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    Pinning of the Fermi Level in CuFeO2 by Polaron Formation Limiting the Photovoltage for Photochemical Water Splitting
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2020) Hermans Y.; Klein A.; Sarker H.P.; Huda M.N.; Junge H.; Toupance T.; Jaegermann W.
    CuFeO2 is recognized as a potential photocathode for photo(electro)chemical water splitting. However, photocurrents with CuFeO2-based systems are rather low so far. In order to optimize charge carrier separation and water reduction kinetics, defined CuFeO2/Pt, CuFeO2/Ag, and CuFeO2/NiOx(OH)y heterostructures are made in this work through a photodeposition procedure based on a 2H CuFeO2 hexagonal nanoplatelet shaped powder. However, water splitting performance tests in a closed batch photoreactor show that these heterostructured powders exhibit limited water reduction efficiencies. To test whether Fermi level pinning intrinsically limits the water reduction capacity of CuFeO2, the Fermi level tunability in CuFeO2 is evaluated by creating CuFeO2/ITO and CuFeO2/H2O interfaces and analyzing the electronic and chemical properties of the interfaces through photoelectron spectroscopy. The results indicate that Fermi level pinning at the Fe3+/Fe2+ electron polaron formation level may intrinsically prohibit CuFeO2 from acquiring enough photovoltage to reach the water reduction potential. This result is complemented with density functional theory calculations as well. © 2020 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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    Deformation at ambient and high temperature of in situ Laves phases-ferrite composites
    (Bristol : IOP Publishing, 2014) Donnadieu, Patricia; Pohlmann, Carsten; Scudino, Sergio; Blandin, Jean-Jacques; Surreddi, Kumar Babu; Eckert, Jürgen
    The mechanical behavior of a Fe80Zr10Cr10 alloy has been studied at ambient and high temperature. This Fe80Zr10Cr10 alloy, whoose microstructure is formed by alternate lamellae of Laves phase and ferrite, constitutes a very simple example of an in situ CMA phase composite. The role of the Laves phase type was investigated in a previous study while the present work focuses on the influence of the microstructure length scale owing to a series of alloys cast at different cooling rates that display microstructures with Laves phase lamellae width ranging from ∼50 nm to ∼150 nm. Room temperature compression tests have revealed a very high strength (up to 2 GPa) combined with a very high ductility (up to 35%). Both strength and ductility increase with reduction of the lamella width. High temperature compression tests have shown that a high strength (900 MPa) is maintained up to 873 K. Microstructural study of the deformed samples suggests that the confinement of dislocations in the ferrite lamellae is responsible for strengthening at both ambient and high temperature. The microstructure scale in addition to CMA phase structural features stands then as a key parameter for optimization of mechanical properties of CMA in situ composites.
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    Nanoscale magneto-structural coupling in as-deposited and freestanding single-crystalline Fe7Pd3 ferromagnetic shape memory alloy thin films
    (Abingdon : Taylor & Francis, 2013) Landgraf, A.; Jakob, A.M.; Ma, Y.; Mayr, S.G.
    Ferromagnetic shape memory alloys are characterized by strong magneto-mechanical coupling occurring at the atomic scale causing large magnetically inducible strains at the macroscopic level. Employing combined atomic and magnetic force microscopy studies at variable temperature, we systematically explore the relation between the magnetic domain pattern and the underlying structure for as-deposited and freestanding single-crystalline Fe7Pd3 thin films across the martensite-austenite transition. We find experimental evidence that magnetic domain appearance is strongly affected by the presence and absence of nanotwinning. While the martensite-austenite transition upon temperature variation of as-deposited films is clearly reflected in topography by the presence and absence of a characteristic surface corrugation pattern, the magnetic domain pattern is hardly affected. These findings are discussed considering the impact of significant thermal stresses arising in the austenite phase. Freestanding martensitic films reveal a hierarchical structure of micro- and nanotwinning. The associated domain organization appears more complex, since the dominance of magnetic energy contributors alters within this length scale regime.