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How to minimize dye-induced perturbations while studying biomembrane structure and dynamics: PEG linkers as a rational alternative

2018, Mobarak, Edouard, Javanainen, Matti, Kulig, Waldemar, Honigmann, Alf, Sezgin, Erdinc, Aho, Noora, Eggeling, Christian, Rog, Tomasz, Vattulainen, Ilpo

Organic dye-tagged lipid analogs are essential for many fluorescence-based investigations of complex membrane structures, especially when using advanced microscopy approaches. However, lipid analogs may interfere with membrane structure and dynamics, and it is not obvious that the properties of lipid analogs would match those of non-labeled host lipids. In this work, we bridged atomistic simulations with super-resolution imaging experiments and biomimetic membranes to assess the performance of commonly used sphingomyelin-based lipid analogs. The objective was to compare, on equal footing, the relative strengths and weaknesses of acyl chain labeling, headgroup labeling, and labeling based on poly-ethyl-glycol (PEG) linkers in determining biomembrane properties. We observed that the most appropriate strategy to minimize dye-induced membrane perturbations and to allow consideration of Brownian-like diffusion in liquid-ordered membrane environments is to decouple the dye from a membrane by a PEG linker attached to a lipid headgroup. Yet, while the use of PEG linkers may sound a rational and even an obvious approach to explore membrane dynamics, the results also suggest that the dyes exploiting PEG linkers interfere with molecular interactions and their dynamics. Overall, the results highlight the great care needed when using fluorescent lipid analogs, in particular accurate controls.

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Link to glow - iEDDA conjugation of a Ruthenium(II) tetrazine complex leading to dihydropyrazine and pyrazine complexes with improved 1O2 formation ability

2022, Müller, Carolin, Wintergerst, Pascal, Nair, Shruthi Santhosh, Meitinger, Nicolas, Rau, Sven, Dietzek-Ivanšić, Benjamin

The synthesis and photophysical properties of the Ru-polypyridyl type complex [(tbbpy)2Ru(bptz)]2+ (Ru-bptz, tbbpy: 4,4’-di-tert-butyl-2,2’-bipyridine, bptz: 2,6-dipyrido-1,2,4,5-tetrazine), and the complexes [(tbbpy)2Ru(L)]2+ formed by inverse electron demand Diels Alder reaction (iEDDA) of Ru-bptz with with alkenes and alkynes, where L is 3,6-dipyrido-2,5-dihydropyridazine (bpdhpn) or 3,6-dipyrido-pyridazine (bppn) are described. A combination of steady-state and time-resolved spectroscopy complemented by the computation of state-specific absorption properties by means of time-dependent density functional theory reveals that the intense visible absorption band stems from Ru → tbbpy and Ru → L metal-to-ligand charge-transfer (MLCT) excitations. The studies show that lowest-lying L-centered MLCT states (3MLCTL) show comparably low emission quantum yields (3–9%) and lifetimes (90–150 ns). This correlates with the singlet oxygen generation ability, following the trend: Ru-bppn > Ru-bpdhpn > Ru-bptz.

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Synchrotron studies of top-down grown silicon nanowires

2018, Turishchev, S.Yu., Parinova, V.E., Nesterov, D.N., Koyuda, D.A., Sivakov, Vladimir, Schleusener, Alexander, Terekhov, V.A.

Morphology of the top-down grown silicon nanowires obtained by metal-assisted wet-chemical approach on silicon substrates with different resistance were studied by scanning electron microscopy. Obtained arrays of compact grown Si nanowires were a subject for the high resolution electronic structures studies by X-ray absorption near edge structure technique performed with the usage of high intensity synchrotron radiation of the SRC storage ring of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The different oxidation rates were found by investigation of silicon atoms local surrounding specificity of the highly developed surface and near surface layer that is not exceeded 70 nm. Flexibility of the wires arrays surface morphology and its composition is demonstrated allowing smoothly form necessary surface oxidation rate and using Si nanowires as a useful matrixes for a wide range of further functionalization.

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Low-power emerging memristive designs towards secure hardware systems for applications in internet of things

2021, Du, Nan, Schmidt, Heidemarie, Polian, Ilia

Emerging memristive devices offer enormous advantages for applications such as non-volatile memories and in-memory computing (IMC), but there is a rising interest in using memristive technologies for security applications in the era of internet of things (IoT). In this review article, for achieving secure hardware systems in IoT, low-power design techniques based on emerging memristive technology for hardware security primitives/systems are presented. By reviewing the state-of-the-art in three highlighted memristive application areas, i.e. memristive non-volatile memory, memristive reconfigurable logic computing and memristive artificial intelligent computing, their application-level impacts on the novel implementations of secret key generation, crypto functions and machine learning attacks are explored, respectively. For the low-power security applications in IoT, it is essential to understand how to best realize cryptographic circuitry using memristive circuitries, and to assess the implications of memristive crypto implementations on security and to develop novel computing paradigms that will enhance their security. This review article aims to help researchers to explore security solutions, to analyze new possible threats and to develop corresponding protections for the secure hardware systems based on low-cost memristive circuit designs.

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(INVITED)Tm:YAG crystal-derived double-clad fibers – A hybrid approach towards high gain and high efficiency Tm lasers

2022, Leich, Martin, Müller, Robert, Unger, Sonja, Schwuchow, Anka, Dellith, Jan, Lorenz, Adrian, Kobelke, Jens, Jäger, Matthias

The hybrid approach of combining a Tm:YAG laser crystal with an amorphous fused silica tube is investigated to evaluate the suitability of the resulting crystal-derived fibers for efficient double-clad fiber lasers. The fabrication process and fiber properties of these Tm fibers are investigated, focusing on the dependence of the active fiber properties on the incorporated Tm3+ concentration. Crystal rods with different doping concentrations (TmxY1-x)3Al5O12 (x = 0.02, 0.05 and 0.08) were used as starting core material for fiber drawing. The investigated fibers are mechanically stable and result in a fairly homogenous and amorphous core glass with optical absorption and emission spectra that are similar to conventional Tm:Al doped silica fibers. Regarding laser properties with 790 nm cladding pumping, we could achieve a maximum slope efficiency of 47% with an output power of 4 W. The fiber laser results are compared to a conventionally fabricated double-clad Tm fiber prepared by Modified Chemical Vapor Deposition and solution doping. To the best of our knowledge, we demonstrate the highest laser output and the highest efficiency obtained from a Tm:YAG crystal-derived fiber.

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Scalable, high power line focus diode laser for crystallizing of silicon thin films

2010, Lichtenstein, N., Baettig, R., Brunner, R., Müller, J., Valk, B., Gawlik, A., Bergmann, J., Falk, F.

We present the design and performance of a diode laser module producing a high intensity line focus at 808 nm for material processing. The design is based on a linear array of 7 laser bars and beam forming optics featuring a micro-optic homogenizer. The module delivers a total output power of 900 W at 140 A and peak intensity created in the focus area of 10.3 kW/cm2. Two systems with line length of 5 cm and 10 cm at a large working distance of 110 mm have been realized. The chosen concept allows scaling in length by joining multiple modules which is of interest for material processing in industrial applications. Application results from laser crystallization of amorphous silicon seed layers used in the fabrication of photovoltaic cells for solar panels are given.

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XPS investigations of MOCVD tin oxide thin layers on Si nanowires array

2018, Turishchev, S.Yu., Chuvenkova, Olga, Parinova, V.E., Koyuda, D.A., Chumakov, Ratibor G., Presselt, Martin, Schleusener, Alexander, Sivakov, Vladimir

Tin oxide thin layers were grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition technique on the top-down nanostructured silicon nanowires array obtained by metal-assisted wet-chemical technique from single crystalline silicon wafers. The composition of the formed layers were studied by high-resolution X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of tin (Sn 3d) and oxygen (O 1 s) atoms core levels. The ion beam etching was applied to study the layers depth composition profiles. The composition studies of grown tin oxide layers is shown that the surface of layers contains tin dioxide, but the deeper part contains intermediate tin dioxide and metallic tin phases.