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    Archivierung und Publikation von Forschungsdaten: Die Rolle von digitalen Repositorien am Beispiel des RADAR-Projekts
    (Berlin : de Gruyter, 2016) Kraft, Angelina; Razum, Matthias; Potthoff, Jan; Porzel, Andrea; Engel, Thomas; Lange, Frank; van den Broek, Karina
    Disziplinübergreifendes Forschungsdatenmanagement für Hochschulbibliotheken und Projekte zu vereinfachen und zu etablieren – das ist das Ziel von RADAR. Im Sommer 2016 geht mit ‚RADAR – Research Data Repository‘ ein Service an den Start, der Forschenden, Institutionen verschiedener Fachdisziplinen und Verlagen eine generische Infrastruktur für die Archivierung und Publikation von Forschungsdaten anbietet. Zu den Dienstleistungen gehören u. a. die Langzeitverfügbarkeit der Daten mit Handle oder Digital Object Identifier (DOI), ein anpassbares Rollen- und Zugriffsrechtemanagement, eine optionale Peer-Review-Funktion und Zugriffsstatistiken. Das Geschäftsmodell ermutigt Forschende, die anfallenden Nutzungsgebühren des Repositoriums in Drittmittelanträge und Datenmanagementpläne zu integrieren. Publizierte Daten stehen als Open Data zur Nachnutzung wie etwa Data Mining, Metadaten-Harvesting und Verknüpfung mit Suchportalen zur Verfügung. Diese Vernetzung ermöglicht ein nachhaltiges Forschungsdatenmanagement und die Etablierung von Dateninfrastrukturen wie RADAR.
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    14 Years of PID services at the German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB): Connected frameworks, research data and lessons learned from a National Research Library perspective
    (Paris : CODATA, 2017) Kraft, Angelina; Dreyer, Britta; Löwe, Peter; Ziedorn, Frauke
    In an ideal research world, any scientific content should be citable and the coherent content, as well as the citation itself, should be persistent. However, today’s scientists do not only produce traditional research papers – they produce comprehensive digital resources and collections. TIB’s mission is to develop a supportive framework for a sustainable access to such digital content – focusing on areas of engineering as well as architecture, chemistry, information technology, mathematics and physics. The term digital content comprises all digitally available resources such as audiovisual media, databases, texts, images, spreadsheets, digital lab journals, multimedia, 3D objects, statistics and software code. In executing this mission, TIB provides services for the management of digital content during ongoing and for finished research. This includes: • a technical and administrative infrastructure for indexing, cataloguing, DOI registration and licensing for text and digital objects, namely the TIB DOI registration which is active since 2005, • the administration of the ORCID DE consortium, an institutional network fostering the adoption of ORCID across academic institutions in Germany, • training and consultancy for data management, complemented with a digital repository for the deposition and provision of accessible, traceable and citable research data (RADAR), • a Research and Development Department where innovative projects focus on the visualization and the sustainable access to digital information, and • the development of a supportive framework within the German research data community which accompanies the life cycle of scientific knowledge generation and transfer. Its goal is to harmonize (meta)data display and exchange primarily on a national level (LEIBNIZ DATA project).
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    Ontologies4Chem: The landscape of ontologies in chemistry
    (Berlin : de Gruyter, 2022) Strömert, Philip; Hunold, Johannes; Castro, André; Neumann, Steffen; Koepler, Oliver
    For a long time, databases such as CAS, Reaxys, PubChem or ChemSpider mostly rely on unique numerical identifiers or chemical structure identifiers like InChI, SMILES or others to link data across heterogeneous data sources. The retrospective processing of information and fragmented data from text publications to maintain these databases is a cumbersome process. Ontologies are a holistic approach to semantically describe data, information and knowledge of a domain. They provide terms, relations and logic to semantically annotate and link data building knowledge graphs. The application of standard taxonomies and vocabularies from the very beginning of data generation and along research workflows in electronic lab notebooks (ELNs), software tools, and their final publication in data repositories create FAIR data straightforwardly. Thus a proper semantic description of an investigation and the why, how, where, when, and by whom data was produced in conjunction with the description and representation of research data is a natural outcome in contrast to the retrospective processing of research publications as we know it. In this work we provide an overview of ontologies in chemistry suitable to represent concepts of research and research data. These ontologies are evaluated against several criteria derived from the FAIR data principles and their possible application in the digitisation of research data management workflows.