Search Results

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    First results of a model user survey on a micro-scale model data standard
    (2020) Voss, Vivien; Schlünzen, K.Heinke; Grawe, David; Heydebreck, Daniel; Ganske, Anette
    Micro-scale models are important to assess processes in complex domains, for example cities. The most common data standard for atmospheric model output data are the CF-conventions, a data standard for netCDF files, but this standard is not adapted to the model output of micro-scale models. As a part of the project AtMoDat (Atmospheric Model Data) we want to develop a model data standard for obstacle resolving models (ORM), including the additional variables (i.e. building structures, wall temperatures) used by these models. In order to involve the micro-scale modeller community in this process, a web based survey was developed and distributed in the modeller community via conferences and email. With this survey we want to find out which micro-scale ORMs are currently in use, their model specifics (e.g. used grid, coordinate system), and the handling of the model result data. Furthermore, the survey provides the opportunity to include suggestions and ideas, what we should consider in the development of the standard. Between September 2019 and July 2020, the survey was accessed 29 times, but only 12 surveys were completed. The finished surveys refer to eight different models and their corresponding model information. Results show that these different models use different output formats and processing tools, which results in different model result handling routines. The participants suggested to use the netCDF data format and to provide information on model initialization, model settings and model input along with the model output data. This would enable an easier intercomparison between different models and repetition of model simulations. Standardized model output and variable names would also enhance the development of shared routines for the analysis of micro-scale model data and a better findability of the data with search engines. This survey will remain open with regular assessments of contents (i.e. November 2020, May 2021;
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    Making the Maturity of Data and Metadata Visible with Datacite DOIs
    (Washington, DC : ESSOAr, 2020) Kaiser, Amandine; Heydebreck, Daniel; Ganske, Anette; Kraft, Angelina
    Data maturity describes the degree of the formalisation/standardisation of a data object with respect to FAIRness and quality of the (meta-) data. Therefore, a high (meta-) data maturity increases the reusability of data. Moreover, it is an important topic in data management, which is reflected by a growing number of tools and theories trying to measure it, e.g. the FAIR testing tools assessed by RDA(1) or the NOAA maturity matrix(2). If the results of stewardship tasks cannot be shown directly in the metadata, reusers of data cannot easily recognise which data is easy to reuse. For example, the DataCite Metadata Schema does not provide an explicit property to link/store information on data maturity (e.g. FAIRness or quality of data/metadata). The AtMoDat project (3, Atmospheric Model Data) aims to improve the reusability of published atmospheric model data by scientists, the public sector, companies, and other stakeholders. These data are valuable because they form the basis to understand and predict natural events, including the atmospheric circulation and ultimately the atmospheric and planetary energy budget. As most atmospheric data has been published with DataCite DOIs, it is of high importance that the maturity of the datasets can be easily found in the DOI’s Metadata. Published data from other fields of research would also benefit from easily findable maturity information. Therefore, we developed a Maturity Indicator concept and propose to introduce it as a new property in the DataCite Metadata Schema. This indicator is generic and independent of any scientific discipline and data stewardship tool. Hence, it can be used in a variety of research fields. 1 2 Peng et al., 2015: 3
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    The ATMODAT Standard enhances FAIRness of Atmospheric Model data
    (Washington, DC : ESSOAr, 2020) Heydebreck, Daniel; Kaiser, Amandine; Ganske, Anette; Kraft, Angelina; Schluenzen, Heinke; Voss, Vivien
    Within the AtMoDat project (Atmospheric Model Data,, a standard has been developed which is meant for improving the FAIRness of atmospheric model data published in repositories. Atmospheric model data form the basis to understand and predict natural events, including atmospheric circulation, local air quality patterns, and the planetary energy budget. Such data should be made available for evaluation and reuse by scientists, the public sector, and relevant stakeholders. Atmospheric modeling is ahead of other fields in many regards towards FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable, see e.g. Wilkinson et al. (2016, doi:10.1101/418376)) data: many models write their output directly into netCDF or file formats that can be converted into netCDF. NetCDF is a non-proprietary, binary, and self-describing format, ensuring interoperability and facilitating reusability. Nevertheless, consistent human- and machine-readable standards for discipline-specific metadata are also necessary. While standardisation of file structure and metadata (e.g. the Climate and Forecast Conventions) is well established for some subdomains of the earth system modeling community (e.g. the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, Juckes et al. (2020,, other subdomains are still lacking such standardisation. For example, standardisation is not well advanced for obstacle-resolving atmospheric models (e.g. for urban-scale modeling). The ATMODAT standard, which will be presented here, includes concrete recommendations related to the maturity, publication, and enhanced FAIRness of atmospheric model data. The suggestions include requirements for rich metadata with controlled vocabularies, structured landing pages, file formats (netCDF), and the structure within files. Human- and machine-readable landing pages are a core element of this standard and should hold and present discipline-specific metadata on simulation and variable level.
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    Effects of climate model radiation, humidity and wind estimates on hydrological simulations
    (Chichester : John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2012) Haddeland, I.; Heinke, J.; Voß, F.; Eisner, S.; Chen, C.; Hagemann, S.; Ludwig, F.
    Due to biases in the output of climate models, a bias correction is often needed to make the output suitable for use in hydrological simulations. In most cases only the temperature and precipitation values are bias corrected. However, often there are also biases in other variables such as radiation, humidity and wind speed. In this study we tested to what extent it is also needed to bias correct these variables. Responses to radiation, humidity and wind estimates from two climate models for four large-scale hydrological models are analysed. For the period 1971-2000 these hydrological simulations are compared to simulations using meteorological data based on observations and reanalysis; i.e. the baseline simulation. In both forcing datasets originating from climate models precipitation and temperature are bias corrected to the baseline forcing dataset. Hence, it is only effects of radiation, humidity and wind estimates that are tested here. The direct use of climate model outputs result in substantial different evapotranspiration and runoff estimates, when compared to the baseline simulations. A simple bias correction method is implemented and tested by rerunning the hydrological models using bias corrected radiation, humidity and wind values. The results indicate that bias correction can successfully be used to match the baseline simulations. Finally, historical (1971-2000) and future (2071-2100) model simulations resulting from using bias corrected forcings are compared to the results using non-bias corrected forcings. The relative changes in simulated evapotranspiration and runoff are relatively similar for the bias corrected and non bias corrected hydrological projections, although the absolute evapotranspiration and runoff numbers are often very different. The simulated relative and absolute differences when using bias corrected and non bias corrected climate model radiation, humidity and wind values are, however, smaller than literature reported differences resulting from using bias corrected and non bias corrected climate model precipitation and temperature values.
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    Comparative analysis of meteorological performance of coupled chemistry-meteorology models in the context of AQMEII phase 2
    (Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2014) Brunner, Dominik; Savage, Nicholas; Jorba, Oriol; Eder, Brian; Giordano, Lea; Badia, Alba; Balzarini, Alessandra; Baró, Rocío; Bianconi, Roberto; Chemel, Charles; Curci, Gabriele; Forkel, Renate; Jiménez-Guerrero, Pedro; Hirtl, Marcus; Hodzic, Alma; Honzak, Luka; Im, Ulas; Knote, Christoph; Makar, Paul; Manders-Groot, Astrid; van Meijgaard, Erik; Neal, Lucy; Pérez, Juan L.; Pirovano, Guido; San Jose, Roberto; Schröder, Wolfram; Sokhi, Ranjeet S.; Syrakov, Dimiter; Torian, Alfreida; Tuccella, Paolo; Werhahn, Johannes; Wolke, Ralf; Yahya, Khairunnisa; Zabkar, Rahela; Zhang, Yang; Hogrefe, Christian; Galmarini, Stefano
    Air pollution simulations critically depend on the quality of the underlying meteorology. In phase 2 of the Air Quality Model Evaluation International Initiative (AQMEII-2), thirteen modeling groups from Europe and four groups from North America operating eight different regional coupled chemistry and meteorology models participated in a coordinated model evaluation exercise. Each group simulated the year 2010 for a domain covering either Europe or North America or both. Here were present an operational analysis of model performance with respect to key meteorological variables relevant for atmospheric chemistry processes and air quality. These parameters include temperature and wind speed at the surface and in the vertical profile, incoming solar radiation at the ground, precipitation, and planetary boundary layer heights. A similar analysis was performed during AQMEII phase 1 (Vautard et al., 2012) for offline air quality models not directly coupled to the meteorological model core as the model systems investigated here. Similar to phase 1, we found significant overpredictions of 10-m wind speeds by most models, more pronounced during night than during daytime. The seasonal evolution of temperature was well captured with monthly mean biases below 2 K over all domains. Solar incoming radiation, precipitation and PBL heights, on the other hand, showed significant spread between models and observations suggesting that major challenges still remain in the simulation of meteorological parameters relevant for air quality and for chemistry–climate interactions at the regional scale.