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Regional effects of atmospheric aerosols on temperature: An evaluation of an ensemble of online coupled models

2017, Baró, Rocío, Palacios-Peña, Laura, Baklanov, Alexander, Balzarini, Alessandra, Brunner, Dominik, Forkel, Renate, Hirtl, Marcus, Honzak, Luka, Pérez, Juan Luis, Pirovano, Guido, San José, Roberto, Schröder, Wolfram, Werhahn, Johannes, Wolke, Ralf, Žabkar, Rahela, Jiménez-Guerrero, Pedro

The climate effect of atmospheric aerosols is associated with their influence on the radiative budget of the Earth due to the direct aerosol-radiation interactions (ARIs) and indirect effects, resulting from aerosol-cloud-radiation interactions (ACIs). Online coupled meteorology-chemistry models permit the description of these effects on the basis of simulated atmospheric aerosol concentrations, although there is still some uncertainty associated with the use of these models. Thus, the objective of this work is to assess whether the inclusion of atmospheric aerosol radiative feedbacks of an ensemble of online coupled models improves the simulation results for maximum, mean and minimum temperature at 2m over Europe. The evaluated models outputs originate from EuMetChem COST Action ES1004 simulations for Europe, differing in the inclusion (or omission) of ARI and ACI in the various models. The cases studies cover two important atmospheric aerosol episodes over Europe in the year 2010: (i) a heat wave event and a forest fire episode (July-August 2010) and (ii) a more humid episode including a Saharan desert dust outbreak in October 2010. The simulation results are evaluated against observational data from the E-OBS gridded database. The results indicate that, although there is only a slight improvement in the bias of the simulation results when including the radiative feedbacks, the spatiotemporal variability and correlation coefficients are improved for the cases under study when atmospheric aerosol radiative effects are included.

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Profiling of Saharan dust from the Caribbean to western Africa - Part 2: Shipborne lidar measurements versus forecasts

2017, Ansmann, Albert, Rittmeister, Franziska, Engelmann, Ronny, Basart, Sara, Jorba, Oriol, Spyrou, Christos, Remy, Samuel, Skupin, Annett, Baars, Holger, Seifert, Patric, Senf, Fabian, Kanitz, Thomas

A unique 4-week ship cruise from Guadeloupe to Cabo Verde in April-May 2013 see part 1, Rittmeister et al. (2017) is used for an in-depth comparison of dust profiles observed with a polarization/Raman lidar aboard the German research vessel Meteor over the remote tropical Atlantic and respective dust forecasts of a regional (SKIRON) and two global atmospheric (dust) transport models (NMMB/BSC-Dust, MACC/CAMS). New options of model-observation comparisons are presented. We analyze how well the modeled fine dust (submicrometer particles) and coarse dust contributions to light extinction and mass concentration match respective lidar observations, and to what extent models, adjusted to aerosol optical thickness observations, are able to reproduce the observed layering and mixing of dust and non-dust (mostly marine) aerosol components over the remote tropical Atlantic. Based on the coherent set of dust profiles at well-defined distances from Africa (without any disturbance by anthropogenic aerosol sources over the ocean), we investigate how accurately the models handle dust removal at distances of 1500g km to more than 5000g km west of the Saharan dust source regions. It was found that (a) dust predictions are of acceptable quality for the first several days after dust emission up to 2000g km west of the African continent, (b) the removal of dust from the atmosphere is too strong for large transport paths in the global models, and (c) the simulated fine-to-coarse dust ratio (in terms of mass concentration and light extinction) is too high in the models compared to the observations. This deviation occurs initially close to the dust sources and then increases with distance from Africa and thus points to an overestimation of fine dust emission in the models.

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Ice nucleating particles over the Eastern Mediterranean measured by unmanned aircraft systems

2017, Schrod, Jann, Weber, Daniel, Drücke, Jaqueline, Keleshis, Christos, Pikridas, Michael, Ebert, Martin, Cvetković, Bojan, Nickovic, Slobodan, Marinou, Eleni, Baars, Holger, Ansmann, Albert, Vrekoussis, Mihalis, Mihalopoulos, Nikos, Sciare, Jean, Curtius, Joachim, Bingemer, Heinz G.

During an intensive field campaign on aerosol, clouds, and ice nucleation in the Eastern Mediterranean in April 2016, we measured the abundance of ice nucleating particles (INPs) in the lower troposphere from unmanned aircraft systems (UASs). Aerosol samples were collected by miniaturized electrostatic precipitators onboard the UASs at altitudes up to 2.5 km. The number of INPs in these samples, which are active in the deposition and condensation modes at temperatures from -20 to -30 °C, were analyzed immediately after collection on site using the ice nucleus counter FRIDGE (FRankfurt Ice nucleation Deposition freezinG Experiment). During the 1-month campaign, we encountered a series of Saharan dust plumes that traveled at several kilometers' altitude. Here we present INP data from 42 individual flights, together with aerosol number concentrations, observations of lidar backscattering, dust concentrations derived by the dust transport model DREAM (Dust Regional Atmospheric Model), and results from scanning electron microscopy. The effect of the dust plumes is reflected by the coincidence of INPs with the particulate matter (PM), the lidar signal, and the predicted dust mass of the model. This suggests that mineral dust or a constituent related to dust was a major contributor to the ice nucleating properties of the aerosol. Peak concentrations of above 100 INPs std L-1 were measured at -30 °C. The INP concentration in elevated plumes was on average a factor of 10 higher than at ground level. Since desert dust is transported for long distances over wide areas of the globe predominantly at several kilometers' altitude, we conclude that INP measurements at ground level may be of limited significance for the situation at the level of cloud formation.

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Fennec dust forecast intercomparison over the Sahara in June 2011

2016, Chaboureau, Jean-Pierre, Flamant, Cyrille, Dauhut, Thibaut, Kocha, Cécile, Lafore, Jean-Philippe, Lavaysse, Chistophe, Marnas, Fabien, Mokhtari, Mohamed, Pelon, Jacques, Reinares Martínez, Irene, Schepanski, Kerstin, Tulet, Pierre

In the framework of the Fennec international programme, a field campaign was conducted in June 2011 over the western Sahara. It led to the first observational data set ever obtained that documents the dynamics, thermodynamics and composition of the Saharan atmospheric boundary layer (SABL) under the influence of the heat low. In support to the aircraft operation, four dust forecasts were run daily at low and high resolutions with convection-parameterizing and convection-permitting models, respectively. The unique airborne and ground-based data sets allowed the first ever intercomparison of dust forecasts over the western Sahara. At monthly scale, large aerosol optical depths (AODs) were forecast over the Sahara, a feature observed by satellite retrievals but with different magnitudes. The AOD intensity was correctly predicted by the high-resolution models, while it was underestimated by the low-resolution models. This was partly because of the generation of strong near-surface wind associated with thunderstorm-related density currents that could only be reproduced by models representing convection explicitly. Such models yield emissions mainly in the afternoon that dominate the total emission over the western fringes of the Adrar des Iforas and the Aïr Mountains in the high-resolution forecasts. Over the western Sahara, where the harmattan contributes up to 80 % of dust emission, all the models were successful in forecasting the deep well-mixed SABL. Some of them, however, missed the large near-surface dust concentration generated by density currents and low-level winds. This feature, observed repeatedly by the airborne lidar, was partly forecast by one high-resolution model only.

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Satellite retrievals of dust aerosol over the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf (2005-2015)

2017, Banks, Jamie R., Brindley, Helen E., Stenchikov, Georgiy, Schepanski, Kerstin

The inter-annual variability of the dust aerosol presence over the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf is analysed over the period 2005-2015. Particular attention is paid to the variation in loading across the Red Sea, which has previously been shown to have a strong, seasonally dependent latitudinal gradient. Over the 11 years considered, the July mean 630 nm aerosol optical depth (AOD) derived from the Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager (SEVIRI) varies between 0.48 and 1.45 in the southern half of the Red Sea. In the north, the equivalent variation is between 0.22 and 0.66. The temporal and spatial pattern of variability captured by SEVIRI is also seen in AOD retrievals from the MODerate Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), but there is a systematic offset between the two records. Comparisons of both sets of retrievals with ship-and land-based AERONET measurements show a high degree of correlation with biases of <0.08. However, these comparisons typically only sample relatively low aerosol loadings. When both records are stratified by AOD retrievals from the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR), opposing behaviour is revealed at high MISR AODs (>1), with offsets of C0.19 for MODIS and 0.06 for SEVIRI. Similar behaviour is also seen over the Persian Gulf. Analysis of the scattering angles at which retrievals from the SEVIRI and MODIS measurements are typically performed in these regions suggests that assumptions concerning particle sphericity may be responsible for the differences seen.

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Heterogeneous ice nucleation on dust particles sourced from nine deserts worldwide - Part 1: Immersion freezing

2016, Boose, Yvonne, Welti, André, Atkinson, James, Ramelli, Fabiola, Danielczok, Anja, Bingemer, Heinz G., Plötze, Michael, Sierau, Berko, Kanji, Zamin A., Lohmann, Ulrike

Desert dust is one of the most abundant ice nucleating particle types in the atmosphere. Traditionally, clay minerals were assumed to determine the ice nucleation ability of desert dust and constituted the focus of ice nucleation studies over several decades. Recently some feldspar species were identified to be ice active at much higher temperatures than clay minerals, redirecting studies to investigate the contribution of feldspar to ice nucleation on desert dust. However, so far no study has shown the atmospheric relevance of this mineral phase. For this study four dust samples were collected after airborne transport in the troposphere from the Sahara to different locations (Crete, the Peloponnese, Canary Islands, and the Sinai Peninsula). Additionally, 11 dust samples were collected from the surface from nine of the biggest deserts worldwide. The samples were used to study the ice nucleation behavior specific to different desert dusts. Furthermore, we investigated how representative surface-collected dust is for the atmosphere by comparing to the ice nucleation activity of the airborne samples. We used the IMCA-ZINC setup to form droplets on single aerosol particles which were subsequently exposed to temperatures between 233 and 250 K. Dust particles were collected in parallel on filters for offline cold-stage ice nucleation experiments at 253–263 K. To help the interpretation of the ice nucleation experiments the mineralogical composition of the dusts was investigated. We find that a higher ice nucleation activity in a given sample at 253 K can be attributed to the K-feldspar content present in this sample, whereas at temperatures between 238 and 245 K it is attributed to the sum of feldspar and quartz content present. A high clay content, in contrast, is associated with lower ice nucleation activity. This confirms the importance of feldspar above 250 K and the role of quartz and feldspars determining the ice nucleation activities at lower temperatures as found by earlier studies for monomineral dusts. The airborne samples show on average a lower ice nucleation activity than the surface-collected ones. Furthermore, we find that under certain conditions milling can lead to a decrease in the ice nucleation ability of polymineral samples due to the different hardness and cleavage of individual mineral phases causing an increase of minerals with low ice nucleation ability in the atmospherically relevant size fraction. Comparison of our data set to an existing desert dust parameterization confirms its applicability for climate models. Our results suggest that for an improved prediction of the ice nucleation ability of desert dust in the atmosphere, the modeling of emission and atmospheric transport of the feldspar and quartz mineral phases would be key, while other minerals are only of minor importance.

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Sun photometer retrievals of Saharan dust properties over Barbados during SALTRACE

2019, Toledano, Carlos, Torres, Benjamín, Velasco-Merino, Cristian, Althausen, Dietrich, Groß, Silke, Wiegner, Matthias, Weinzierl, Bernadett, Gasteiger, Josef, Ansmann, Albert, González, Ramiro, Mateos, David, Farrel, David, Müller, Thomas, Haarig, Moritz, Cachorro, Victoria E.

The Saharan Aerosol Long-Range Transport and Aerosol-Cloud-Interaction Experiment (SALTRACE) was devoted to the investigation of Saharan dust properties over the Caribbean. The campaign took place in June-July 2013. A wide set of ground-based and airborne aerosol instrumentation was deployed at the island of Barbados for a comprehensive experiment. Several sun photometers performed measurements during this campaign: two AERONET (Aerosol Robotic Network) Cimel sun photometers and the Sun and Sky Automatic Radiometer (SSARA). The sun photometers were co-located with the ground-based multi-wavelength lidars BERTHA (Backscatter Extinction lidar Ratio Temperature Humidity profiling Apparatus) and POLIS (Portable Lidar System). Aerosol properties derived from direct sun and sky radiance observations are analyzed, and a comparison with the co-located lidar and in situ data is provided. The time series of aerosol optical depth (AOD) allows identifying successive dust events with short periods in between in which the marine background conditions were observed. The moderate aerosol optical depth in the range of 0.3 to 0.6 was found during the dust periods. The sun photometer infrared channel at the 1640nm wavelength was used in the retrieval to investigate possible improvements to aerosol size retrievals, and it was expected to have a larger sensitivity to coarse particles. The comparison between column (aerosol optical depth) and surface (dust concentration) data demonstrates the connection between the Saharan Air Layer and the boundary layer in the Caribbean region, as is shown by the synchronized detection of the successive dust events in both datasets. However the differences of size distributions derived from sun photometer data and in situ observations reveal the difficulties in carrying out a column closure study. © 2019 All rights reserved.

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Long-term study on coarse mode aerosols in the Amazon rain forest with the frequent intrusion of Saharan dust plumes

2018, Moran-Zuloaga, Daniel, Ditas, Florian, Walter, David, Saturno, Jorge, Brito, Joel, Carbone, Samara, Chi, Xuguang, Hrabě de Angelis, Isabella, Baars, Holger, Godoi, Ricardo H. M., Heese, Birgit, Holanda, Bruna A., Lavrič, Jošt V., Martin, Scot T., Ming, Jing, Pöhlker, Mira L., Ruckteschler, Nina, Su, Hang, Wang, Yaqiang, Wang, Qiaoqiao, Wang, Zhibin, Weber, Bettina, Wolff, Stefan, Artaxo, Paulo, Pöschl, Ulrich, Andreae, Meinrat O., Pöhlker, Christopher

In the Amazonian atmosphere, the aerosol coarse mode comprises a complex, diverse, and variable mixture of bioaerosols emitted from the rain forest ecosystem, long-range transported Saharan dust (we use Sahara as shorthand for the dust source regions in Africa north of the Equator), marine aerosols from the Atlantic Ocean, and coarse smoke particles from deforestation fires. For the rain forest, the coarse mode particles are of significance with respect to biogeochemical and hydrological cycling, as well as ecology and biogeography. However, knowledge on the physicochemical and biological properties as well as the ecological role of the Amazonian coarse mode is still sparse. This study presents results from multi-year coarse mode measurements at the remote Amazon Tall Tower Observatory (ATTO) site. It combines online aerosol observations, selected remote sensing and modeling results, as well as dedicated coarse mode sampling and analysis. The focal points of this study are a systematic characterization of aerosol coarse mode abundance and properties in the Amazonian atmosphere as well as a detailed analysis of the frequent, pulse-wise intrusion of African long-range transport (LRT) aerosols (comprising Saharan dust and African biomass burning smoke) into the Amazon Basin.We find that, on a multi-year time scale, the Amazonian coarse mode maintains remarkably constant concentration levels (with 0.4 cmĝ'3 and 4.0 μg mĝ'3 in the wet vs. 1.2 cmĝ'3 and 6.5 μg mĝ'3 in the dry season) with rather weak seasonality (in terms of abundance and size spectrum), which is in stark contrast to the pronounced biomass burning-driven seasonality of the submicron aerosol population and related parameters. For most of the time, bioaerosol particles from the forest biome account for a major fraction of the coarse mode background population. However, from December to April there are episodic intrusions of African LRT aerosols, comprising Saharan dust, sea salt particles from the transatlantic passage, and African biomass burning smoke. Remarkably, during the core period of this LRT season (i.e., February-March), the presence of LRT influence, occurring as a sequence of pulse-like plumes, appears to be the norm rather than an exception. The LRT pulses increase the coarse mode concentrations drastically (up to 100 μg mĝ'3) and alter the coarse mode composition as well as its size spectrum. Efficient transport of the LRT plumes into the Amazon Basin takes place in response to specific mesoscale circulation patterns in combination with the episodic absence of rain-related aerosol scavenging en route. Based on a modeling study, we estimated a dust deposition flux of 5-10 kg haĝ'1 aĝ'1 in the region of the ATTO site. Furthermore, a chemical analysis quantified the substantial increase of crustal and sea salt elements under LRT conditions in comparison to the background coarse mode composition. With these results, we estimated the deposition fluxes of various elements that are considered as nutrients for the rain forest ecosystem. These estimates range from few g haĝ'1 aĝ'1 up to several hundreds of g haĝ'1 aĝ'1 in the ATTO region.The long-term data presented here provide a statistically solid basis for future studies of the manifold aspects of the dynamic coarse mode aerosol cycling in the Amazon. Thus, it may help to understand its biogeochemical relevance in this ecosystem as well as to evaluate to what extent anthropogenic influences have altered the coarse mode cycling already.

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Triple-wavelength depolarization-ratio profiling of Saharan dust over Barbados during SALTRACE in 2013 and 2014

2017, Haarig, Moritz, Ansmann, Albert, Althausen, Dietrich, Klepel, André, Groß, Silke, Freudenthaler, Volker, Toledano, Carlos, Mamouri, Rodanthi-Elisavet, Farrell, David A., Prescod, Damien A., Marinou, Eleni, Burton, Sharon P., Gasteiger, Josef, Engelmann, Ronny, Baars, Holger

Triple-wavelength polarization lidar measurements in Saharan dust layers were performed at Barbados (13.1°N, 59.6°W), 5000-8000km west of the Saharan dust sources, in the framework of the Saharan Aerosol Long-range Transport and Aerosol-Cloud-Interaction Experiment (SALTRACE-1, June-July 2013, SALTRACE-3, June-July 2014). Three case studies are discussed. High quality was achieved by comparing the dust linear depolarization ratio profiles measured at 355, 532, and 1064nm with respective dual-wavelength (355, 532nm) depolarization ratio profiles measured with a reference lidar. A unique case of long-range transported dust over more than 12000km is presented. Saharan dust plumes crossing Barbados were measured with an airborne triple-wavelength polarization lidar over Missouri in the midwestern United States 7 days later. Similar dust optical properties and depolarization features were observed over both sites indicating almost unchanged dust properties within this 1 week of travel from the Caribbean to the United States. The main results of the triple-wavelength polarization lidar observations in the Caribbean in the summer seasons of 2013 and 2014 are summarized. On average, the particle linear depolarization ratios for aged Saharan dust were found to be 0.252±0.030 at 355nm, 0.280±0.020 at 532nm, and 0.225±0.022 at 1064nm after approximately 1 week of transport over the tropical Atlantic. Based on published simulation studies we present an attempt to explain the spectral features of the depolarization ratio of irregularly shaped mineral dust particles, and conclude that most of the irregularly shaped coarse-mode dust particles (particles with diameters > 1μm) have sizes around 1.5-2μm. The SALTRACE results are also set into the context of the SAMUM-1 (Morocco, 2006) and SAMUM-2 (Cabo Verde, 2008) depolarization ratio studies. Again, only minor changes in the dust depolarization characteristics were observed on the way from the Saharan dust sources towards the Caribbean.

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Marine organic matter in the remote environment of the Cape Verde islands-an introduction and overview to the MarParCloud campaign

2020, van Pinxteren, Manuela, Fomba, KhannehWadinga, Triesch, Nadja, Stolle, Christian, Wurl, Oliver, Bahlmann, Enno, Gong, Xianda, Voigtländer, Jens, Wex, Heike, Robinson, Tiera-Brandy, Barthel, Stefan, Zeppenfeld, Sebastian, Hoffmann, Erik Hans, Roveretto, Marie, Li, Chunlin, Grosselin, Benoit, Daële, Veronique, Senf, Fabian, van Pinxteren, Dominik, Manzi, Malena, Zabalegui, Nicolás, Frka, Sanja, Gašparović, Blaženka, Pereira, Ryan, Li, Tao, Wen, Liang, Li, Jiarong, Zhu, Chao, Chen, Hui, Chen, Jianmin, Fiedler, Björn, von Tümpling, Wolf, Read, Katie Alana, Punjabi, Shalini, Lewis, Alastair Charles, Hopkins, James Roland, Carpenter, Lucy Jane, Peeken, Ilka, Rixen, Tim, Schulz-Bull, Detlef, Mong, María Eugenia, Mellouki, Abdelwahid, George, Christian, Stratmann, Frank, Herrmann, Hartmut

The project MarParCloud (Marine biological production, organic aerosol Particles and marine Clouds: a process chain) aims to improve our understanding of the genesis, modification and impact of marine organic matter (OM) from its biological production, to its export to marine aerosol particles and, finally, to its ability to act as ice-nucleating particles (INPs) and cloud condensation nuclei (CCN). A field campaign at the Cape Verde Atmospheric Observatory (CVAO) in the tropics in September-October 2017 formed the core of this project that was jointly performed with the project MARSU (MARine atmospheric Science Unravelled). A suite of chemical, physical, biological and meteorological techniques was applied, and comprehensive measurements of bulk water, the sea surface microlayer (SML), cloud water and ambient aerosol particles collected at a ground-based and a mountain station took place. Key variables comprised the chemical characterization of the atmospherically relevant OM components in the ocean and the atmosphere as well as measurements of INPs and CCN. Moreover, bacterial cell counts, mercury species and trace gases were analyzed. To interpret the results, the measurements were accompanied by various auxiliary parameters such as air mass back-trajectory analysis, vertical atmospheric profile analysis, cloud observations and pigment measurements in seawater. Additional modeling studies supported the experimental analysis. During the campaign, the CVAO exhibited marine air masses with low and partly moderate dust influences. The marine boundary layer was well mixed as indicated by an almost uniform particle number size distribution within the boundary layer. Lipid biomarkers were present in the aerosol particles in typical concentrations of marine background conditions. Accumulation-and coarse-mode particles served as CCN and were efficiently transferred to the cloud water. The ascent of ocean-derived compounds, such as sea salt and sugar-like compounds, to the cloud level, as derived from chemical analysis and atmospheric transfer modeling results, denotes an influence of marine emissions on cloud formation. Organic nitrogen compounds (free amino acids) were enriched by several orders of magnitude in submicron aerosol particles and in cloud water compared to seawater. However, INP measurements also indicated a significant contribution of other non-marine sources to the local INP concentration, as (biologically active) INPs were mainly present in supermicron aerosol particles that are not suggested to undergo strong enrichment during ocean-atmosphere transfer. In addition, the number of CCN at the supersaturation of 0.30 % was about 2.5 times higher during dust periods compared to marine periods. Lipids, sugar-like compounds, UV-absorbing (UV: ultraviolet) humic-like substances and low-molecularweight neutral components were important organic compounds in the seawater, and highly surface-active lipids were enriched within the SML. The selective enrichment of specific organic compounds in the SML needs to be studied in further detail and implemented in an OM source function for emission modeling to better understand transfer patterns, the mechanisms of marine OM transformation in the atmosphere and the role of additional sources. In summary, when looking at particulate mass, we see oceanic compounds transferred to the atmospheric aerosol and to the cloud level, while from a perspective of particle number concentrations, sea spray aerosol (i.e., primary marine aerosol) contributions to both CCN and INPs are rather limited. © Author(s) 2020.