the simplicity of preparation, handling and stability, this system is ideal for adjusting the laser beam with respect to the microwave resonator and for introducing students to transient EPR spectroscopy. © 2021, The Author(s).