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    Translating the Concept of Goal Setting into Practice: What ‘else’ Does It Require than a Goal Setting Tool?
    (Setúbal, Portugal : Science and Technology Publications, Lda, 2020) Kismihók, Gábor; Zhao, Catherine; Schippers, Michaéla; Mol, Stefan; Harrison, Scott; Shehata, Shady; Lane, H. Chad; Zvacek, Susan; Uhomoibhi, James
    This conceptual paper reviews the current status of goal setting in the area of technology enhanced learning and education. Besides a brief literature review, three current projects on goal setting are discussed. The paper shows that the main barriers for goal setting applications in education are not related to the technology, the available data or analytical methods, but rather the human factor. The most important bottlenecks are the lack of students’ goal setting skills and abilities, and the current curriculum design, which, especially in the observed higher education institutions, provides little support for goal setting interventions.
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    Survey: Open Science in Higher Education
    (Zenodo, 2017) Heck, Tamara; Blümel, Ina; Heller, Lambert; Mazarakis, Athanasios; Peters, Isabella; Scherp, Ansgar; Weisel, Luzian
    Based on a checklist that was developed during a workshop at OER Camp 2016 and presented as a Science 2.0 conference 2016 poster [1], we conducted an online survey among university teachers representing a sufficient variety of subjects. The survey was online from Feb 6th to March 3rd 2017. We got 360 responses, whereof 210 were completes, see raw data [2]. The poster is presented at Open Science Conference, 21.-22.3.2017, Berlin.