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    Mobility particle size spectrometers: Calibration procedures and measurement uncertainties
    (Philadelphia, Pa : Taylor & Francis, 2017) Wiedensohler, A.; Wiesner, A.; Weinhold, K.; Birmili, W.; Hermann, M.; Merkel, M.; Müller, T.; Pfeifer, S.; Schmidt, A.; Tuch, T.; Velarde, F.; Quincey, P.; Seeger, S.; Nowak, A.
    Mobility particle size spectrometers (MPSS) belong to the essential instruments in aerosol science that determine the particle number size distribution (PNSD) in the submicrometer size range. Following calibration procedures and target uncertainties against standards and reference instruments are suggested for a complete MPSS quality assurance program: (a) calibration of the CPC counting efficiency curve (within 5% for the plateau counting efficiency; within 1 nm for the 50% detection efficiency diameter), (b) sizing calibration of the MPSS, using a certified polystyrene latex (PSL) particle size standard at 203 nm (within 3%), (c) intercomparison of the PNSD of the MPSS (within 10% and 20% of the dN/dlogDP concentration for the particle size range 20–200 and 200–800 nm, respectively), and (d) intercomparison of the integral PNC of the MPSS (within 10%). Furthermore, following measurement uncertainties have been investigated: (a) PSL particle size standards in the range from 100 to 500 nm match within 1% after sizing calibration at 203 nm. (b) Bipolar diffusion chargers based on the radioactive nuclides Kr85, Am241, and Ni63 and a new ionizer based on corona discharge follow the recommended bipolar charge distribution, while soft X-ray-based charges may alter faster than expected. (c) The use of a positive high voltage supply show a 10% better performance than a negative one. (d) The intercomparison of the integral PNC of an MPSS against the total number concentration is still within the target uncertainty at an ambient pressure of approximately 500 hPa. Copyright © 2018 Published with license by American Association for Aerosol Research.
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    Polymer Brushes under High Load
    (San Francisco, CA : Public Library of Science, 2013) Balko, S.M.; Kreer, T.; Costanzo, P.J.; Patten, T.E.; Johner, A.; Kuhl, T.L.; Marques, C.M.
    Polymer coatings are frequently used to provide repulsive forces between surfaces in solution. After 25 years of design and study, a quantitative model to explain and predict repulsion under strong compression is still lacking. Here, we combine experiments, simulations, and theory to study polymer coatings under high loads and demonstrate a validated model for the repulsive forces, proposing that this universal behavior can be predicted from the polymer solution properties.
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    Atmospheric pressure plasma: A high-performance tool for the efficient removal of biofilms
    (San Francisco, CA : Public Library of Science, 2012) Fricke, K.; Koban, I.; Tresp, H.; Jablonowski, L.; Schröder, K.; Kramer, A.; Weltmann, K.-D.; von Woedtke, T.; Kocher, T.
    Introduction: The medical use of non-thermal physical plasmas is intensively investigated for sterilization and surface modification of biomedical materials. A further promising application is the removal or etching of organic substances, e.g., biofilms, from surfaces, because remnants of biofilms after conventional cleaning procedures are capable to entertain inflammatory processes in the adjacent tissues. In general, contamination of surfaces by micro-organisms is a major source of problems in health care. Especially biofilms are the most common type of microbial growth in the human body and therefore, the complete removal of pathogens is mandatory for the prevention of inflammatory infiltrate. Physical plasmas offer a huge potential to inactivate micro-organisms and to remove organic materials through plasma-generated highly reactive agents. Method: In this study a Candida albicans biofilm, formed on polystyrene (PS) wafers, as a prototypic biofilm was used to verify the etching capability of the atmospheric pressure plasma jet operating with two different process gases (argon and argon/oxygen mixture). The capability of plasma-assisted biofilm removal was assessed by microscopic imaging. Results: The Candida albicans biofilm, with a thickness of 10 to 20 μm, was removed within 300 s plasma treatment when oxygen was added to the argon gas discharge, whereas argon plasma alone was practically not sufficient in biofilm removal. The impact of plasma etching on biofilms is localized due to the limited presence of reactive plasma species validated by optical emission spectroscopy.
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    Gaseous- and Condensed-Phase Activities of Some Reactive P- and N-Containing Fire Retardants in Polystyrenes
    (Basel : MDPI, 2022) Tretsiakova-McNally, Svetlana; Baby, Aloshy; Joseph, Paul; Pospiech, Doris; Schierz, Eileen; Lederer, Albena; Arun, Malavika; Fontaine, Gaëlle
    Polystyrene (PS) was modified by covalently binding P-, P-N- and/or N- containing fire-retardant moieties through co- or ter-polymerization reactions of styrene with diethyl(acryloyloxymethyl)phosphonate (DEAMP), diethyl-p-vinylbenzyl phosphonate (DEpVBP), acrylic acid-2-[(diethoxyphosphoryl)methylamino]ethyl ester (ADEPMAE) and maleimide (MI). In the present study, the condensed-phase and the gaseous-phase activities of the abovementioned fire retardants within the prepared co- and ter-polymers were evaluated for the first time. Pyrolysis–Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry was employed to identify the volatile products formed during the thermal decomposition of the modified polymers. Benzaldehyde, α-methylstyrene, acetophenone, triethyl phosphate and styrene (monomer, dimer and trimer) were detected in the gaseous phase following the thermal cracking of fire-retardant groups and through main chain scissions. In the case of PS modified with ADEPMAE, the evolution of pyrolysis gases was suppressed by possible inhibitory actions of triethyl phosphate in the gaseous phase. The reactive modification of PS by simultaneously incorporating P- (DEAMP or DEpVBP) and N- (MI) monomeric units, in the chains of ter-polymers, resulted in a predominantly condensed-phase mode of action owing to synergistic P and N interactions. The solid-state 31P NMR spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy/Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy, Inductively-Coupled Plasma/Optical Emission Spectroscopy and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy of char residues, obtained from ter-polymers, confirmed the retention of the phosphorus species in their structures.