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    Micromagnetic investigation of domain and domain wall evolution through the spin-reorientation transition of an epitaxial NdCo5 film
    ([London] : IOP, 2017-3-1) Seifert, Marietta; Schultz, Ludwig; Schäfer, Rudolf; Hankemeier, Sebastian; Frömter, Robert; Oepen, Hans Peter; Neu, Volker
    The domain pattern and the domain wall microstructure throughout the spin-reorientation transition of an epitaxial NdCo5 thin film are investigated by micromagnetic simulations. The temperature-dependent anisotropy constants K1 and K2, which define the anisotropy energy term in the model, are chosen to reflect the easy axis—easy cone—easy plane spin-reorientation transition observed in epitaxial NdCo5 thin films. Starting at the high-temperature easy c-axis regime, the anisotropy constants are changed systematically corresponding to a lowering of the temperature of the system. The character of the domain walls and their profiles are analysed. The calculated domain configurations are compared to the experimentally observed temperature-dependent domain structure of an in-plane textured NdCo5 thin film.
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    Exponential decay of covariances for the supercritical membrane model
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2016) Bolthausen, Erwin; Cipriani, Alessandra; Kurt, Noemi
    We consider the membrane model, that is the centered Gaussian field on Zd whose covariance matrix is given by the inverse of the discrete Bilaplacian. We impose a delta-pinning condition, giving a reward of strength " for the field to be 0 at any site of the lattice. In this paper we prove that in dimensions d ≥ 5 covariances of the pinned field decay at least exponentially, as opposed to the field without pinning, where the decay is polynomial. The proof is based on estimates for certain discrete weighted norms, a percolation argument and on a Bernoulli domination result.